Parish newsletter

3rd Sunday of Easter

Dear Parishioners

What does the new life of the Resurrection mean for you?

The gospel read at Mass this Sunday, (John 21: 1-15), helps us to realise that we will get nowhere in life by ourselves. We need the presence of Christ and his love to touch our hearts and enrich us through our faith and prayer, through the sacraments and through the love we receive from our fellow Christians.

Our response to our love for Christ is often seen in our love for others, especially those in need. To do this, we have to overcome our own selfishness and fears that can prevent us from being open to the world beyond us.

It is this sense of welcoming the challenge of the world that lies beyond us that will not only give us a share in the calling of our Risen Lord,  but will also help us deal with whatever life may demand of us in carrying out our response to the challenge.

So what would your answer be to the question Jesus asked of Peter: “Do you love me?”

May the glory and the promise of this joyous time of year bring peace and happiness to you and those you hold most dear. And may Christ, Our Risen Saviour, always be there by your side to bless you most abundantly and be your loving guide

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following Intentions. You are encouraged to wear face coverings when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – No Mass today
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Teresa Smith
  • Wednesday – Celia Morley
  • Thursday – 11.00 Wedding Service for Kamil Zurek and Sophie Moffatt                                             
  • Friday – Eileen Buck
  • Saturday -Fr. Patterson’s Intentions
  • Sunday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Current Diocesan COVID Controls

In keeping with the National Guidelines for Churches issued by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales the following  arrangements for St. Patrick’s Church are as follows:

  • If you are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 you should stay at home.
  • Hand sanitiser will continue to be offered as you enter and leave church.
  • You are encouraged to wear a face covering during the celebration of Mass.
  • Indoor congregational singing can take place with a general encouragement that face coverings are worn.
  • Although there is no formal social distancing by way of seating, we ask that when you take your seat, you are sensitive to the needs of other people who are already in a bench and may not be comfortable if you “snuggle up” to them. We have plenty of seating space.
  • We will, for the time being, continue to invite you to come forward for Holy Communion, row by row from the front. Holy Communion will continue to be distributed under one kind only. At the end of Mass, you may leave at your leisure.
  • It is still important to ventilate our buildings. This has the effect of diluting and dispersing viral particles.
  • Welcomers will be on hand to greet you and care for you.

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital.
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time and,
  • Ambrose Mulroy who has died. May he rest in peace.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 174,912 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

A Prayer for Eastertime

Risen Christ, when darkness overwhelms us may your dawn beckon. When fear paralyses us may your touch release us. When grief torments us may your peace enfold us. When memories haunt us may your presence heal us. When justice fails us may your power ignite us. When apathy stagnates us may your challenge renew us. When courage leaves us may your spirit inspire us. When despair grips us may your hope restore us. And when death threatens us may your resurrection light lead us. Amen

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermons

Each week Bishop Barron offers a Sunday sermon.

St. Alban’s Church

Fr. Patterson had a fruitful meeting with Bishop Robert last week to discuss the possible reopening of St. Alban’s Church. The Bishop is very supportive of the care and attention Fr. Patterson has taken to accomplish a reopening.

The Bishop expressed his concern that the current level of support offered by parishioners is not what was hoped for, but agreed with Fr. Patterson, that we could proceed with the reopening of the church, initially for a Saturday Vigil Mass only, to assess the level of need and support.

The Bishop asked that the situation should be reviewed at the end of the summer.

Bishop Robert also advised that the responsibility for securing adequate help and support and the organisation of that support in St. Alban’s should lie with the parishioners themselves. This is becoming increasingly more important in parishes throughout the diocese due to fewer priests, their age profile and their associated health issues. In the light of the Bishop’s advice, Fr. Patterson has invited Terry and Christine Harbron to coordinate this work.

In the days ahead, they will be contacting those of you who have offered to help inviting you to join rotas and establish work patterns and I am grateful to them for accepting this role.

The first step will be for the Church to be deep cleaned and DBS checks carried out on volunteers whose role demands safeguarding checks. When these are complete, and the rotas have been prepared, we can set a date for the reopening of the Church.

We still need much more support in every aspect of parish life, so if you feel able to help in any way at all, please contact Terry and Christine by telephoning 0191 469 8697. Please avoid calling at weekends and after 6pm.

Fr. Patterson hopes that you will respond positively to this opportunity to play your part in rebuilding our parish family.

Keys to St. Alban’s Church

If you currently hold a key to St. Alban’s Church would you please return it to St. Patrick’s Presbytery ideally during the course of the coming week. Simply place it in an envelope with a note of your name, to enable us to identify the keyholder, and post it through the letterbox at St. Patrick’s. For security reasons keys should not be posted through St. Alban’s presbytery door.

St. Patrick’s Church is in need of your support

We would like to invite parishioners to come forward and support the next phase of the re-opening of St. Patrick’s Church.

We wish to re-establish rota’s for the following roles and ministries in St. Patrick’s Church:

  • Reading at Mass on weekdays and/or Sundays
  • assisting as a Eucharistic Minister for the distribution of the sacred host on weekdays and/or Sundays
  • preparing light refreshments in the parish centre after Sunday Mass
  • supporting our “welcomers” by offering to help with the opening of the Church for Mass and tidying up afterwards on weekdays and/or Sundays and, of course welcoming fellow parishioners and visitors to our church.
  • assisting with the childrens’ liturgy if/when we are in a position to restart it
  • to join in the music ministry whether as an instrumentalist or singer
  • to help with counting the collection

The more support you give will make it less demanding on any individual or group/team.

Please indicate your offer of support by emailing or by telephoning Maureen on 07526 232124 on Friday, 6th May between 6pm – 7pm. This number will not be available at any other time.

Parishioners who have, in recent months, made offers of help will automatically be included in the rotas.

Refreshments after Mass

Refreshments will next be served in St. Patrick’s parish centre after Mass on Sunday,  15th May.

St. Patrick’s Health and Safety Representative

Every parish must have a nominated Health and Safety representative to look after your well-being whilst on Church property. Fr. Patterson is grateful to Joanne McShane for offering to act in this capacity. Should you have any health and safety issues, please speak with Joanne.

Fr. Patterson would like to thank George Hodgson for having served as our Health and Safety Representative for many years and is now enjoying his retirement!

Taking the collection during Mass

Although no collection is taken during Mass, by way of passing baskets along the benches, we do hope you will support our church financially by placing your offering in the boxes at the entrances to the church. Alternatively you may consider contributing by standing order the details for which are found below.

Your Offertory contributions

Many of you during the past two years have chosen to make your offering by standing order or by bank transfer and we are most grateful to you for doing so. It is hoped that you will continue to make your offering in this way. To reduce the demands on parish administration, we invite more of you to consider making your offering in this way whether you are in the gift aid scheme or not. The bank details you require are:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

If you are a tax payer and are not a member of the parish gift aid scheme please consider joining the scheme, it costs you nothing and the parish benefits by being able to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your offering. The parish receives 25p of every £1.00 you give from HMRC. All that is required, is for you to complete a simple form which does not involve you disclosing any personal financial information and is held securely by the Diocesan Finance Office. To obtain a form, or for more information, please email St. Patrick’s Gift Aid organiser at

For the time being, enquiries concerning the Gift Aid scheme for St. Albans Church should be directed to Fr. Patterson at

The Little Sisters of the Poor Appeal

The Sisters at St Joseph’s Home in Newcastle are finding the current economic climate increasingly more difficult. The measures they have had to implement to keep their residents safe during the pandemic have had a huge impact on the daily running costs of the Home. If you would like to support their annual appeal place your donation in an envelope marked “Little Sisters” and place it in the boxes as you enter the Church next Sunday, 8th May. Those of you with boxes of envelopes should have an envelope included in your box. Alternatively, secure, online donations can be made by visiting:

Joe’s Place – Easter hamper raffle.

Thanks to those who bought tickets for the Easter Hamper raffle which raised £100.00 for Joe’s Place. The prize has been claimed. Thanks to the parishioner who donated the hamper.

The Diocesan Refugee Project

Your ongoing support of this project would be welcomed.  It supports over 400 asylum seekers. The project tries to provide them all with a bag of food and those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher. Donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil, tins of tomatoes and chick peas may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of St. Patrick’s Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Minsteracres Retreat Centre Open Day

On Bank Holiday Monday, from 11am – 3pm, there will be an opportunity to visit the Grade II Listed House and beautiful grounds situated just off the A68 south of Riding Mill. With exhibitions, tours, spaces for reflection, guided walks through the grounds and plenty of tea, coffee and cakes in the refectory, it’s the perfect opportunity to discover more about this Passionist retreat centre in the picturesque Northumberland countryside.  The magnificent avenue of giant Californian redwoods (Sequoia) is an inspiring sight with an immediate calming presence. 

The wearing of Face Coverings

Several parishioners have expressed their concerns that fewer people are wearing face coverings in shops and on public transport and of course there is no longer an obligation for them to do so. Sometimes they find themselves the only one on a bus or on the Metro wearing their face covering and feel self conscious.

But Covid has not gone away. So here is something for you to think about. If you enter a place where another person is wearing a face covering and you are not – why not put a face covering on for the benefit of the person who is already wearing one. Like Covid , a person’s vulnerability to the virus is not visible! A face covering might provide a clue!

Please get vaccinated

The Bishops have issued a statement declaring that the principal means of protecting people who attend Catholic Churches in England and Wales is through participation in the Government vaccination programme. Those who are fully vaccinated will have significant personal resilience against major illness from the Covid-19 virus and its variants. The Catholic Church has promoted the participation of all in the vaccination programme as part of its mitigation of virus transmission in church and ancillary buildings.

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update – COVID cases in free fall but for how long?

Professor Tim Spector this week says it’s a relief to see that cases in the UK are continuing to drop. Tim shares the results of the Zoe ear ringing survey to find out just how bad it is for some of you after catching COVID, as well as symptoms common in cancer sufferers.

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Data from the Office of National statistics may also be of interest to you with 1 in 25 people having Covid in England.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

2nd Sunday of Easter

Dear Parishioners

I hope you were able to enjoy Easter and maybe spend time with those you love dearly.

I would like to thank everyone who felt able to join us in St Patrick’s Church for the celebration of the Holy Week Services and for Mass on Easter Sunday morning. There were some very genuine tears of joy shed as parishioners met afterwards in the parish centre, where they enjoyed each others company over tea and coffee.

