Parish newsletter

6th Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

Following discussions with our stewards and in keeping with Bishop Robert’s Diocesan Covid protocols, it was agreed that from this Sunday, 13th February, 2022 it will be possible to enter St. Patrick’s Church either through the Church Street entrance or through the parish centre doors ascending either by the inner staircase or the lift. Both doors will open 20 minutes before Mass is due to begin.

On arrival in the church you will be invited to sanitise your hands and will be guided to your seat by one of our volunteers. A box will be available for your offerings, Test and trace details and Mass Intentions. Face coverings should still be worn.

The arrangements for Holy Communion will remain the same – you will be invited to come forward row by row from the front as at present. For the time being, at the end of Mass, please remain in your seats until you are invited to leave and exit via the centre aisle through either the front or rear doors.

After discussions with our stewards and following a show of hands last Sunday, it was agreed that from Sunday 6th March, 2022,  the First Sunday of Lent, Mass on Sundays will be at 10am.

These are a few more small steps to building a new future.

A life of faith stands in contrast to the values of this world

This is the theme of the Gospel which is read at Mass this Sunday (Luke 6: 17-26).

Jesus speaks of how reliance on the world’s values – whether of strength, security, wealth or reputation –  is pointless and ultimately of little value. Instead he offers us what at first may seem unrealistic; reliance on a God we cannot see; faith in a crucified Christ and belief in an eternity of which there are no guarantees. Faith, hope and love are not easy virtues, but they are the graces we need to be a true follower of Christ.

We received an update from Bishop Robert on 28th January concerning the Covid protocols to be followed in churches in our Diocese. Given the transmission rate of Covid-19 in the region, no changes are to be made  to our current protocols.

So we ask that face coverings continue to be worn in St. Patrick’s Church unless you are medically exempt. You are also asked to maintain social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also good practice. 

The Government is still encouraging places of worship, to keep a record of those attending to support the NHS Test and Trace programme.  If you have a smartphone you may use the QR Code displayed at the entrance to the Church or you can bring your details (name and contact telephone number) in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we continue to do what we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and on Sundays at 10.30am. If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

If you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home until you feel better. We probably all know of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that everyone suffering from the virus will make a full recovery.       

May God bless you all 

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Face coverings must be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Pat Smith
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church -Special Intention (ML)
  • Wednesday: 10.00 Funeral Mass for Maureen Hughes –  Diocesan Covid protocols apply            
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday – Jack Durham
  • Saturday – Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time and,
  • Fr. Malcolm Cairns (parish priest of Amble) and Maureen Hughes who have died. May they rest in peace

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 159,351 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

St. Alban’s Church – our future is in your hands!

With a possible further relaxation of our Diocesan Covid protocols in sight, we can now turn our attention to considering whether we will be able to reopen St. Alban’s Church.

As you are aware from our Parish Roadmap which was circulated in June, 2021, many of our parishioners who served the parish in different ways over the years have asked to step down from their roles and Fr. Patterson has thanked them for their years of service and renews his thanks to them. Others have moved away and sadly, some have died – may they rest in peace.

Before we can open the church, we will need volunteers who will be prepared to fulfil the roles outlined in our parish Roadmap. A copy may be requested by contacting

Fr. Patterson would like to invite all those who feel able to commit themselves to any one of these roles to gather together, socially distanced, to discuss how we can rebuild St. Alban’s parish with the resources available to us. In doing so, it is important that we look to the future rather than harken back to the past.

The gathering will take place on Saturday, 5th  March from 11am-12pm. It is the intention to hold it in the Parish Room at St Alban’s presbytery, but this will be confirmed closer to the date. Fr. Patterson  appreciates that this date and time may not suit everyone, but as it is of importance for our future, he hopes those of you who feel able to volunteer, will make a special effort to attend.

If you are unable to come along, but are willing to help in any one of the roles mentioned in the Roadmap, or would like to know more about what the roles entail, please contact Terry or Christine Harbron (0191 469 8697) or email Fr. Patterson on or telephone him on 0191 495 2277.

If you have helped in the past and would like to continue in your former role, it is important to contact Fr. Patterson in advance of our gathering.

Fr. Patterson has also submitted a request to the Diocesan Health and Safety Advisor to arrange to carry out a risk assessment of the Church which every parish must have in place before a church can be reopened.

