Parish newsletter

20th Sunday of the Year (B)

The following celebrations will take place during the days ahead.

  • Saturday: (17th Aug) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Billy, Eileen, Bernadette & Liam Brannigan
  • Sunday: (18th Aug) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Tuesday: (20th Aug)10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre:  Ellen Farrell
  • Thursday: (22nd Aug) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre: Safe Delivery
  • Saturday: (24th Aug) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday: (25th Aug) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church:  Maureen Johnson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit their parish website to discover the times for the coming week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time

Prayer for our Country

Almighty God, Ruler of all the peoples of the earth, forgive our shortcomings as a nation, purify our hearts  to see and love the truth, give wisdom to our leaders, and steadfastness to our people, and bring us at last to that city of peace whose foundations are mercy, justice, and goodwill, of which you are the designer and builder; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Mass Intentions

Fr. Patterson is very grateful for the generous Mass Offerings you have been and continue to hand in. 

Unfortunately he will be unable to celebrate all of the Masses that have been handed in over recent weeks before he leaves us. Rest assured, Fr. Stempczyk will celebrate them in due time after his arrival.

Our new Parish Priest

We are looking forward to welcoming our new parish priest Canon Martin Stempczyk. As the new parish priest of St. Alban’s, Pelaw and St. Patrick’s, Felling, he will reside in St. Patrick’s Presbytery and will move to Felling towards the end of the week beginning Monday, 2nd September. Fr. Patterson will be leaving us on Tuesday, 3rd September after almost 32 years, to take advantage of his retirement in the Sacred Heart Presbytery, North Gosforth. Please keep them and one another in prayer in the coming weeks so that we may continue to be guided by the Spirit of the Living Lord.

Help with tea and coffee

We would value some more help with making teas and coffees after Sunday Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre. Please let whoever is making the refreshments this weekend know if you would like to help and be added to the next rota. Alternatively email the parish office

A call to our parents

If you are bringing your child(ren) up for a blessing at Holy Communion, would you please ensure they cross their arms over their chest before approaching the minister to avoid any possible confusion. Thank you so much.

Cleaning of St. Alban’s Church

We would be very grateful for volunteers who would be able to help with the cleaning of St. Alban’s Church on Friday, 6th September at 9am.

A Liturgy Day for Readers

This is an opportunity for those who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass to look at the background of why we are going to be using a new translation of the Scriptures at Mass. It will take place on Friday, 15th November, 2024 at St. Aloysius, Hebburn from 10.30am – 3:30pm. If you would like to attend, please contact the parish office at Other dates and locations may be found here Liturgy & Prayer – Diocese of Hexham & Newcastle ( (Please note the booking fee of £15 per person will be paid for by the Parish).

Marriage Preparation

Would you feel able to volunteer as a Marriage Preparation Course Facilitator? Are you a confident communicator? Would you like to help couples prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage? Marriage Care is looking for volunteer couples and individuals who would like to train with them in this exciting role. For more information, please contact Moira Graham at

How Local Church Communities can become Guardians of Creation

To promote the theme of this year’s Season of Creation, this online event will showcase how dynamic parishes can offer an inspirational model for others to enable them to take meaningful action for the environment. It takes place online on Wednesday, 4th September, 2024 from 7pm – 8pm

A panel of experts and parish innovators will discuss how to promote greener practices within our local communities in a variety of settings. They will share their experiences and offer best practice and success stories with the goal of inspiring parishes to reduce their environmental footprint and enhance biodiversity.

Organised in collaboration with CAFOD and St Mary’s University, Twickenham the speakers will be:

Dr Roland Daw: A Senior Lecturer in Strategy and Entrepreneurship at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. He has been studying sustainability and decarbonisation in the voluntary sector since 2014.

Kirsty Wright: Head of Property for the Diocese of Plymouth. She holds a degree in Building Surveying & the Environment and sits on the Historic Churches Committee, a statutory committee established by the Patrimony Committee of the Bishops’ Conference, overseeing Listed places of Worship.

A Parish Example: We will also hear from a parishioner who has helped their parish work towards the CAFOD Live Simply award.

Chairing the event: Neil Thorns, CAFOD’s Director of Advocacy

It is an online event and you are asked to register should this be of interest to you. You can register online using the form at the end of the news piece on CAFOD’s website where this link will take you

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453


The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) and Diocesan policies and procedures at all times. Each of our churches has a Parish Safeguarding Representative indicated on the Safeguarding posters displayed  in each church.

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