I am also grateful to those who were able to minister and read in our liturgies and for our welcomers who continue to look after us so well during our time in Church.

Thank you for your cards and gifts, but especially for your support, understanding, patience and prayers as we move forward slowly but surely together learning to live and worship safely with Covid.

Some of us, like Thomas in the gospel, may still have our doubts about what the future holds. But let us seek in prayer and worship the depth of faith that will lead us, like Thomas, to discover the presence of the Risen Lord in our lives.

May God bless us and keep us safe.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following Intentions. You are encouraged to wear face coverings when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Mary Rafferty and Betty Knight 
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Evelyn May and George Craig
  • Wednesday – Catherine Palmer
  • Thursday – LDM Murray Family
  • Friday -Brian Quigley
  • Saturday -Fr Patterson’s Intentions
  • Sunday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners 

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions

Current Diocesan COVID Controls

In keeping with the National Guidelines for Churches issued by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales the following  arrangements for St Patrick’s Church are as follows:If you are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 you should stay at home.

  • Hand sanitiser will continue to be offered as you enter and leave church.
  • You are encouraged to wear a face covering during the celebration of Mass.
  • Indoor congregational singing can take place with a general encouragement that face coverings are worn.
  • Although there is no formal social distancing by way of seating, we ask that when you take your seat, you are sensitive to the needs of other people who are already in a bench and may not be comfortable if you “snuggle up” to them. We have plenty of seating space.
  • We will, for the time being, continue to invite you to come forward for Holy Communion, row by row from the front. Holy Communion will continue to be distributed under one kind only. At the end of Mass, you may leave at your leisure.
  • It is still important to ventilate our buildings. This has the effect of diluting and dispersing viral particles.
  • Welcomers will be on hand to greet you and care for you.

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Eileen Buck. Evelyn May Craig, Paul Hughes, Betty Knight and Teresa Smith.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 173,352 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

A Prayer for Eastertime

Risen Christ, when darkness overwhelms us may your dawn beckon. When fear paralyses us may your touch release us. When grief torments us may your peace enfold us. When memories haunt us may your presence heal us. When justice fails us may your power ignite us. When apathy stagnates us may your challenge renew us. When courage leaves us may your spirit inspire us. When despair grips us may your hope restore us. And when death threatens us may your resurrection light lead us. Amen  

St. Alban’s Church

Fr. Patterson is grateful for the offers of support he has received in the hope that we may be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church. He is meeting with Bishop Robert this week to discuss the way forward and will, of course, share with you the outcome of his discussions.

Sick and Retired Priests Collection – Sunday, 24th April, 2022

This Collection is administered by the Northern Brethren Fund, a group of diocesan priests who aim to raise funds every year to help give grants to our sick and retired priests. Each month, the NBF offers £450 to our sick and retired priests which amounts to £15,750.00 per year.

Like most charities, our Sick and Retired Priests Fund has suffered during the pandemic. In 2019, the Collection raised £21,465; in 2020 it raised £7,908; and in 2019, it was £5,928.

Please do what you can to support our sick and retired priests, some of whom you will know. They have dedicated their lives to the work of the Church in our Diocese and are now living with the frailty of the ageing process. Offerings may be placed in the boxes at the entrance to St. Patrick’s Church in an envelope marked Retired Priests.

It has been brought to my attention that those of you with boxes of envelopes do not have an envelope in your box for this collection. Instead the printer included two envelopes for the Little Sisters of the Poor Collection which is next Sunday. Simply write “Retired Priests” on one of those envelopes should you wish to contribute to the collection for sick and retired priests or use your own envelope.   

Joe’s Place – Easter hamper raffle.

Joe’s Place, held in St. Joseph’s parish hall, Gateshead, is open every Wednesday to support some of the most vulnerable people in our area. Run by a team of volunteers, Joe’s Place is a drop-in centre with a difference, offering table service and a choice of free, hot and cold food and refreshments from a varied menu.

As well as food and shelter, the volunteers also provide friendly conversation and a listening ear and are able to guide anyone in need of additional support to agencies and organisations able to help.

They are always grateful for financial support to assist their work. This Sunday there will be a raffle of an Easter hamper after Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre with light refreshments. Tickets are £1.00 and will be on sale before Mass outside at the top door of the Church and after Mass at the back of Church. The proceeds will go to Joe’s Place.

The Diocesan Refugee Project

Your ongoing support of this project would be welcomed.  It supports over 400 asylum seekers. The project tries to provide them all with a bag of food and those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher. Donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil, tins of tomatoes and chick peas may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of St. Patrick’s Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal for the Ukraine.

If you wish to support the Appeal, donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church or put through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s presbytery. Please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. For security reasons, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery. Alternatively you may donate directly to Cafod.  Fr. Patterson is grateful for further donations amounting to £15.00 for this appeal and a donation of £5.00 for Cafod’s Afghan Appeal.

Your Offertory contributions from 1st April, 2022

For the past two years, as a result of the pandemic, we have been left with a large number of unclaimed sets of weekly offering envelopes which came at a considerable cost to our parishes. With the uncertainties of the year ahead, we will only be issuing envelopes for the coming financial year to those of you who are in the parish gift aid scheme and are not already contributing by standing order or bankers order.

As non gift aid envelopes no longer need to be individually recorded, we ask that those of you who are not in the gift aid scheme, might bring your offering in an envelope of your own or simply place your offering in the box provided in the church as “loose plate.” Alternatively you may take a set of envelopes from St. Patrick’s Church dating back to 2020/21 which may be used. You do not have to use the number that was allocated to you in the past—any box will do.

Many of you during the past two years have chosen to make your offering by standing order or by bank transfer and we are most grateful to you for doing so. It is hoped that you will continue to make your offering in this way, which saves on administration costs. For those of you who gift aid your offering, tax can still be reclaimed from the standing order method of contributing. We invite more of you to consider making your offering in this way whether you are in the gift aid scheme or not. The bank details you require are printed below.

If you are a tax payer and are not a member of the parish gift aid scheme please consider joining the scheme, it costs you nothing and the parish benefits by being able to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your offering. All that is required, is for you to complete a simple form which does not involve you disclosing any personal financial information and is held securely by the Diocesan Finance Office.

To obtain a form, or for more information, please email St. Patrick’s Gift Aid organiser at

For the time being, enquiries concerning the Gift Aid scheme for St. Albans Church should be directed to Fr. Patterson at

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

The wearing of Face Coverings

Several parishioners have expressed their concerns that fewer people are wearing face coverings in shops and on public transport and of course there is no longer an obligation for them to do so. Sometimes they find themselves the only one on a bus or on the Metro wearing their face covering and feel self conscious.

But Covid has not gone away. So here is something for you to think about. If you enter a place where another person is wearing a face covering and you are not – why not put a face covering on for the benefit of the person who is already wearing one. Like Covid, a person’s vulnerability to the virus is not visible! A face covering might provide a clue!

Please get vaccinated

The Bishops have issued a statement declaring that the principal means of protecting people who attend Catholic Churches in England and Wales is through participation in the Government vaccination programme. Those who are fully vaccinated will have significant personal resilience against major illness from the Covid-19 virus and its variants. The Catholic Church has promoted the participation of all in the vaccination programme as part of its mitigation of virus transmission in church and ancillary buildings.

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update – As COVID falls, why are so many people still in hospital?

Professor Tim Spector this week, as well as sharing the real case data, looks at how our rates of hospitalisations compare internationally, including looking at what’s happening in China. He’s also sharing fascinating data on cancers: which are most common, when people get them and who gets them.

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Data from the Office of National statistics may also be of interest to you with 1 in 17 people having Covid in England.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

Easter Sunday

Dear Parishioners

Might I take this opportunity to wish you and your families all the blessings of the Easter Feast.  I hope you will feel able to join me for Mass on Sunday at 10am in St. Patrick’s Church.

Easter is a Feast which brings the promise of a new and eternal life lived out in God’s presence. A new life that can also be experienced in our own time and place through the witness of those who believe.

Whilst it doesn’t take away all that is going on around us in the world, it does give us hope and through the lives of believers that hope can become a reality for everyone.

It takes us back to the words of the prophet Isaiah which we heard read on Palm Sunday:-

“The Lord has given me a disciple’s tongue.
So that I may know how to reply to the wearied he provides me with speech.
Each morning he wakes me to hear, to listen to his word.
The Lord has opened my ears.
For my part, I made no resistance, neither did I turn away.
The Lord comes to my help.”

May God bless us and keep us safe from harm. 

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following IntentionsYou are strongly recommended to wear a face when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Baptism of  Amelia Lockerbie
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – Paul Hughes
  • Wednesday – Molly Bell Thursday
  • Brian Grace Jnr
  • Friday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – Funeral Service for Joan Elliott
  • Saturday – Fr. Patterson’s Intentions 
  • Sunday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Current Diocesan COVID Controls

In keeping with the National Guidelines for Churches issued by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales the following  arrangements for St. Patrick’s Church are as follows:

  • If you are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 you should stay at home.
  • Hand sanitiser will continue to be offered as you enter and leave church.
  • You are encouraged to wear a face covering during the celebration of Mass.
  • Indoor congregational singing can take place with a general encouragement that face coverings are worn.
  • Although there is no formal social distancing by way of seating, we ask that when you take your seat, you are sensitive to the needs of other people who are already in a bench and may not be comfortable if you “snuggle up” to them. We have plenty of seating space.
  • We will, for the time being, continue to invite you to come forward for Holy Communion, row by row from the front. Holy Communion will continue to be distributed under one kind only. At the end of Mass, you may leave at your leisure.
  • It is still important to ventilate our buildings. This has the effect of diluting and dispersing viral particles
  • Welcomers will be on hand to greet you and care for you.  

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Molly Bell and Brian Grace Jnr.

 A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 171,396 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Thursday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

A Prayer for Eastertime

Risen Christ, when darkness overwhelms us may your dawn beckon. When fear paralyses us may your touch release us. When grief torments us may your peace enfold us. When memories haunt us may your presence heal us. When justice fails us may your power ignite us. When apathy stagnates us may your challenge renew us. When courage leaves us may your spirit inspire us. When despair grips us may your hope restore us. And when death threatens us may your resurrection light lead us. Amen

St. Alban’s Church

Fr. Patterson is grateful for the offers of support he has received in the hope that we will be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church. He is meeting with Bishop Robert in ten days time to discuss the way forward and will, of course, share with you the outcome of his discussions.