Returning your call

If you telephone the presbytery and there is no-one available to take your call, you may choose to leave a message on the answer machine. We will do all we can to return your call. However we are only able to do so if you leave your telephone number!! For safeguarding reasons, we are unable to return anonymous calls. So please leave both your name and number for your call to be returned.

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Get vaccinated. Get boosted!

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update – Professor Spector gets Covid as Omicron peaks

Delivering his weekly update from isolation due to COVID infection, Tim shares the latest data on national case rates, including where we’re seeing Omicron BA.2 becoming more prevalent.

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

Dear Parishioners

All of us know that when something of any significance happens in the world or even in our lives, many different accounts of the event will quickly circulate, each of them giving a slightly different perspective, possibly adding or exaggerating some details to enhance its meaning.

For life changing events, like the story of a man who died and rose from the dead and was then seen and talked to by those who knew him, the credibility of the storyteller becomes absolutely crucial to the telling of the story.

All kinds of stories were in circulation about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. There were stories of earthquakes and volcanoes, of armies of angels seen in the skies over Jerusalem, of Jesus coming from the tomb dressed in white, wearing a crown, with an archangel on either side, striking dead the Roman soldiers sent to guard the tomb.

What to believe? Who to believe? What actually happened? Who was this man? These became hugely important questions for the first Christian communities who relied on the men and women who actually knew Jesus, who walked with him, heard him and saw him.

The Apostles held the highest places in the ranks of eye-witnesses. Not only were they with Jesus when he taught the crowds, healed the sick, told the parables, but they were also privileged to be with him in his private moments.

That is why it was so important in the early Church that those called to be Apostles by Jesus were clearly identified and the stories of their call recorded. That is why their stories are important for us today if we are to be effective witnesses of the Good News of the Gospel.

As we hear in the gospel read at Mass this Sunday, (Luke 5: 1-11) remember that just as Jesus called the first apostles on the lakeside by name, he called every baptised person by name to follow him and be his witness in the world.

 (Fr. Brian Maher OMI adapted)

We received an update from Bishop Robert on 28th January concerning the Covid protocols to be followed in churches in our Diocese. Given the transmission rate of Covid-19 in the region, no changes are to be made  to our current protocols.

So we ask that face coverings continue to be worn in St. Patrick’s Church unless you are medically exempt. You are also asked to maintain social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also good practice. 

The Government is still encouraging places of worship, to keep a record of those attending to support the NHS Test and Trace programme.  If you have a smartphone you may use the QR Code displayed at the entrance to the Church or you can bring your details (name and contact telephone number) in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we continue to do what we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and on Sundays at 10.30am. As we clean the church after each celebration, the rear of the church is closed to reduce the demands on our stewards in this regard. Limited toilet facilities are available in case of necessity. If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

If you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home until you feel better. We probably all know of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that everyone suffering from the virus will make a full recovery.

May God bless you all 

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Face coverings must be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Kathleen and Bill Harland                               
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – Special Intention
  • Wednesday: Isabella Taylor                                      
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers 
  • Friday – Veronica and James Houghton
  • Saturday – Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Veronica Houghton and Isabella Taylor

 A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 157,984 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Lord God, hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart. Protect them from violence, from political gamesmanship, from being used and abused. Give the nations of the world the courage and the wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to care generously. Take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others. Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect, following your ways. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen

St. Alban’s Church

Currently, we are still unable to reopen St. Alban’s Church whilst Diocesan Covid restrictions are in place as we do not have sufficient volunteers to comply with the protocols required to make the church Covid safe.

Even when the restrictions are removed, before we can open the church, we will need volunteers who will be prepared to fulfil the roles outlined in our shared parish Roadmap which was circulated at the beginning of May, 2021. If you do not have a copy, please email or ring 0191 495 2277 and one will be sent to you.

It is Fr. Patterson’s intention to invite those parishioners who are prepared to take on the necessary roles required to open the church to meet together to discuss the way forward. More news, next week.

An Appeal from our Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project

Thank you for continuing to respond so positively to this Appeal which supports on average 300 clients each week, who all receive a bag of food. 102 of them are destitute and also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of rice, sugar, biscuits and toiletries as well as tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the Church. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Gas and electricity bills to rise in April

I feel sure all of us will be anxious about the increased cost of gas and electricity in the coming months and having to meet higher utility bills will be a genuine struggle for so many – our parishes included.

