Parish walk

On 20 May a group of parishioners and friends from St Patrick’s enjoyed a gentle 6 mile coastal walk from Monkseaton to South Shields with a lunch stop at North Shields fish quay.

The weather was glorious, the scenery stunning and the company first class. A great day was had by all!

Thanks to everyone who took part and sponsored the ramblers, £155 was raised for Cafod.

  • Walkers meeting at station
  • Walkers on coastal path
  • countryside
  • Walkers at the coastal ruins
  • Walker on path
  • Walkers on gate
  • Walkers on coastal path
  • Walkers on the beach
  • Coastal ruins
  • Walkers paddling
  • Walkers waiting for ferry
  • On the promenade
  • Walkers on the beach
  • The sea
  • walkers sitting on gate
  • Walkers on path
  • Walker on beach
  • Walkers on beach
  • Walker paddling in sea
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