Sick and Retired Priests Collection

The Collection for the Sick and Retired Priests of our Diocese will be taken next Sunday, 24th April.

This Collection is administered by the Northern Brethren Fund, a group of diocesan priests who aim to raise funds every year to help give grants to our sick and retired priests. Each month, the NBF offers £450 to our sick and retired priests which amounts to £15,750.00 per year.

Like most charities, our Sick and Retired Priests Fund has suffered during the pandemic. In 2019, the Collection raised £21,465; in 2020 it raised £7,908; and in 2019, it was £5,928.

Please do what you can to support our sick and retired priests, some of whom you will know. They have dedicated their lives to the work of the Church in our Diocese and are now living with the frailty of the ageing process. Offerings may be placed in the boxes at the entrance to St. Patrick’s Church in an envelope marked Retired Priests. Those of you with boxes of envelopes should have an envelope in your box for this collection.    

The Diocesan Refugee Project

Your ongoing support of this project would be welcomed.  It supports over 400 asylum seekers. The project tries to provide them all with a bag of food and those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher. Donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil, tins of tomatoes and chick peas may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of St. Patrick’s Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal for the Ukraine.

If you wish to support the Appeal, donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church or put through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s presbytery. Please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. For security reasons, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery. Alternatively you may donate directly to Cafod.  Fr. Patterson is grateful for further donations amounting to £15.00 for this appeal and a donation of £5.00 for Cafod’s Afghan Appeal.

Your Offertory contributions from 1st April, 2022

For the past two years, as a result of the pandemic, we have been left with a large number of unclaimed sets of weekly offering envelopes which came at a considerable cost to our parishes. With the uncertainties of the year ahead, we will only be issuing envelopes for the coming financial year to those of you who are in the parish gift aid scheme and are not already contributing by standing order or bankers order.

As non gift aid envelopes no longer need to be individually recorded, we ask that those of you who are not in the gift aid scheme, might bring your offering in an envelope of your own or simply place your offering in the box provided in the church as “loose plate.” Alternatively you may take a set of envelopes from St. Patrick’s Church dating back to 2020/21 which may be used. You do not have to use the number that was allocated to you in the past—any box will do.

Many of you during the past two years have chosen to make your offering by standing order or by bank transfer and we are most grateful to you for doing so. It is hoped that you will continue to make your offering in this way, which saves on administration costs. For those of you who gift aid your offering, tax can still be reclaimed from the standing order method of contributing. We invite more of you to consider making your offering in this way whether you are in the gift aid scheme or not. The bank details you require are printed below.

If you are a tax payer and are not a member of the parish gift aid scheme please consider joining the scheme, it costs you nothing and the parish benefits by being able to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your offering. All that is required, is for you to complete a simple form which does not involve you disclosing any personal financial information and is held securely by the Diocesan Finance Office.

To obtain a form, or for more information, please email St. Patrick’s Gift Aid organiser at

For the time being, enquiries concerning the Gift Aid scheme for St. Albans Church should be directed to Fr. Patterson at

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Poverty Challenge

In the coming months many of us face steep rises in the cost of living and the hardship that will involve. Perhaps this is something we need to address in our shared parish after Easter and discover ways in which we may be able to offer support and reassurance to others. If you would be interested in coming together to reflect on this issue some time after Easter please contact Fr. Patterson on

Caritas, the social action agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, has released a free booklet to increase our awareness of Catholic Social Teaching on poverty which may be of help to us in our local situation.  A few printed copies will be available at Mass on Sunday in St. Patrick’s Church.

The wearing of Face Coverings

Several parishioners have expressed their concerns that fewer people are wearing face coverings in shops and on public transport and of course there is no longer an obligation for them to do so. Sometimes they find themselves the only one on a bus or on the Metro wearing their face covering and feel self conscious.

But Covid has not gone away. So here is something for you to think about. If you enter a place where another person is wearing a face covering and you are not – why not put a face covering on for the benefit of the person who is already wearing one. Like Covid , a person’s vulnerability to the virus is not visible! A face covering might provide a clue!

Please get vaccinated

The Bishops have issued a statement declaring that the principal means of protecting people who attend Catholic Churches in England and Wales is through participation in the Government vaccination programme. Those who are fully vaccinated will have significant personal resilience against major illness from the Covid-19 virus and its variants. The Catholic Church has promoted the participation of all in the vaccination programme as part of its mitigation of virus transmission in church and ancillary buildings.

Pope Francis also urges us to do so

ZOE Covid weekly update – Official symptoms finally updated as COVID rates set to stay high

Professor Tim Spector in the update this week, looks at the latest rates which finally appear to be coming down, as well as which UK regions are dropping the fastest. He also highlights the importance of paying attention to unusual skin symptoms with COVID, and looks at some insights from the health profiles and diet survey on heartburn and snacking .

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Data from the Office of National statistics may also be of interest to you with 1 in 14 people with Covid.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

Palm Sunday

Dear Parishioners

This Sunday, Passion or Palm Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week.

It is a week full of opportunities to deepen our awareness of God’s infinite love for us so that we, in turn, may reflect that love in the everyday life situations we encounter Jesus’ suffering and death on the Cross is the ultimate sign of love; for true love involves an element of sacrifice.

During the past two years we have made many sacrifices to try and control the transmission of the coronavirus and we are still encouraged to make personal sacrifices  for the sake of the common good as we learn to live with Covid-19.

We are also aware of the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who live with the ravages of war and we must continue to pray for them and support them in whatever way we can.

Prayer is the way forward for us all and I do hope you will feel able to join us in St. Patrick’s Church:

  • for the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday at 6pm
  • for the Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday at 3pm and,
  • to share in the joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday at 10am

 The Church is as safe as we can make it for you.

  • You will be welcomed and invited to sanitise your hands as you enter and leave;
  • We strongly recommend you wear a face covering especially when singing
  • Although there is no formal social distancing by way of seating, we ask that when you take your seat, you are sensitive to the needs of other people who are already in a bench and may not be comfortable if you “snuggle up” to them. We have plenty of space
  • We will, for the time being, continue to invite you to come forward for Holy Communion, row by row from the front.
  • At the end of Mass you may leave at your leisure

We also hope to be able to offer you light refreshments in the parish centre after Mass on Easter Sunday morning.

The reading from the prophecy of Isaiah below, which is read at Mass on Palm Sunday, may be worthy of your reflection each day during the course of the coming week:-

 “The Lord has given me a disciple’s tongue. So that I may know how to reply to the wearied he provides me with speech. Each morning he wakes me to hear, to listen to his word. The Lord has opened my ears. For my part, I made no resistance, neither did I turn away. The Lord comes to my help.”

Remember too, that although it may have disappeared from the headline news, cases of Covid-19 continue to rise in our region. The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics cite 1 in 13 people currently have Covid in England. Many of us will be aware of someone who has the virus or is self-isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that they will make a full recovery. This is particularly important, as more cases of “long Covid” are beginning to emerge.

The Public Health message is still to act cautiously and to consider wearing a face covering especially in an indoor environment when we are in the company of people we do not usually mix with.  Please respond in a positive way for the sake of each other’s well-being.

May God bless us and keep us safe from harm.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following Intentions. You are strongly recommended to wear a face when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Celia Morley
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – Jimmy Connolly
  • Wednesday – In Thanksgiving (GO)
  • Thursday: 6pm in St. Patrick’s Church – The People of Ukraine
  • Friday: 3pm in St. Patrick’s Church – The Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
  • Saturday – There is no Mass celebrated today
  • Sunday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church: For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Jimmy Connolly and Elizabeth Knock

 A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 169,759 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

The Lenten Journey 

Father Denis McBride C.Ss.R. is leading a free online retreat during Lent. 

A video will be added to the Redemptorist website every Sunday, and they will be available throughout the Lenten season, so you can re-watch them at your leisure.

Lenten Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced the final part of a booklet of Lenten reflections which you may find of value during Lent. Unfortunately the booklet is too large to make printed copies available.

Bishop Robert Barron asks, “Do you want to grow in your faith this Lent?”

For several months during the early stages of the pandemic, we were able to offer those of you who have access to the internet, the opportunity to engage in a variety of video presentations by Bishop Robert Barron.

During Lent this year, Word on Fire offer the opportunity to engage in more talks and videos with the ability to access those videos you have watched in the past and it is free of charge.

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon

Each week Bishop Barron offers a Sunday sermon.

The Diocesan Refugee Project

Your ongoing support of this project would be welcomed.  It supports over 400 asylum seekers. The project tries to provide them all with a bag of food and those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher. Donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil, tins of tomatoes and chick peas may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of St. Patrick’s Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Holy Places Collection

If you wish to contribute to the collection for the Holy Places next Sunday, please place your offering in the boxes at the entrance to St. Patrick’s in an envelope marked Holy Places. Those of you with boxes of envelopes should have an envelope in your box. 

Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal for the Ukraine.

Fr. Patterson is grateful for donations received for this appeal during the course of the week totalling £30.00. If you wish to support the Appeal, donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church or put through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s presbytery. Please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. For security reasons, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery. Alternatively you may donate directly to Cafod.

Your Offertory contributions from 1st April, 2022

For the past two years, as a result of the pandemic, we have been left with a large number of unclaimed sets of weekly offering envelopes which came at a considerable cost to our parishes. With the uncertainties of the year ahead, we will only be issuing envelopes for the coming financial year to those of you who are in the parish gift aid scheme and are not already contributing by standing order or bankers order.

As non gift aid envelopes no longer need to be individually recorded, we ask that those of you who are not in the gift aid scheme, might bring your offering in an envelope of your own or simply place your offering in the box provided in the church as “loose plate.” Alternatively you may take a set of envelopes from St. Patrick’s Church dating back to 2020/21 which may be used. You do not have to use the number that was allocated to you in the past—any box will do.

Many of you during the past two years have chosen to make your offering by standing order or by bank transfer and we are most grateful to you for doing so. It is hoped that you will continue to make your offering in this way, which saves on administration costs. For those of you who gift aid your offering, tax can still be reclaimed from the standing order method of contributing. We invite more of you to consider making your offering in this way whether you are in the gift aid scheme or not. The bank details you require are printed below.

If you are a tax payer and are not a member of the parish gift aid scheme please consider joining the scheme, it costs you nothing and the parish benefits by being able to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your offering. All that is required, is for you to complete a simple form which does not involve you disclosing any personal financial information and is held securely by the Diocesan Finance Office.