Last week we received the gas bill for the heating of St. Patrick’s Church for the three month period 1/11/21 to 31/1/22 which totalled £2,289.00; the parish income for the same period totalled £6,092. The same period before lockdown (1/11/19 to 31/1/20) saw a heating bill of £3,387.00 with an income for the period of £9,080.  The smaller heating costs in the current year are due to the church being open only two days in any week. With St. Alban’s Church being closed there are no comparable costings.

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Get vaccinated. Get boosted!

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update  looks at how to use a Lateral Flow Test

In this week’s COVID-19 update, Professor Tim Spector takes a look at the second peak we’re seeing in cases and discusses when might be the best time to take an LFT test, and what we’ve discovered on symptoms of back pain.

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

4th Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

In the Gospel which will be read at Mass this Sunday, we hear how Jesus was teaching in the synagogue in his home town of Nazareth when, having listened to what he had to say, the people turned on him leading to Jesus’ words: “No prophet is ever accepted in his own country.” (Luke 4: 21-30)

What had he been saying to make the people respond to him in such a way? He was simply stating that his message “to love one another” must extend to everyone, without exception.

That message is true for us today. God’s love isn’t just for Christian people, it is for everyone and what a wonderful message that is for the people of the world.

It is a message which has been at the heart of all the pandemic restrictions and guidelines we have been asked to follow for almost two years. They are based on that need to look after one another by doing all we can to reduce the transmission of Covid-19.

This approach continues to lie at the heart of the Government guidelines which are still in place, even though the legal restrictions of Plan B were lifted last Thursday.

Take the wearing of face coverings for example. Whilst they are not legally necessary in shops or on public transport, the government still “recommends” that people wear face coverings in crowded, enclosed spaces where we may come into contact with people we do not normally meet. They remain a requirement in healthcare settings such as GP surgeries, hospitals or care homes and we ask that you continue wearing them when coming to our Church out of consideration for everyone else in the Church. Most of the major retailers including Tesco, Sainsburys, Lidl, Waitrose and John Lewis have also asked staff and customers to keep wearing a face covering.

Evidence suggests transmission mainly happens indoors where people are close together. Covering the nose and mouth reduces the spread of coronavirus droplets from coughs, sneezes and while speaking. The main purpose is to protect others although there is evidence they offer protection to wearers.

We received an update from Bishop Robert last Friday (28th January) on the Covid protocols to be followed in churches in our own Diocese for the time being and given the prevailing transmission rate of Covid-19 in the region, we are asked to make no changes to our current protocols.

So we ask that face coverings continue to be worn in St. Patrick’s Church unless you are medically exempt. You are also asked to maintain social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also good practice. 

The Government is still encouraging places of worship, to keep a record of those attending to support the NHS Test and Trace programme.  If you have a smartphone you may use the QR Code displayed at the entrance to the Church or you can bring your details (name and contact telephone number) in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we continue to do what we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and on Sundays at 10.30am. As we must clean the church after each celebration, the rear of the church is closed to reduce the demands on our stewards who sanitise the benches after you leave. Limited toilet facilities are available in case of necessity. If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

If you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home until you feel better. We probably all know of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that everyone suffering from the virus will make a full recovery.

May God bless you all.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Face coverings must be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Pat and Brian McDonough
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Lindsay Bradley
  • Wednesday – Patsy Rafferty                                     
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday -Funeral Mass for Celia Morley – Diocesan Covid protocols apply
  • Saturday -Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holyday, which prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Lindsay Bradley and,
  • Celia Morley who has died. May she rest in peace

 A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 155,317 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure):

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ukraine

Pope Francis invites us to pray for peace in the Ukraine. 

“May the Lord grant that the Ukraine may grow in the spirit of brotherhood and that all wounds, fears and divisions will be overcome. Amen.”

Bishop Robert asks that we maintain the current Diocesan Covid Protocols in our Churches

We received an update from Bishop Robert last Friday (28th January) on the Covid protocols to be followed in our own Diocese until his next review at the end of February. Given the prevailing transmission rate of Covid-19 in the region, the Bishop asks that no changes are made to our current protocols.

So we ask that face coverings continue to be worn in St. Patrick’s Church unless you are medically exempt.  You are also asked to maintain social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands as you enter and leave the Church is also good practice. 

