Parish newsletter

29th Sunday of Year

  • Saturday (19th Oct) 6pm Mass in St Alban’s: Paul Hughes
  • Sunday (20th Oct) 10am Mass in St Patrick’s: People of the Parishes
  • Monday (21st Oct) 10am Mass in St Patrick’s: Justice & Peace in Middle East
  • Tuesday (22nd Oct): No Service
  • Wednesday (23rd Oct) 10am Mass in St Patrick’s: D & M Lenehan +V Diamond
  • Thursday (24th Oct) 10am Mass in St Patrick’s: Priest’s Intention
  • Friday (25th Oct) 10am Mass in St Alban’s: Andrew Sloan
  • Saturday (26th Oct) 6pm Mass in St Alban’s: People of the Parishes
  • Sunday (27th Oct) 10am Mass in St Patrick’s: 90th Birthday (BH) Thanksgiving

We keep in your prayers all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital at this time.

Fr Martin writes…. If you know of anyone who is genuinely sick or housebound who would like to receive Holy Communion please let me know so that suitable arrangements can be made. Once again I invite any Eucharistic ministers who would like to be part of the parish team of care for the sick and housebound to please also let me know.

The Mass of Induction for Fr Martin will take place at St Patrick’s church on Friday 15th November at 6.30pm, followed by refreshments in the parish hall. The Mass will be celebrated by Fr Paul Zelinski, the Dean of this area.

Mass each Friday will be celebrated at 10.00am at St Alban’s.

Please don’t forget to return your CAFOD envelope to the collection as soon as possible.

The next RCIA Meeting takes place this Tues 22nd Oct in the Parish Centre from 6.30pm.

First Holy Communions: Thank you to those Parents of children in school year 4 or above who are baptized as Roman Catholic, who have enrolled them for this years preparation course. Forms are still available at both churches at Masses this Weekend.

The Next Afternoon Tea will be take place in St Patrick’s Parish Centre this Saturday 26th October, 1-3pm. All welcome.

FLAME 2025: Flame 2025 takes place on Saturday 15th March. The theme is ‘UNSTOPPABLE. FAN THE FLAME OF HOPE’. It is open to anyone from school year 9 to University/young adult age. Under 18s must be part of an organised group. Please talk with your school chaplain, catechist or parish priest if you would like to come along. Once again YMT is hoping to take a large number of young people to Wembley Arena (up to 1,000 including accompanying adults). COST: £45 per person (includes return rail travel, Wembley ticket and London travel card). For further information contact

St Alban’s School News
Dear Parishioners

For those of you wishing to continue or sign up as a prayer sponsor for our school, I will be visiting St Alban’s Mass on Saturday 19th October. If you haven’t been a sponsor yet and would like to add your name to the list, please sign up when you see me! All you need to do is offer a daily prayer for a named child, or a particular class or group within our school community. Once I have a completed list I will send individual prayer cards to each prayer sponsor. Thank you.

Mrs M Robinson

Parking at St Alban’s

For information the lower church car park is available for parking each Saturday evening for the vigil Mass.

World Mission Sunday: Today the whole Church unites in prayer for its missionary activity, and in collecting funds to support Catholic communities across the world experiencing situations of poverty and conflict. 

‘Go and invite everyone to the banquet!’ is this year’s theme chosen by Pope Francis. In his message, the Holy Father reminds us that the heart of our mission is to invite everyone to experience the joy of Christ’s resurrection, a gift meant to be shared with the whole world. Everyone deserves to know that they are welcome at God’s table – to experience God’s love, grace and forgiveness.

Donations and prayers on this day have a direct impact on Catholic communities overseas where the Church is too young, too small, or too poor to flourish without help from the rest of the Church. Our donations help to sustain faith communities, support vocations, and enable missionaries to carry out their mission in often dangerous and remote places. Thank you for your ongoing support of Missio through prayer and charity. For further info visit:

Fr Anthony Chantry, National Director Missio

Forthcoming Church Volunteer Census
The Diocese is currently carrying out a volunteer census in our parish. This is to ensure we identify all our volunteers, to offer support and appropriate training and recognition for the important part all play in the life of our parish.” A volunteer is anyone who gives their time freely and regularly to assist anywhere within the Parish, School, or Diocese. During weekend of 19th and 20th of October the census will be explained in more details after the weekend Masses. If you volunteer within the Parish/School/Diocese please complete one of the forms which will be available at the back of church or complete your details via the QR code. Volunteering is a grace from God…Volunteers are the strength of the Church.

Youth 2000 is holding a holy hour of prayer & praise, rosary, reflection and social on Saturday 26th October from 2.00pm to 4pm at St Cuthbert’s RC Church Old Elvet. Open to Young people aged 16-35 (under 16s will need to request a Parent Consent form) Further enquiries email

The Little Sisters of the Poor
Newcastle are having a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 9th November from 12pm to 3pm. Lots of stalls, home baking, Santa’s Grotto, and Arts & Crafts. All are welcome.

Newman Tyneside Circle invites you to come and hear Veronica Whitty speak about Driving Mother Teresa. The meeting will be at Holy Name parish hall, Jesmond, Newcastle, on Thursday 14 November at 2.30pm.

A Liturgy Day for Readers
This is an opportunity for those who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass to look at the background of why we are going to be using a new translation of the Scriptures at Mass. It will take place on Friday, 15th November, 2024 at St. Aloysius, Hebburn from 10.30am – 3.30pm. If you would like to attend, please contact the parish office at (Please note the booking fee of £15 per person will be paid for by your Parish).

Your offerings are our sole source of income
Although we have re-introduced the collection at each Sunday Mass, we do hope that you might consider making your offering by Standing Order. This is by far the easiest way to donate, ideally on a monthly basis. The details for this are below. If you are a tax payer why not consider “Gift Aiding” your offering. At no cost to you, the parish receives 25p for every £1.00 you donate. All you need is to complete a simple Gift Aid form which may be obtained from the parish office at

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

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