To obtain a form, or for more information, please email St. Patrick’s Gift Aid organiser at

For the time being, enquiries concerning the Gift Aid scheme for St. Albans Church should be directed to Fr. Patterson at 

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Church cleaning

Fr. Patterson wishes to thank those parishioners who came along to clean St. Patrick’s Church for our Easter celebrations last Friday evening

St. Patrick’s Church Heating

The heating has now been repaired at a cost of £2091.96!

Poverty Challenge

In the coming months many of us face steep rises in the cost of living and the hardship that will involve. Perhaps this is something we need to address in our shared parish after Easter and discover ways in which we may be able to offer support and reassurance to others. If you would be interested in coming together to reflect on this issue some time after Easter please contact Fr. Patterson on

Caritas, the social action agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, has released a free booklet to increase our awareness of Catholic Social Teaching on poverty which may be of help to us in our local situation. A few printed copies will be available at Mass on Sunday in St. Patrick’s Church.

St. Alban’s Church – A final call for your support

It has always been Fr. Patterson’s hope, and still is, that we would be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church once the Covid restrictions had been removed.

To achieve this, a bank of volunteers are required to assist with all aspects of parish life. A Roadmap was prepared in June, 2021 outlining the roles and the level of help needed. This was widely circulated and has been recirculated on several occasions since, accompanied by frequent appeals for volunteers in the Parish Newsletter and by word of mouth.

On 5th March, 2022, a Gathering was held in St. Alban’s parish room for prospective volunteers. At this meeting, Fr. Patterson explained both the level of help required and the nature of the roles which were needed to be filled. He renews his thanks to those who have offered to help so far. However, volunteers are still required in the three areas below if we are going to be able to reopen the Church.

We will need to make a decision about the future of our church after Easter, so this is a final appeal for your support.

Fr. Patterson has discussed our situation with Bishop Robert who is supportive of the efforts we have made, and continue to make, to reach out for volunteers. Fr. Patterson will be meeting with the Bishop after Easter to review the situation following this final appeal for your support.

The following essential roles still need to be filled:

Weekday Mass

Eight volunteers, to work in pairs on a rota, to open the Church 30 minutes before a weekday Mass or service, to prepare the Church for those services, to tidy up afterwards and to lock the Church. These volunteers must be available to open and prepare the Church for funerals, weddings and any other services which may take place. A degree of flexibility, when it comes to days of the week and times of services, is necessary.

Saturday Vigil Mass

Ten volunteers, to work in pairs on a rota, to open the Church 30 minutes before Mass on a Saturday evening; to prepare the church, to tidy up afterwards and lock the church. To fill the votive candle stands and to remove used candles; to welcome people as they arrive offering them a Mass book/hymn book, to organise the taking of the collection.

A degree of flexibility may be needed in this role if, sometime in the future, the time of the Vigil Mass is brought forward to 5.30pm. In the review of the time of the Vigil Mass carried out in 2019, 49% of the parishioners who took part requested Mass be celebrated at 5.30pm. We were unable to meet that request, as some of the volunteers opening the church at that time felt unable to accommodate the earlier time. It is therefore important, for those who may be considering offering to open the Church on a Saturday, to bear in mind, before coming to a decision, the possibility of the Vigil Mass being celebrated earlier in the future should the need arise.  

Counting and banking

Twelve volunteers, to work in teams of four on a rota, to count and record the collections; to empty the candle boxes; to prepare the money for banking and to take it to the bank. This is a weekly commitment. The Diocesan Code of Practice advises that, for safeguarding reasons, counting teams should ideally be composed of four people and a minimum of two people should be engaged in the banking process

Why so many volunteers?

Volunteering should not be burdensome, hence the number of volunteers we are seeking in the above roles. This will minimise the demand made on any individual or group/team and will assure cover when volunteers may not be available due to family commitments, sickness, holidays or unforeseen circumstances. However there is a need to be able to commit to a particular role on a rota basis.

Please give serious thought as to whether you could help in any of the above roles and inform Fr. Patterson at or telephone 0191 495 2277. Alternatively you may contact Terry and Christine Harbron by telephoning 0191 469 8697.

Please get in touch by Saturday, 16th April so that Fr. Patterson can have a further discussion with Bishop Robert after Easter.

Please avoid telephoning either number after 6pm or at weekends. Emails are welcome anytime.

Please get vaccinated

The Bishops have issued a statement declaring that the principal means of protecting people who attend Catholic Churches in England and Wales is through participation in the Government vaccination programme. Those who are fully vaccinated will have significant personal resilience against major illness from the Covid-19 virus and its variants. The Catholic Church has promoted the participation of all in the vaccination programme as part of its mitigation of virus transmission in church and ancillary buildings.

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update – Official symptoms finally updated as COVID rates set to stay high

Professor Tim Spector in the update this week, addresses the NHS official list of symptoms finally being updated after their lobbying for more than 2 years! He also discusses the latest data and what we’re seeing in case rates among regions and age groups.

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Data from the Office of National statistics may also be of interest to you.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list. The Newsletter may also be found on our parish website

Parish newsletter

5th Sunday of Lent

Dear Parishioners

The Bishops of England and Wales have issued the following statement:- As the Government has now lifted the Covid-19 restrictions and exhorted all people to adopt the recommendations of the “Covid Response: Living with Covid-19” document, the principal means of protecting people who attend Catholic Churches in England and Wales is through participation in the Government vaccination programme. Those who are fully vaccinated (i.e. two routine vaccinations plus booster) will have significant personal resilience against major illness from the Covid-19 virus and its variants. The Catholic Church has promoted the participation of all in the vaccination programme as part of its mitigation of virus transmission in Church and ancillary buildings. Alongside the positive effects of covid vaccination, it should be stressed that any people displaying symptoms of Covid-19 should stay at home and not participate in acts of worship in church.

In keeping with the National Guidelines of the Bishops Conference of England Wales, Bishop Robert has eased the Diocesan protocols and recommends the following points as methods of good practice against the transmission of the virus in our churches. After discussion with our stewards it was agreed that the following will be adopted in St. Patrick’s Church from Easter Sunday

  • Hand sanitiser should be available for all to use at places of entry and exit to our churches.
  • Those who wish to wear a face covering may do so during a Mass or service in Church.
  • There is no requirement for social distancing, but we should continue to be sensitive to the wishes of other people.
  • Singing can occur although there is a general encouragement to wear face coverings while singing.
  • Holy Communion must continue to be distributed under one kind only.
  • It is still important to ventilate our buildings. This has the effect of diluting and dispersing viral particles

Bishop Robert goes on to say that “it is important that we continue to be mindful of our local prevailing conditions in terms of viral infection and transmissions and local adaptations should be put in place. It is also important to consider the demographic of your parish communities, appreciating that some people continue to be more vulnerable to infection than others. In those circumstances you may wish to adjust the level of controls accordingly so that people feel comfortable.”

Your ongoing support of the Diocesan Refugee Project would be welcomed. The project supports over 400 asylum seekers. They try to provide them all with a bag of food and those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher. Donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil, tins of tomatoes and chick peas may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of St. Patrick’s Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Cases of Covid-19 continue to rise in our region. The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics cite 1 in 13 people currently have Covid in England. Many of us will be aware of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that they will make a full recovery. This is particularly important, as more cases of “long Covid” are beginning to emerge. The Public Health message is still to act cautiously and to consider wearing a face covering especially in an indoor environment when we are in the company of people we do not usually mix with.  Please respond in a positive way for the sake of each other’s well-being.    May God bless us and keep us safe from harm.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following Intentions. Face coverings should be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Leonard Robinson.
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Pat Donald
  • Wednesday – Sheila Fletcher
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • FridayJames Fagan (AM)
  • Saturday – Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Pat Donald

 A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 165,570 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

The Lenten Journey 

Father Denis McBride C.Ss.R. is leading a free online retreat during Lent. 

A video will be added to the Redemptorist website every Sunday, and they will be available throughout the Lenten season, so you can re-watch them at your leisure.

Lenten Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced the final part of a booklet of Lenten reflections which you may find of value during Lent. Unfortunately the booklet is too large to make printed copies available.

Bishop Robert Barron asks, “Do you want to grow in your faith this Lent?”

For several months during the early stages of the pandemic, we were able to offer those of you who have access to the internet, the opportunity to engage in a variety of video presentations by Bishop Robert Barron.

During Lent this year, Word on Fire offer the opportunity to engage in more talks and videos with the ability to access those videos you have watched in the past and it is free of charge.

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon

Each week Bishop Barron offers a Sunday sermon.

Prayer and Reconciliation

There will be a time for private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, 8th April from 10-10.30 am with the opportunity of Sacramental confession for those who wish. If you choose to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a face covering must be worn. Please use the Church Street entrance which will be open at 9.50am.

Holy Places Collection

If you wish to contribute to the collection for the Holy Places next Sunday, please place your offering in the boxes at the entrance to St. Patrick’s in an envelope marked Holy Places. Those of you with boxes of envelopes should have an envelope in your box.   

Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal for the Ukraine

Fr. Patterson is grateful for donations received for this appeal during the course of the week totalling £30.00. If you wish to support the Appeal, donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church or put through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s presbytery. Please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. For security reasons, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery. Alternatively you may donate directly to Cafod – please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal.

Your Offertory contributions from 1st April, 2022

For the past two years, as a result of the pandemic, we have been left with a large number of unclaimed sets of weekly offering envelopes which came at a considerable cost to our parishes. With the uncertainties of the year ahead, we will only be issuing envelopes for the coming financial year to those of you who are in the parish gift aid scheme and are not already contributing by standing order or bankers order.

As non gift aid envelopes no longer need to be individually recorded, we ask that those of you who are not in the gift aid scheme, might bring your offering in an envelope of your own or simply place your offering in the box provided in the church as “loose plate.” Alternatively you may take a set of envelopes from St. Patrick’s Church dating back to 2020/21 which may be used. You do not have to use the number that was allocated to you in the past—any box will do.

Many of you during the past two years have chosen to make your offering by standing order or by bank transfer and we are most grateful to you for doing so. It is hoped that you will continue to make your offering in this way, which saves on administration costs. For those of you who gift aid your offering, tax can still be reclaimed from the standing order method of contributing. We invite more of you to consider making your offering in this way whether you are in the gift aid scheme or not. The bank details you require are printed below.