An Appeal from our Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project

Thank you for continuing to respond so positively to this Appeal which supports on average 300 clients each week, who all receive a bag of food. 102 of them are destitute and also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of rice, sugar, biscuits and toiletries as well as tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the Church. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Thank you

Fr. Patterson wishes to express his gratitude for donations of £100.00 and £40.00 received during the past week for St. Patrick’s Church Funds.

St. Alban’s Church

Sadly, we are still not in a position to reopen St. Alban’s Church whilst Covid restrictions are in place as we do not have sufficient volunteers to comply with the protocols required to make the church Covid safe.

Once the restrictions are removed, before we are able to open the church, we will need volunteers who will be prepared to fulfil the roles outlined in our shared parish Roadmap which was circulated at the beginning of May, 2021. If you do not have a copy, please email or telephone 0191 495 2277 and one will be sent to you.

At the earliest opportunity, Fr. Patterson will invite those parishioners who are prepared to fulfil the necessary roles to meet together to discuss the way forward. Just before Christmas, Bishop Robert closed all parish centres, halls and meeting places until further notice because of the rapid spread of Omicron in the region. Once the situation changes Fr. Patterson will be in a position to arrange a meeting.

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Get vaccinated. Get boosted!

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

ZOE Covid weekly update  looks at what a sore throat may be telling you

In this week’s COVID-19 update, Professor Tim Spector  looks at the newly discovered Omicron variation BA.2, as well as the latest data from the ZOE app on rates of reinfection, and duration of COVID symptoms!

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

3rd Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

In the popular television program Antiques Roadshow, people from around the country bring their treasures to be appraised by various experts. It might be a cherished family heirloom displayed proudly in a prominent place in the home, or a long-forgotten trinket gathering dust in the attic. Whatever the item, the owner is usually keen to know its value. The appraiser might put a low price tag on something the owner thought had great value or what was originally purchased for a few pounds sometimes turns out to be valued at thousands of pounds.

Take a look around your home. What is your family’s most valued possession? Is it an object, a person, a relationship? How does your family express delight and pride in this treasured possession?

Pope Francis has dedicated this Sunday to “the Word of God.” He invites us to consider if the Bible is one of our treasures. Is a Bible among your home’s most valuable possessions?

Sadly, recent surveys have shown that few Catholics read the Bible, but what better place is there to encounter the person of Jesus Christ than in God’s Word?

So Pope Francis invites us to return to God’s Word. For when we read and reflect on it, our encounter with the living God is not a mere intellectual exercise but an opportunity to deepen our lives of faith and to model our own way of living on the example of Jesus.

And we need all the strength we can get to be more truly Christ like at this present time when we are asked to be concerned for the well-being of our neighbour. This will be more important when some of the Covid restrictions are lifted on Thursday of this week and become “Guidance” which we are still asked to follow for the well-being of others.

Until we receive an update from Bishop Robert, we ask that face coverings continue to be worn in St. Patrick’s Church unless you are medically exempt. This is in keeping with the Government advice after Thursday when they encourage us still “to wear face coverings in crowded, indoor spaces where we come into contact with people we do not normally meet.”  Evidence suggests transmission mainly happens indoors where people are close together. Covering the nose and mouth reduces the spread of coronavirus droplets from coughs, sneezes and while speaking. The main purpose is to protect others although there is some evidence they offer protection to wearers.

You are also asked to maintain two metres social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also good practice.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we continue to do what we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and on Sundays at 10.30am. As we must clean the church after each celebration, the rear of the church is closed to reduce the demands on our stewards who sanitise the benches after you leave. Limited toilet facilities are available in case of necessity. If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

If you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home until you feel better. We probably all know of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that everyone suffering from the virus will make a full recovery.

May God bless you all 

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Face coverings must be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – George and Evelyn May Craig                                
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Ellen Farrell
  • Wednesday – Private Intention (NF)                          
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday – Denis Patrick Lenehan 
  • Saturday -Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Lindsay Bradley, George Craig, Denis Patrick Lenehan and Patsy Rafferty and,
  • Celia Morley who has died. May she rest in peace.

 A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 153,490 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for Christian Unity – in this week of prayer for Christian Unity

God of every nation, creator of every human life, the Lord Jesus Christ has been made manifest in human history by becoming one of us and one with us. The solidarity of God with created humanity calls us to a life of solidarity with the homeless, the refugee, the weakest and the rejected. Help your Church to be a light for unity within itself and a beacon of hope for all humanity. We ask this through Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit reign as God for ever and ever. Amen

An Appeal from our Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project

Thank you for responding so positively to this Appeal which supports on average 300 clients each week, who all receive a bag of food. 102 of them are destitute and also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of rice, sugar, biscuits and toiletries as well as tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the Church. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Afghanistan Appeal

Thank you for your donations in recent weeks. Fr. Patterson has sent £135.00 to Cafod for The Afghanistan Appeal. Should you wish to make a donation to the this Appeal on line, please visit the Cafod website.

St. Alban’s Church

Sadly, we are still not in a position to reopen St. Alban’s Church whilst Covid restrictions are in place as we do not have sufficient volunteers to comply with the protocols required to make the church Covid safe.

Once the restrictions are removed, before we are able to open the church, we will need volunteers who will be prepared to fulfil the roles outlined in our shared parish Roadmap which was circulated at the beginning of May, 2021. If you do not have a copy, please email or telephone 0191 495 2277 and one will be sent to you.

At the earliest opportunity, Fr. Patterson will invite those parishioners who are prepared to fulfil the necessary roles to meet together to discuss the way forward. Just before Christmas, Bishop Robert closed all parish centres, halls and meeting places until further notice because of the rapid spread of Omicron in the region. Once the situation changes Fr. Patterson will be in a position to arrange a meeting.

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Get vaccinated. Get boosted!

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so in this video message

ZOE Covid weekly update  asks, “Omicron cases are falling rapidly, but will it last?”

In this week’s COVID-19 update, Professor Tim Spector looks at the latest data from the ZOE COVID Study, which shows Omicron is continuing to fall rapidly. But will it last now that cases are gain rising in children? He also discusses some interesting symptoms which have become more prevalent in Omicron cases than previous variants !

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

2nd Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

We are now into the season described by the Church as “Ordinary Time.”

It is the time when we, as Catholic people, strive to implement in our everyday lives the message Jesus came to bring on the first Christmas Day.

Sharing what we have received lies at the heart of our human experience, but it also raises an awareness of the inequalities which surround us whether that be in our own families, in our community, in our country or in the world at large.

There is a great temptation to see such inequalities as being someone else’s problem to resolve – whether it be National or local Government, the churches, law enforcement, border control and many more. Rarely do we see such situations as our joint responsibility, perhaps because of the “knock on effect” it may have on us.

The gift of faith we received on the day of our baptism, was given to us to enable us to share what we have been given for the well-being of others.

We still need to draw on this at this present time as the cases of Omicron are still increasing in our own region and in our own community.

So please continue to do all you can to be cautious in your everyday life choices, not only for your own good but for the well-being of others; family, friends, the local community and further afield,  including the NHS on which we all rely at times.

You may like to include this prayer in your daily prayers:-

Attend to the prayers of your people with heavenly care,
O Lord, we pray, that they may see what must be done
and gain strength to do what they have seen.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we continue to do what we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and on Sundays at 10.30am.

Face coverings must be worn unless you are medically exempt and you are asked to maintain two metres social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also necessary.

As we must clean the church after each celebration, the rear of the church is closed to reduce the demands on our stewards who sanitise the benches after you leave. Limited toilet facilities are available in case of necessity.

As more and more people in the parish are contracting Covid-19, if you have Covid symptoms or feel unwell, if you have a cough or are sneezing, if someone in your household has been poorly recently, please do not take any risks with your health or the health of others at Church and stay at home until you feel better.  If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

With the growing spread of Covid in our region, we probably all know of someone who has the virus or is self isolating, you may even be one of them. Please pray that everyone suffering from the virus will make a full recovery. Pray for each other that the Lord will continue to watch over us and keep us safe.

May God bless you all 

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Face coverings must be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Paul Hughes
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Tom Hayes
  • Wednesday -Bishop Lindsay 
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers 
  • Friday –  Joan Barrett
  • Saturday -Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Bishop Lindsay

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 151,612 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the New Year and beyond

We are a community of memory that looks back; we are a community of Spirit that looks forward.
It is important, though not easy, to look back with kindness and to look forward in hope.
This year is coming to a close and a new year beckons.
Let us hand over the past to God for his healing blessing.
Let us ask the Lord to face the future with us so that we do not face it alone
Let us pray for each other and for all those we love
that we might know the promise of the Lord that brings the Gospel to a close.