If you are a tax payer and are not a member of the parish gift aid scheme please consider joining the scheme, it costs you nothing and the parish benefits by being able to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your offering. All that is required, is for you to complete a simple form which does not involve you disclosing any personal financial information and is held securely by the Diocesan Finance Office.

To obtain a form, or for more information, please email St. Patrick’s Gift Aid organiser at

For the time being, enquiries concerning the Gift Aid scheme for St. Albans Church should be directed to Fr. Patterson at

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Church cleaning

Volunteers are invited to help with the cleaning of St. Patrick’s Church for Easter on Friday, 8th April at 6pm. Please enter by the Church Street Entrance.

St. Patrick’s Church Heating

The heating has now been repaired with the purchase of a new motor and wiring loom. We await the invoice!

Poverty Challenge

In the coming months many of us face steep rises in the cost of living and the hardship that will involve. Perhaps this is something we need to address in our shared parish after Easter and discover ways in which we may be able to offer support and reassurance to others. If you would be interested in coming together to reflect on this issue some time after Easter please contact Fr. Patterson on

Caritas, the social action agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, has released a free booklet to increase our awareness of Catholic Social Teaching on poverty which may be of help to us in our local situation. A few printed copies will be available at Mass on Sunday in St. Patrick’s Church.

St. Alban’s Church – A final call for your support

It has always been Fr. Patterson’s hope, and still is, that we would be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church once the Covid restrictions had been removed.

To achieve this, a bank of volunteers are required to assist with all aspects of parish life. A Roadmap was prepared in June, 2021 outlining the roles and the level of help needed. This was widely circulated and has been recirculated on several occasions since, accompanied by frequent appeals for volunteers in the Parish Newsletter and by word of mouth.

On 5th March, 2022, a Gathering was held in St. Alban’s parish room for prospective volunteers. At this meeting, Fr. Patterson explained both the level of help required and the nature of the roles which were needed to be filled. He renews his thanks to those who have offered to help so far. However, volunteers are still required in the three areas below if we are going to be able to reopen the Church.

We will need to make a decision about the future of our church after Easter, so this is a final appeal for your support.

Fr. Patterson has discussed our situation with Bishop Robert who is supportive of the efforts we have made, and continue to make, to reach out for volunteers. Fr. Patterson will be meeting with the Bishop after Easter to review the situation following this final appeal for your support.

The following essential roles still need to be filled:

Weekday Mass

Eight volunteers, to work in pairs on a rota, to open the Church 30 minutes before a weekday Mass or service, to prepare the Church for those services, to tidy up afterwards and to lock the Church. These volunteers must be available to open and prepare the Church for funerals, weddings and any other services which may take place. A degree of flexibility, when it comes to days of the week and times of services, is necessary.

Saturday Vigil Mass

Ten volunteers, to work in pairs on a rota, to open the Church 30 minutes before Mass on a Saturday evening; to prepare the church, to tidy up afterwards and lock the church. To fill the votive candle stands and to remove used candles; to welcome people as they arrive offering them a Mass book/hymn book, to organise the taking of the collection.

A degree of flexibility may be needed in this role if, sometime in the future, the time of the Vigil Mass is brought forward to 5.30pm. In the review of the time of the Vigil Mass carried out in 2019, 49% of the parishioners who took part requested Mass be celebrated at 5.30pm. We were unable to meet that request, as some of the volunteers opening the church at that time felt unable to accommodate the earlier time. It is therefore important, for those who may be considering offering to open the Church on a Saturday, to bear in mind, before coming to a decision, the possibility of the Vigil Mass being celebrated earlier in the future should the need arise.  

Counting and banking

Twelve volunteers, to work in teams of four on a rota, to count and record the collections; to empty the candle boxes; to prepare the money for banking and to take it to the bank. This is a weekly commitment. The Diocesan Code of Practice advises that, for safeguarding reasons, counting teams should ideally be composed of four people and a minimum of two people should be engaged in the banking process

Why so many volunteers?

Volunteering should not be burdensome, hence the number of volunteers we are seeking in the above roles. This will minimise the demand made on any individual or group/team and will assure cover when volunteers may not be available due to family commitments, sickness, holidays or unforeseen circumstances. However there is a need to be able to commit to a particular role on a rota basis.

Please give serious thought as to whether you could help in any of the above roles and inform Fr. Patterson at or telephone 0191 495 2277. Alternatively you may contact Terry and Christine Harbron by telephoning 0191 469 8697.

Please get in touch by Saturday, 16th April so that Fr. Patterson can have a further discussion with Bishop Robert after Easter.

Please avoid telephoning either number after 6pm or at weekends. Emails are welcome anytime.

Please get vaccinated

The Bishops have issued a statement declaring that the principal means of protecting people who attend Catholic Churches in England and Wales is through participation in the Government vaccination programme. Those who are fully vaccinated will have significant personal resilience against major illness from the Covid-19 virus and its variants. The Catholic Church has promoted the participation of all in the vaccination programme as part of its mitigation of virus transmission in church and ancillary buildings.

Pope Francis also urges us to do.  

ZOE Covid weekly update – 1 in 13 people have COVID in new record highs

Professor Tim Spector, in the data this week, shares how COVID symptoms have changed over time and gives some advice and reassurance on how to prepare for the lack of free testing in the UK. He also shares interesting research on gut disease and how eating a lot of plants has an impact on gut and digestive problems.

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Data from the Office of National statistics may also be of interest to you.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

4th Sunday of Lent

Dear Parishioners

In St Peter’s Basilica in Rome last Friday, 25 March 2022, Pope Francis consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Here is an extract from the Prayer of Consecration which you may like to make your own in the weeks ahead:

“Mother of mercy, you never cease to guide us to Jesus, the Prince of Peace, yet we have strayed from that path of peace. We have forgotten the lesson learned from the tragedies of the last century, the sacrifice of the millions who fell in two world wars. We have disregarded the commitments we made as a community of nations. We have betrayed peoples’ dreams of peace and the hopes of the young. We grew sick with greed, we thought only of our own nations and their interests, we grew indifferent and caught up in our selfish needs and concerns. We chose to ignore God, to be satisfied with our illusions, to grow arrogant and aggressive, to suppress innocent lives and to stockpile weapons. We stopped being our neighbour’s keepers and stewards of our common home. We have ravaged the garden of the earth with war and by our sins we have broken the heart of our heavenly Father, who desires us to be brothers and sisters. We grew indifferent to everyone and everything except ourselves. Now with shame we cry out: Forgive us, Lord!

Holy Mother, amid the misery of our sinfulness, amid our struggles and weaknesses, amid the mystery of iniquity that is evil and war, you remind us that God never abandons us, but continues to look upon us with love, ever ready to forgive us and raise us up to new life. By God’s gracious will, you are ever with us; even in the most troubled moments of our history, you are there to guide us with tender love.

We now turn to you at this dark hour, help us and grant us your comfort. In you we place our trust. We are confident that, especially in moments of trial, you will not be deaf to our supplication and will come to our aid.”

If you wish to support Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal for the Ukraine, donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church or put through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s presbytery. Please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. For security reasons, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery. Alternatively you may donate directly to Cafod.

On our own doorstep, the Diocesan Refugee Project seek our continuing help to enable them to support over 400 asylum seekers. They try to provide them all with a bag of food and those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher. Donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil, tins of tomatoes and chick peas may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of St. Patrick’s Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Cases of Covid-19 continue to rise in our region. The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics cite 1 in 15 people currently have Covid in England. Many of us will be aware of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that they will make a full recovery. This is particularly important, as more cases of “long Covid” are beginning to emerge. The Public Health message is still to act cautiously and to consider wearing a face covering especially in an indoor environment when we are in the company of people we do not usually mix with.  Please respond in a positive way for the sake of each other’s well-being.                                              

May God bless us and continue to watch over us, keeping us safe from harm.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following Intentions. Face coverings should be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Brenda Gibbon
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – LDM Ogilvie and Towers families
  • Wednesday – In Thanksgiving (KC)
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday -Brian Quigley
  • Saturday -Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holyday, which prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions .

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Brian Gilmore, Pat Donald and Brida Clay.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 164,454 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

The Lenten Journey 

Father Denis McBride C.Ss.R. is leading a free online retreat during Lent. 

A video will be added to the Redemptorist website every Sunday, and they will be available throughout the Lenten season, so you can re-watch them at your leisure.

Lenten Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced the final part of a booklet of Lenten reflections which you may find of value during Lent. Unfortunately the booklet is too large to make printed copies available, but it is accessible online.

Bishop Robert Barron asks, “Do you want to grow in your faith this Lent?”

For several months during the early stages of the pandemic, we were able to offer those of you who have access to the internet, the opportunity to engage in a variety of video presentations by Bishop Robert Barron.

During Lent this year, Word on Fire offer the opportunity to engage in more talks and videos with the ability to access those videos you have watched in the past and it is free of charge.

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon

Each week Bishop Barron offers a Sunday sermon.

Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal for the Ukraine.

Fr. Patterson is grateful for donations received for this appeal during the course of the week totalling £210.00. Donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church – please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. Alternatively you may choose to donate directly to Cafod.

Church cleaning

Volunteers are invited to help with the cleaning of St. Patrick’s Church for Easter on Friday, 8th April at 6pm. Please enter by the Church Street Entrance.

Prayer and Reconciliation

There will be a time for private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, 1st April from 10am – 10:30am with the opportunity of Sacramental confession for those who wish. If you choose to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a face covering must be worn. Please use the Church Street entrance which will be open at 9.50am.

Your Offertory contributions from 1st April, 2022

For the past two years, as a result of the pandemic, we have been left with a large number of unclaimed sets of weekly offering envelopes which came at a considerable cost to our parishes. With the uncertainties of the year ahead, we will only be issuing envelopes for the coming financial year to those of you who are in the parish gift aid scheme and are not already contributing by standing order or bankers order.

As non gift aid envelopes no longer need to be individually recorded, we ask that those of you who are not in the gift aid scheme, might bring your offering in an envelope of your own or simply place your offering in the box provided in the church as “loose plate.” Alternatively you may take a set of envelopes from St. Patrick’s Church dating back to 2020/21 which may be used. You do not have to use the number that was allocated to you in the past—any box will do.

Many of you during the past two years have chosen to make your offering by standing order or by bank transfer and we are most grateful to you for doing so. It is hoped that you will continue to make your offering in this way, which saves on administration costs. For those of you who gift aid your offering, tax can still be reclaimed from the standing order method of contributing. We invite more of you to consider making your offering in this way whether you are in the gift aid scheme or not. The bank details you require are printed below.