         (Fr. Denis McBride C.Ss.R)

An Appeal from our Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project

Please spare a thought for the above project. It supports on average 300 clients each week, who all receive a bag of food. 102 of them are destitute and also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of rice, sugar, biscuits and toiletries as well as tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the Church. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

St. Alban’s Church

Sadly, we are still not in a position to reopen St. Alban’s Church whilst Covid restrictions are in place as we do not have sufficient volunteers to comply with the protocols required to make the church Covid safe.

Once the restrictions are removed, before we are able to open the church, we will need volunteers who will be prepared to fulfil the roles outlined in our shared parish Roadmap which was circulated at the beginning of May, 2021. If you do not have a copy, please email or telephone 0191 495 2277 and one will be sent to you.

At the earliest opportunity, Fr. Patterson will invite those parishioners who are prepared to fulfil the necessary roles to meet together to discuss the way forward. Just before Christmas, Bishop Robert closed all parish centres, halls and meeting places until further notice because of the rapid spread of Omicron in the region. Once the situation changes Fr. Patterson will be in a position to arrange a meeting.

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:-

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Get vaccinated. Get boosted!

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

Pope Francis also urges us to do so.

Self Isolation Rules change in England on Monday

The self-isolation period for people who test positive for Covid-19 is being cut to five full days in England from Monday, Health Secretary Sajid Javid has said. The change means people will be able to end isolation after negative lateral flow tests on days five and six, with Mr Javid saying this meant they could leave “at the start of day six”. Ministers say the move is one way to reduce staffing pressures in the NHS and other sectors, while Mr Javid said it was about maximising activity in the economy while “minimising the risk of people leaving isolation”.

ZOE Covid weekly update  asks, “Are we past the peak of Omicron?”

Professor Tim Spector is back from holiday and in this week’s video, he takes us through the latest data which shows that the UK may be over the Omicron wave. However, if you’re feeling unwell, it’s now more likely to be COVID than a cold!

In a separate blog, the updated symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Dear Parishioners

Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan by John the Baptist.

Traditionally it marks the end of the Christmas season, but it does not mean that the message of Christmas is put away with the rest of the Christmas decorations until next year.

We have celebrated so much in the world of faith over the past few weeks.

Mary’s acceptance of God’s will for her to be the mother of his Son. Her difficult journey with Joseph to Bethlehem to fulfil the governor’s edict to register in the town of their birth. No place to stay when they arrived, so Mary gave birth in a cattle shed surrounded by shepherds. The arrival of the Magi who followed a star which led them to the long awaited Messiah and the celebration of family life on the Feast of the Holy Family. So we have a great deal to be thankful for and hopefully we would want to share what we have celebrated and received.

Sharing lies at the heart of today’s Feast of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan which  marks the beginning of his “public ministry” when he travelled around the countryside talking to people who came to listen to what he had to say and gently inviting them to follow his example and teaching. Many came to listen, but only a few remained with him and became his disciples.

We are reminded today of our baptism which made us members of God’s family. The day on which we were entrusted with the gift of faith and encouraged, as we mature in years and in faith, to share what we have been given for the well-being of others.

We need to draw on that at this present time when we must continue to take personal responsibility for our life choices, not only for our own good but for the well-being of others; family, friends, the local community and further afield.

So, please do all you can to be cautious in your everyday life choices which not only affect you, but impact on others too, including the NHS on which we all rely at times and pray for one another.

With the ongoing support of our volunteer stewards, we are doing what we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. At this present time, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and on Sundays at 10.30am.

Face coverings are still a legal requirement unless you are medically exempt and you are asked to maintain two metres social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also necessary.

As we must clean the church after each celebration, the rear of the church is closed to reduce the demands on our stewards who sanitise the benches after you leave. Limited toilet facilities are available in case of necessity.

If you have Covid-19 symptoms or feel unwell, if you have a cough or are sneezing, if someone in your household has been poorly recently, please do not take any risks with your health or the health of others at Church and stay at home until you feel better.  If you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

With the growing spread of Covid in our region, we probably all know of someone who has the virus or is self isolating. Please pray that they will make a full recovery and pray for each other that the Lord will continue to watch over us and keep us safe. 