If you are a tax payer and are not a member of the parish gift aid scheme please consider joining the scheme, it costs you nothing and the parish benefits by being able to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your offering. All that is required, is for you to complete a simple form which does not involve you disclosing any personal financial information and is held securely by the Diocesan Finance Office.

To obtain a form, or for more information, please email St. Patrick’s Gift Aid organiser at

For the time being, enquiries concerning the Gift Aid scheme for St. Albans Church should be directed to Fr. Patterson at

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Diocesan Covid Protocols are still in place in our churches.

Despite “national”  guidelines recently issued by the Bishops of England and Wales,  we still await an update from Bishop Robert relating to our Diocesan protocols which supersede the national guidelines. So we request that you maintain the “status quo” when it comes to attending St. Patrick’s Church. Please continue to wear a face covering in the Church unless you are medically exempt. You are also asked to maintain social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also good practice.

If you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home until you feel better.

There is no longer a need to provide Test and Trace details, nor to “log in” using a QR code.

If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

St. Alban’s Church – feedback.

Fr. Patterson would like to thank those parishioners who were able to attend the Gathering in the parish room during which he spoke of the level of help and support that would be needed if we are to be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church. He explained the nature of the various roles which must be filled and the commitment that would be necessary to fulfil them.  Those present were invited to go away and reflect on whether or not they could make the necessary commitment involved and to discuss our needs with others in the hope of being able to establish a sufficient bank of volunteers to enable the reopening of the Church.

Fr. Patterson looks forward to receiving your offers of help and support by 31st March. Please contact him at or telephone 0191 495 2277. Alternatively you may contact Terry and Christine Harbron by telephoning 0191 469 8697. Please avoid telephoning either number after 6pm or at weekends. Emails are welcome anytime.

St. Patrick’s Church Heating

The heating failed last Sunday due to the motor which drives the whole system seizing. It cannot be repaired. The purchase and installation of a new motor, wiring loom and the recommissioning of the system is estimated to cost somewhere in the region of £2,000.

Please get vaccinated  

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update – COVID smashes record with 330,000 daily cases on 2 year anniversary

On the ZOE COVID Study’s 2 year anniversary, Professor Tim Spector reflects on what this time has meant to us all and asks everyone to take a moment to think about all those affected by the pandemic. As well as the latest data updates, Tim shares some interesting research on the potential effects reducing symptomatic isolation might have.

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Data from the Office of National statistics may also be of interest to you.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

3rd Sunday of Lent

Dear Parishioners

Churches Together in England, who represent 52 national Member Churches, numerous Christian organisations and ecumenical bodies from across England, met in Swanwick this week where they discussed the Ukrainian crisis. They issued the following statement calling for the immediate cessation of hostilities, the withdrawal of invading forces and the observance of the Geneva Conventions.

‘In this holy season of Lent, we call upon churches everywhere to campaign for an immediate end to the war in Ukraine, and to proclaim the dignity of every human life, whatever its nationality. ‘We welcome and commend the extraordinary efforts of countries neighbouring Ukraine in receiving refugees from the war and call on the UK and the whole of Europe to follow their example. We support every measure to protect the most vulnerable. ‘We commit ourselves to pray for the nations of Russia and Ukraine, our own Government and people, and for all who find themselves refugees, or bereaved, wounded or destitute. May Christ have mercy upon the world.’

In St Peter’s Basilica in Rome on Friday, 25 March 2022, Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In unity with the Holy Father, Bishop Mark O’Toole, on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales said, “We know that there is a great need for the gift of peace and reconciliation, and we will be commending all those who are suffering at this time to Our Lady, knowing that she will present all her suffering children to Our Lord.”

On Friday, 25th March, St. Patrick’s Church will be open from 10am – 10.30am for private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for the above intention. (Please use the Church Street entrance – the doors will open at 9.55)

If you wish to support Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal and their sister organization “Caritas Ukraine” who are helping people afflicted by this conflict,  donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church or put through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s presbytery – please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. Alternatively you may donate directly via the Cafod website. For security reasons, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery

Closer to home, the Diocesan Refugee Project, which we have been supporting for many months, renew their thanks and seek our continuing help to enable them to support over 400 asylum seekers. They try to provide them all with a bag of food and those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil, tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Covid-19 is still very much on our doorstep too, sadly cases are on the rise in our region and the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics cite 1 in 20 people currently have Covid in England. I suspect many of us will be aware of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that everyone suffering from the virus will make a full recovery. This is particularly important, as more cases of “long Covid” are beginning to emerge. The Public Health message is still to act cautiously and to consider wearing a face covering especially in an indoor environment when we are in the company of people we do not usually mix with. Please respond in a positive way for the sake of each other’s well-being, remembering that not everyone is “ready to be hugged!          

May God bless us and continue to watch over us, keeping us safe from harm.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following Intentions. Face coverings should be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Fr. Owen Grant
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – In Thanksgiving (BH)
  • Wednesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s ChurchFuneral Service for Jim Ward – Diocesan Covid Protocols apply
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday – Brian Gilmore 
  • Saturday – Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time Brida Clay, Brian Gilmore and Elizabeth Lenehan

 A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 163,511 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure):

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

The Lenten Journey 

Father Denis McBride C.Ss.R. is leading a free online retreat during Lent. 

A video will be added to the Redemptorist website every Sunday, and they will be available throughout the Lenten season, so you can re-watch them at your leisure.

Lenten Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced the first part of a booklet of Lenten reflections which you may find of value during Lent. Unfortunately the booklet is too large to make printed copies available, but it is accessible online.

Bishop Robert Barron asks, “Do you want to grow in your faith this Lent?”

It is two years since we were faced with the first total lockdown in our country due to the Coronavirus. You may remember for several months we were able to offer those of you who have access to the internet the opportunity to engage in a variety of talks and video presentations given by Bishop Robert Barron and the Word on Fire team.

During Lent this year, Word on Fire offer the opportunity to engage in more talks and videos with the ability to access those videos you have watched in the past and it is free of charge.

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon

Each week Bishop Barron offers a Sunday sermon.

Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal for the Ukraine.

Fr. Patterson is grateful for donations received for this appeal during the course of the week totalling £85.00 and for a further £240.00 received from the Third World Group. Donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church – please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. Alternatively you may choose to donate directly to Cafod.

Your Offertory contributions from 1st April, 2022

For the past two years, as a result of the pandemic, we have been left with a large number of unclaimed sets of weekly offering envelopes which came at a considerable cost to our parishes.

With the uncertainties of the year ahead, we will only be issuing envelopes for the coming financial year to those of you who are in the parish gift aid scheme and are not already contributing by standing order or bankers order.

As non gift aid envelopes no longer need to be individually recorded, we ask that those of you who are not in the gift aid scheme, might bring your offering in an envelope of your own or simply place your offering in the box provided in the church as “loose plate.” We will review the situation during the course of the year.

Many of you during the past two years have chosen to make your offering by standing order or by bank transfer and we are most grateful to you for doing so. It is hoped that you will continue to make your offering in this way, which saves on administration costs. For those of you who gift aid your offering, tax can still be reclaimed from the standing order method of contributing.

We invite more of you to consider making your offering in this way whether you are in the gift aid scheme or not. The bank details you require are printed below.

If you are a tax payer and are not a member of the parish gift aid scheme please consider joining the scheme, it costs you nothing and the parish benefits by being able to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your offering. All that is required, is for you to complete a simple form which does not involve you disclosing any personal financial information and is held securely by the Diocesan Finance Office.

To obtain a form, or for more information, please email St. Patrick’s Gift Aid organiser at

For the time being, enquiries concerning the Gift Aid scheme for St. Albans Church should be directed to Fr. Patterson at

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Diocesan Covid Protocols are still in place in our churches.

We still await an update from Bishop Robert relating to our Diocesan protocols, so we request that you maintain the “status quo” when it comes to attending St Patrick’s Church. Please continue to wear a face covering in the Church unless you are medically exempt. You are also asked to maintain social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also good practice.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we continue to do what we can to ensure St Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and on a Sunday at 10am.

There is no longer a need to provide Test and Trace details, nor to “log in” using a QR code.

If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

If you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home until you feel better.

St. Alban’s Church – feedback.

Fr. Patterson would like to thank those parishioners who were able to attend the Gathering in the parish room during which he spoke of the level of help and support that would be needed if we are to be able to reopen St Alban’s Church. He explained the nature of the various roles which must be filled and the commitment that would be necessary to fulfil them.  Those present were invited to go away and reflect on whether or not they could make the necessary commitment involved and to discuss our needs with others in the hope of being able to establish a sufficient bank of volunteers to enable the reopening of the Church.

Fr. Patterson looks forward to receiving your offers of help and support by 31st March. Please contact him at or telephone 0191 495 2277. Alternatively you may contact Terry and Christine Harbron by telephoning 0191 469 8697

Please avoid telephoning either number after 18.00 or at weekends. Emails are welcome anytime.

Please get vaccinated  

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update – 1 in 20 people in England have Covid

This week, Professor Tim Spector talks about the continued rocketing of COVID cases, worrying data among the more vulnerable groups and symptoms of COVID in older people compared to those in younger age groups, as well as what it means now if you test positive for the virus.

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Data from the Office of National statistics may also be of interest to you.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

2nd Sunday of Lent

Dear Parishioners

The plight of the Ukrainian people is still of grave concern to all people of good will.

Pope Francis has made a heartfelt appeal for peace in Ukraine, and prays that “all the parties involved refrain from any action that would cause even more suffering to the people, destabilizing coexistence between nations and bringing international law into disrepute.” (Vatican News)

Prayer is of the essence and Bishop Robert Barron helps us understand why, assuring us of the power of prayer. He writes:-

“When people pray in a spirit of trust, really believing that what they are asking for will happen, it happens. Just as Jesus says in the Gospel, “Everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

(Matthew 7: 7-12)

The power of prayer is having the confidence that we are being guided and cared for, even when that guidance and care are not immediately apparent. It is what allows someone to live in detachment from all of the ups and downs of life.

St. Ignatius of Loyola said: “We should not prefer health to sickness, riches to poverty, honour to dishonour, a long life to a short life. . . . Our one desire and choice should be what is more conducive to the end for which we are created . . . to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord.”

Someone that lives in that kind of detachment is free, and because they are free, they are powerful.”

Cafod have launched a Humanitarian Appeal with their sister organization “Caritas Ukraine” who are already helping people afflicted by this conflict. Should you wish to support this Appeal, donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church or put through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s presbytery – please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. Alternatively you may choose to donate directly to Cafod online. For security reasons, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery

A further £180.00 has been sent to Cafod from your donations received this week.

Closer to home, the Diocesan Refugee Project, which we have been supporting for many months, renew their thanks and seek our continuing help to enable them to support over 400 asylum seekers. They try to provide them all with a bag of food and those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Covid-19 is still very much on our doorstep too, sadly cases are on the rise in our region once again. We probably all know of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that everyone suffering from the virus will make a full recovery. This is particularly important, as more cases of “long Covid” are beginning to emerge. The Public Health message is still to act cautiously and to consider wearing a face covering especially in an indoor environment when we are in the company of people we do not usually mix with. Please respond in a positive way for the sake of each other’s well-being, remembering that not everyone is “ready to be hugged!” 

St. Patrick’s Day falls on Thursday of the coming week and, thanks to our volunteer stewards, we are able to offer a public Mass in St. Patrick’s Church at 10am.

May God bless us and continue to watch over us, keeping us safe from harm.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following Intentions. Face coverings should be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Maurice Brown
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church -John Lenehan and Elizabeth Lenehan
  • Wednesday – Connie Stout
  • Thursday: (St. Patrick’s Day): 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Brida and Ken Clay
  • Friday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers 
  • Saturday – Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Ken Clay and John Lenehan and,
  • Fr. Harry Ryan (retired) who has died. Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May he be taken up into glory with your Son in whose mystery of love we are all united

 A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 162,738 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

The Lenten Journey 

Starting this Sunday, 6th March, 2022,  Father Denis McBride C.Ss.R. will be leading a free online retreat

Each video will be added to the Redemptorist website every Sunday, but  they will be available throughout the Lenten season, so you can re-watch them at your leisure. 

Lenten Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced the first part of a booklet of Lenten reflections which you may find of value during Lent.

Bishop Robert Barron asks, “Do you want to grow in your faith this Lent?”

It is almost two years since we were faced with the first total lockdown in our country due to the Coronavirus. You may remember for several months we were able to offer those of you who have access to the internet the opportunity to engage in a variety of talks and video presentations given by Bishop Robert Barron and the Word on Fire team.

During Lent this year, Word on Fire offer the opportunity to engage in more talks and videos with the ability to access those videos you have watched in the past and it is free of charge.

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon

Each week Bishop Barron offers a Sunday sermon.

Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal for the Ukraine

Fr. Patterson is grateful for donations received for this appeal during the course of the week totalling £180.00. Further donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church – please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. Alternatively you may choose to donate directly via the Cafod website.

Your Offertory contributions from 1st April, 2022

For the past two years, as a result of the pandemic, we have been left with a large number of unclaimed sets of weekly offering envelopes which came at a considerable cost to our parishes.

With the uncertainties of the year ahead, we will only be issuing envelopes for the coming financial year to those of you who are in the parish gift aid scheme and are not already contributing by standing order or bankers order.

As non gift aid envelopes no longer need to be individually recorded, we ask that those of you who are not in the gift aid scheme, might bring your offering in an envelope of your own or simply place your offering in the box provided in the church as “loose plate.” We will review the situation during the course of the year.

Many of you during the past two years have chosen to make your offering by standing order or by bank transfer and we are most grateful to you for doing so. It is hoped that you will continue to make your offering in this way, which saves on administration costs. For those of you who gift aid your offering, tax can still be reclaimed from the standing order method of contributing.

We invite more of you to consider making your offering in this way whether you are in the gift aid scheme or not. The bank details you require are printed below.

If you are a tax payer and are not a member of the parish gift aid scheme please consider joining the scheme, it costs you nothing and the parish benefits by being able to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your offering. All that is required, is for you to complete a simple form which does not involve you disclosing any personal financial information and is held securely by the Diocesan Finance Office.

To obtain a form, or for more information, please email St. Patrick’s Gift Aid organiser at

For the time being, enquiries concerning the Gift Aid scheme for St. Albans Church should be directed to Fr. Patterson at

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Diocesan Covid Protocols are still in place in our churches.

As we await an update from Bishop Robert relating to our Diocesan protocols, we request that you maintain the “status quo” when it comes to attending St. Patrick’s Church. So we ask that face coverings continue to be worn in the Church unless you are medically exempt. You are also asked to maintain social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also good practice.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we continue to do what we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and on a Sunday at 10am.

There is no longer a need to provide Test and Trace details, nor to “log in” using a QR code.

If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

If you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home until you feel better.

St. Alban’s Church – feedback.

Fr. Patterson would like to thank those parishioners who were able to attend the Gathering in the parish room last Saturday during which he spoke of the level of help and support that would be needed if we are to be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church. He explained the nature of the various roles which must be filled and the commitment that would be necessary to fulfil them.  Those present were invited to go away and reflect on whether or not they could make the necessary commitment involved and to discuss our needs with others in the hope of being able to establish a sufficient bank of volunteers to enable the reopening of the Church.

Fr. Patterson looks forward to receiving your offers of help and support by 31st March. Please contact him at or telephone 0191 495 2277. Alternatively you may contact Terry and Christine Harbron by telephoning 0191 469 8697.

Please avoid telephoning after 6pm or at weekends. Emails are welcome anytime.

Please get vaccinated  

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.  

ZOE Covid weekly update – Cases rise by 20%

This week, Professor Tim Spector shares some disappointing news about the ZOE COVID Study funding which the Government are withdrawing and expresses gratitude to their parent company ZOE for agreeing to continue supporting their work with both COVID surveillance and exploring other health conditions like cancer, heart disease and dementia. He also explores some research linking COVID to some of these conditions.

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

1st Sunday of Lent

Dear Parishioners

I suspect we are all concerned by the situation in the world at present as the media focuses our attention on the war in Ukraine and the plight of the Ukrainian people.

Pope Francis has made a heartfelt appeal for peace in Ukraine, saying that the war has caused “great pain in my heart.” “Despite the diplomatic efforts of the last few weeks,” the Pope said, “increasingly alarming scenarios are opening up, with many people all over the world feeling anguish and pain.“Once again the peace of all is threatened by partisan interests,” he stressed. Pope Francis appealed to those with political responsibility to examine their consciences seriously before God, who is the God of peace and not of war, who is the Father of all, not just of some, who wants us to be brothers and not enemies.” He also prayed that “all the parties involved refrain from any action that would cause even more suffering to the people, destabilizing coexistence between nations and bringing international law into disrepute.” (Vatican News)

Cafod have launched a Humanitarian Appeal with their sister organization “Caritas Ukraine” who are already helping people afflicted by this conflict.

Tetiana Stawnychy, President of Caritas Ukraine, has expressed concern that Ukrainian families are now in need of emergency water, food and safe shelter: “the current crisis will inevitably lead to a colossal humanitarian catastrophe,” she said.

Russia’s military invasion will have dire consequences for Ukraine; threatening people’s lives, their jobs and essential buildings like schools and hospitals. The conflict has already caused food shortages and forced people from their homes.

As freezing temperatures continue, the plight of Ukrainians will only worsen. Any bombing of public services like schools, hospitals and train stations across the country will only result in further suffering of the Ukrainian people.

According to the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR), over 800,000 people have fled Ukraine into neighbouring countries (mainly to Poland, Hungary, Moldova and Romania), with thousands more having to leave their homes inside Ukraine. Many of those who have fled are women and children, having to leave behind their loved ones.

Our Third World Group are accepting donations for Cafod’s Humanitarian Appeal and have already sent £100.00 to the Appeal. £500.00 has also been sent from St. Alban’s Charity Box. Donations may be left in the boxes at both entrances to St. Patrick’s Church – please mark your envelope Ukrainian Appeal. Alternatively you may choose to donate directly via the Cafod website.

Closer to home, the Diocesan Refugee Project, which we have been supporting for many months, renew their thanks and seek our continuing help to enable them to support over 400 asylum seekers. They try to provide them all with a bag of food and those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Covid-19 is still very much on our doorstep too. Several of our parishioners have tested positive this week and we probably all know of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that everyone suffering from the virus will make a full recovery. The Public Health message is still to act cautiously, especially in an indoor environment when we are in the company of those we do not usually mix with by considering to wear a face covering. Please respond in a positive way for the sake of each other.

May God bless us all.

 Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following Intentions. Face coverings should be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – LDM Foster and Freeman Families
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Mary Robinson
  • Wednesday – Bill Harland
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Funeral Service for Brian Barrett – Diocesan Covid Protocols apply 
  • Saturday – Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners*

* Please note the change of the time of Sunday Mass from next Sunday, 6th March, 2022

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Bill Harland and,
  • Fr. Harry Ryan (retired) and Brian Barrett who have died. Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the souls of your servants whom you have called from this life. May they be taken up into glory with your Son in whose mystery of love we are all united.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 162,008 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

Diocesan Covid Protocols are still in place in our churches.

As we await an update from Bishop Robert relating to our Diocesan protocols, we request that you maintain the “status quo” when it comes to attending St. Patrick’s Church. So we ask that face coverings continue to be worn in the Church unless you are medically exempt. You are also asked to maintain social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also good practice.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we continue to do what we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and from this Sunday, 6th March, at 10am.

There is no longer a need to provide Test and Trace details, nor to “log in” using a QR code.

If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

If you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home until you feel better.

St. Alban’s Church – our future is in your hands!

In an attempt to determine whether we will be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church when all the Covid restrictions are lifted, Fr. Patterson has invited parishioners who feel able to commit themselves to any one of the roles outlined in our parish Roadmap, to gather together to discuss how we can rebuild St. Alban’s parish with the resources available to us. In doing so, it is important that we look to the future rather than harken back to the past.

The gathering took place on Saturday, 5th  March after this Newsletter had gone to print, so Fr. Patterson will inform you of the outcome in next weekend’s Newsletter.

The Lenten Journey 

Starting this Sunday, 6th March, 2022,  Father Denis McBride C.Ss.R. will be leading a free online retreat. 

Each video will be added to the Redemptorist website every Sunday, but  they will be available throughout the Lenten season, so you can re-watch them at your leisure.

Lenten Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced the first part of a booklet of Lenten reflections which you may find of value during Lent.