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Face coverings must be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Peter Sloan                                                                     
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – Bet Roberts
  • Wednesday – LDM Makepeace and Shanks Families
  • Thursday – Funeral Mass for Patrick Joseph Reilly – by invitation – Covid restrictions apply                           
  • Friday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Saturday -Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30am in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Peter Sloan and,
  • Patrick Reilly  who has died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May he be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united”.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 149,744 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure):

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the New Year and beyond

We are a community of memory that looks back; we are a community of Spirit that looks forward.
It is important, though not easy, to look back with kindness and to look forward in hope.
This year is coming to a close and a new year beckons.
Let us hand over the past to God for his healing blessing.
Let us ask the Lord to face the future with us so that we do not face it alone
Let us pray for each other and for all those we love
that we might know the promise of the Lord that brings the Gospel to a close.

(Fr. Denis McBride C.Ss.R)

A New Year Appeal from our Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project

Please spare a thought for the above project. It supports on average 300 clients each week, who all receive a bag of food. 102 of them are destitute and also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of rice, sugar, biscuits and toiletries as well as tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the Church. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

St. Alban’s Church

Sadly, we are still not in a position to reopen St. Alban’s Church whilst Covid restrictions are in place as we do not have sufficient volunteers to comply with the protocols required to make the church Covid safe.

Once the restrictions are removed, before we are able to open the church, we will need volunteers who will be prepared to fulfil the roles outlined in our shared parish Roadmap which was circulated at the beginning of May, 2021. If you do not have a copy, please email or telephone 0191 495 2277 and one will be sent to you.

At the earliest opportunity, Fr. Patterson will invite those parishioners who are prepared to fulfil the necessary roles to meet together to discuss the way forward. Just before Christmas, Bishop Robert closed all parish centres, halls and meeting places until further notice because of the rapid spread of Omicron in the region. Once the situation changes Fr. Patterson will be in a position to arrange a meeting.

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Get vaccinated. Get boosted!

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

He goes on to say: “I add my voice to many others… To the voice of Pope Francis, who says to be vaccinated is ‘an act of love’. To the voice of my favourite football manager, Jurgen Klopp: ‘The whole vaccination process is a question of solidarity, loyalty and togetherness’. He adds: ‘There is only one answer: “You do it.” “Yes, please act quickly. Here is real protection, for yourself and for others.”

Pope Francis urges us to do so in his video message.

ZOE Covid weekly update  returns with some interesting news

Tim’s colleague Dr Claire Steves steps in again this week to give us the latest update on data from the ZOE COVID Study app. She discusses what the case numbers are looking like this week, how cases are now starting to rise in the over 75’s and what we can do to help reduce the transmission of the virus. She also discusses the latest symptoms being reported.

In a separate blog, the symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

2nd Sunday of Christmas 2022

Dear Parishioners

Might I take this opportunity to wish you and those you love dearly a Happy New Year, rich in God’s blessings.

I would also like to thank those of you who felt able to come together for our celebration of the Christmas Feast and share the disappointment of those of you who were prevented from attending because of testing positive for Covid-19. I hope you are making a good recovery.

Thank you for your cards, gifts, emails, telephone calls and prayers, all of which are greatly appreciated and thanks to those parishioners who offered to decorate the sanctuary.

A special word of thanks must go to our team of volunteer stewards for their unceasing commitment since September, 2020, doing all they can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. Thanks to their generosity, Mass will continue to be celebrated on Tuesdays at 10am and on Sundays at 10.30am.

Face coverings are still a legal requirement unless you are medically exempt and you are asked to maintain two metre social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. Sanitising your hands is also necessary.

As we must clean the church after each celebration, the rear of the church is closed to reduce the demands on our stewards who sanitise the benches after you leave. Limited toilet facilities are available in case of necessity.

If you have Covid-19 symptoms or feel unwell, if you have a cough or are sneezing, if someone in your household has been poorly recently, please do not take any risks with your health or the health of others at Church and stay at home until you feel better.  And if you are still hesitant about attending Church, please remember you are under no obligation to do so.

Please do all you can to be cautious in your everyday life choices which not only affect you, but impact on others too, including the NHS on which we all rely at times.

I am afraid we are still not in a position to reopen St. Alban’s Church whilst Covid restrictions are in place as we do not have sufficient volunteers to comply with the protocols required to make the church Covid safe.