Sycamore for Lent

Sycamore opens up the heart of the Christian message and helps people to grow in faith. The films give an inspiring vision of Catholic Christianity. They involve some clear teaching and thought-provoking testimonies. The discussion groups, even online, help people grow in friendship and build a sense of community.

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission invite you to join a Sycamore journey during Lent. They offer an opportunity to gather online each Sunday from 6th March to 10th April from 16.00 – 17.15. There is no charge but you are asked to register to join.

Bishop Robert Barron asks, “Do you want to grow in your faith this Lent?”

It is almost two years since we were faced with the first total lockdown in our country due to the Coronavirus. You may remember for several months we were able to offer those of you who have access to the internet the opportunity to engage in a variety of talks and video presentations given by Bishop Robert Barron and the Word on Fire team.

During Lent this year, Word on Fire offer the opportunity to engage in more talks and videos with the ability to access those videos you have watched in the past and it is free of charge. Visit the Word on Fire website for more information as to how to access this material.

Each week Bishop Barron offers a Sunday sermon.

Head of Finance

The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle is looking to appoint a new Head of Finance. The role will be based in the Diocesan Offices in Newcastle and agile working is available. Full-time or 30 hours a week. Closing date for applications: 12th March, 2022. For full details, please visit or contact us 0191 243 3301

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Returning your call

If you telephone the presbytery and there is no-one available to take your call, you may choose to leave a message on the answer machine. We will do all we can to return your call. However we are only able to do so if you leave your telephone number!! For safeguarding reasons, we are unable to return anonymous calls,  so please leave both your name and number for your call to be returned. For security reasons, the presbytery number is sometimes withheld for outgoing calls, so please bear this in mind if you are expecting us to return your call.

When to take Lateral Flow Tests

With access to free lateral flow tests ending from the 1st April in England, Professor Tim Spector of the Zoe Study presents some valuable insights from their recent research to help us make the most of testing. Their scientists recently analysed the length of time it took for people to test negative, following their first positive test. They found that, on average, it took 8 days after the first positive test to log a negative test. 

What can we learn from these findings? 

  • Have some LFTs at home ready so you can test as soon as symptoms start. You don’t want to be out and about looking for test kits while symptomatic
  • Use a LFT on the day that you start experiencing symptoms
  • If you log a positive test, wait 6 days to retest as it’s unlikely that you’ll test negative before then
  • Those aged 75 and over could wait up to 10 days to retest as research suggests that those in this age bracket may take longer to recover
  • If your test is negative, test again the next day

Please get vaccinated  

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update – Why bother tracking Covid-19

This week, Professor Tim Spector looks at some new data Zoe have discovered on Lateral Flow Tests and how long you are likely to test positive, helping you to use the tests economically and save money. He also explains why it’s so important to keep on tracking COVID and logging your health and tests in the ZOE app, as well as some intriguing data on whether skipping breakfast is really as bad as people say it is. 

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

8th Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

Some of you will be familiar with the hymn, “The Love I have for you, my Lord”. The chorus reads:

“My life is in your hands”

which might be said to reflect the nature of the Public Health Message we heard this week as we begin to learn to live with Covid-19, moving from Government restrictions to taking personal responsibility for our actions so that we protect ourselves and each other without losing our liberty.

The NHS Public Health message outlined by Sir Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer on 21st February, is very clear. We are all strongly urged to play our part to reduce the risk of catching and passing on Covid-19 in the following ways:

  • by getting vaccinated;
  • by letting fresh air in when meeting indoors or choosing to meet outside instead;
  • by wearing a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces, especially where you come into contact with people you do not usually meet with and when rates of transmission are high;
  • by trying to stay at home if you are unwell;
  • by taking a test if you have COVID-19 symptoms, and staying at home and avoiding contact with other people if you test positive;
  • by washing your hands and following advice to ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’.

If we are prepared to follow this advice we may, by example, encourage others to do the same. After all, such behaviour is central to our Christian faith.

As we await an update from Bishop Robert relating to our Diocesan protocols, we request that you maintain the “status quo” when it comes to attending St. Patrick’s Church. So we ask that face coverings continue to be worn in the Church unless you are medically exempt. You are also asked to maintain social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also good practice.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we continue to do what we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and from next Sunday, 6th March at 10am.

There is no longer a need to provide Test and Trace details, nor to “log in” using a QR code.

If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

If you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home until you feel better. We probably all know of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please keep them in your prayers.

I would also like to explore with you whether or not we are going to be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church which will depend on having sufficient volunteers to be able to fulfil the requirements outlined in our parish Roadmap.

If you are willing to volunteer, I would like to invite you to a socially distanced gathering in the parish room in St. Alban’s presbytery next Saturday, 5th March from 11.00 – 12.00. Those attending are asked to wear a face covering unless they are medically exempt and to sanitise their hands on entry. For more details, please see the news item later in this Newsletter.

Bishop Robert has written urging us to remember in our prayers the people in Ukraine who only wish for what we have and enjoy and Pope Francis asks us to remember them in a special way on Ash Wednesday, through prayer and fasting in the hope of peace.

May God bless us all.

 Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week for the following Intentions. Face coverings should be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Brian Barrett
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – Ron McKewon
  • Ash Wednesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church: Margaret and Brian Pankhurst
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers 
  • Friday –  Andrew Sloan
  • Saturday – Fr. Patterson’s intentions 
  • Sunday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners Please note the change of the time of Sunday Mass from next Sunday, 6th March, 2022.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Andrew Sloan and,
  • Brian Barrett who has died. Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May he be taken up into glory with your Son in whose mystery of love we are all united.

 A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 161,224 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart.
Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship,
from being used and abused.
Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom
to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously.
Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs
and wants before those of others.
Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect,
following your ways.
We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

The Season of Lent

Wednesday, 2nd March, 2022 is Ash Wednesday which marks that time in our Christian lives when we perhaps go out of our way to prepare spiritually for the celebration of Easter.

Thanks to our volunteer stewards, we will be able to offer Mass in St. Patrick’s Church on Ash Wednesday at 10am when it is hoped children from Years 5 and 6 from our school will join us.

Lenten Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced the first part of a booklet of Lenten reflections which you may find of value during Lent. Unfortunately the booklet is too large to make printed copies available, but it is accessible online to those of you who have internet access.

The Lenten Journey 

Starting Sunday, 6th March, 2022,  Father Denis McBride C.Ss.R. will be leading a free online retreat

Each video will be added to the Redemptorist website every Sunday, but  they will be available throughout the Lenten season, so you can re-watch them at your leisure.

Sycamore for Lent

Sycamore opens up the heart of the Christian message and helps people to grow in faith. The films give an inspiring vision of Catholic Christianity. They involve some clear teaching and thought-provoking testimonies. The discussion groups, even online, help people grow in friendship and build a sense of community.

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission invite you to join a Sycamore journey during Lent. They offer an opportunity to gather online each Sunday from 6th March to 10th April from 4pm – 5:15pm. There is no charge but you are asked to register via the Diocesan website.

St. Alban’s Church – our future is in your hands!

With a possible further relaxation of our Diocesan Covid protocols in sight, we can now turn our attention to considering whether we will be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church.

As you are aware from our Parish Roadmap, which was circulated in June, 2021, many of our parishioners who served the parish in different ways over the years have asked to step down from their roles and Fr. Patterson has thanked them for their years of service and renews his thanks to them. Others have moved away and sadly, some have died – may they rest in peace.

Before we can open the church, we need committed volunteers to fulfil the roles outlined in our parish Roadmap which was recently recirculated . Further copies may be requested from

Fr. Patterson would like to invite all those who feel able to commit themselves to any one of these roles to gather together, socially distanced, to discuss how we can rebuild St. Alban’s parish with the resources available to us. In doing so, it is important that we look to the future rather than harken back to the past.

The gathering will take place next Saturday, 5th  March from 11.00 – 12.00 in the Parish Room of St Alban’s presbytery. Fr. Patterson  appreciates that this date and time may not suit everyone, but as it is of importance for our future, he hopes those of you who feel able to volunteer, will make a special effort to attend. Please wear a face covering unless you are medically exempt.

If you are unable to come along, but are willing to help in any one of the roles mentioned in the Roadmap, or would like to know more about what the roles entail, please contact Terry or Christine Harbron (0191 469 8697) or email Fr. Patterson on or telephone him on 0191 495 2277.

If you have helped in the past and would like to continue in your former role, it is important to contact Fr. Patterson in advance of our gathering.

Fr. Patterson has also submitted a request to the Diocesan Health and Safety Advisor to arrange to carry out a risk assessment of the Church which every parish must have in place before a church can be reopened.

The Ukraine

Pope Francis has made a heartfelt appeal for peace in Ukraine, saying that the threat of war had caused “great pain in my heart.” “Despite the diplomatic efforts of the last few weeks,” the Pope said, “increasingly alarming scenarios are opening up,” with many people all over the world feeling anguish and pain. ““Once again the peace of all is threatened by partisan interests,” he stressed. Pope Francis appealed to those “with political responsibility to examine their consciences seriously before God, who is the God of peace and not of war, who is the Father of all, not just of some, who wants us to be brothers and not enemies.””  He also prayed that “all the parties involved refrain from any action that would cause even more suffering to the people, destabilizing coexistence between nations and bringing international law into disrepute.”

(Vatican News)

The Synod Webinar 

Sr. Nathalie Becquart, the under secretary to the Synod of Bishops at the Vatican, is currently organising the synod process and empowering the Church across the world to journey towards the international Synod. She will be the guest speaker at a webinar on the 5th March 11.00—12.30 for people across the diocese. A time to listen, discuss and question her on the church and the way forward. To register please email requesting ‘webinar registration’.

An Appeal from our Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project

Thank you for continuing to respond so positively to this Appeal which supports on average 300 clients each week, who all receive a bag of food. 102 of them are destitute and also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of sugar, biscuits and toiletries as well as tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of Church or on a table if you enter by the rear door. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Head of Finance

The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle is looking to appoint a new Head of Finance. The role will be based in the Diocesan Offices in Newcastle and agile working is available. Full-time or 30 hours a week. Closing date for applications: 12th March, 2022. For full details, please visit or contact us 0191 243 3301

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Please get vaccinated  

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update – What is the reality of living with Covid-19

In this week’s update, Tim discusses the prime minister’s speech on living with COIVD, and what this really means for us going forward. He also looks at the latest figures and updates from the Zoe studies with more insights from the diet studies they conducted previously during the pandemic, this week he is looking at snacking habits. 

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.