Once the restrictions are removed, before we are able to open the church, we will need volunteers who will be prepared to fulfil the roles outlined in our shared parish Roadmap which was circulated at the beginning of May, 2021. If you do not have a copy, please email or telephone 0191 495 2277 and one will be sent to you.

At the earliest opportunity, I will invite those parishioners who are prepared to fulfil the necessary roles to meet together to discuss the way forward. You may remember that just before Christmas, Bishop Robert closed all parish centres, halls and meeting places until further notice because of the rapid spread of Omicron in the region. Once the situation changes I will be in a position to arrange a meeting.

May God bless you and your families, keep you safe and may his light guide us throughout the coming year.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, JesmondVisit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Face coverings must be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Olwin Durham
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church with the prayers of the Feast of the Epiphany – Nellie Armstrong
  • Wednesday – Funeral Service for Sheila Fletcher – by invitation – Covid restrictions apply
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers 
  • Friday – Brian Grace Senior and Brian Grace Junior
  • Saturday – Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30am in St. Patrick’s Church: For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this and,
  • Sheila Fletcher  who has died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May she be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united”.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 148,624 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for the New Year and beyond

We are a community of memory that looks back; we are a community of Spirit that looks forward.
It is important, though not easy, to look back with kindness and to look forward in hope.
This year is coming to a close and a new year beckons.
Let us hand over the past to God for his healing blessing.
Let us ask the Lord to face the future with us so that we do not face it alone.
Let us pray for each other and for all those we love that we might know the promise of the Lord that brings the Gospel to a close.

(Fr. Denis McBride C.Ss.R)

A New Year Appeal from our Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project

Please spare a thought for the above project. It supports on average 300 clients each week, who all receive a bag of food. 102 of them are destitute and also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of rice, sugar, biscuits and toiletries as well as tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the Church. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Thank you

Fr. Patterson wishes to express his gratitude for donations received  recently for St. Patrick’s parish funds in the sum of £200.00 and £40.00.

Get vaccinated. Get boosted!

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

He goes on to say: “I add my voice to many others… To the voice of Pope Francis, who says to be vaccinated is ‘an act of love’. To the voice of my favourite football manager, Jurgen Klopp: ‘The whole vaccination process is a question of solidarity, loyalty and togetherness’. He adds: ‘There is only one answer: “You do it.” “Yes, please act quickly. Here is real protection, for yourself and for others.”

Pope Francis urges us to do so in this video message.

ZOE Covid weekly update  returns with some interesting news

Tim’s colleague Dr Claire Steves steps in this week to give you the latest update on data from the ZOE COVID Study app. She discusses what the case numbers are looking like this week, and how Omicron is set to dominate cases. She also discusses the latest symptoms being reported, and has some surprising news about anosmia. 

In a separate blog, the symptoms of Omicron are discussed.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

Christmas 2021

Dear Parishioners

Christmas is almost upon us, hence this early and briefer Newsletter. I hope you are able to  celebrate it with friends and family in a cautious, caring and loving way.

You would be very welcome to join us for Mass in St. Patrick’s Church either this evening, Christmas Eve at 5.30pm or on Christmas Day at 9.45am. On both occasions the Church will open 20 minutes before Mass is due to begin. Access is by the entrance off Church Street only – “the Top Door.”

As we are not operating a booking system this year, places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. It would be helpful if some of you who have in the past attended on Christmas Eve, would consider coming on Christmas morning to ensure that we can welcome everyone in a safe way at both Masses and to prevent us from having to turn people away if our Covid risk assessed capacity is reached.

We will to do all we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid-19 safe as we can make it for you. You will be welcomed by our volunteer stewards and invited to sanitise your hands.  Please follow their guidance, especially when it comes to seating you in your place. They are trying to keep everyone safe.

You are asked to maintain one metre social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. You are also asked not to move around the Church once seated. Face coverings are a legal requirement unless you are medically exempt.

As we must clean the church after each celebration, the rear of the church is closed to reduce the demands on our stewards who sanitise the benches after you leave. Limited toilet facilities are available in case of necessity. You are welcome to use the main Church car park, accessing the “Top Door” via the external stone steps at the side of the Church. 

If you have Covid-19 symptoms or feel unwell, if you have a cough or are sneezing, if someone in your household has been poorly recently, please do not take any risks with your health or the health of others at Church and stay at home until you feel better.

Remember too, if you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

It would be a wonderful act of kindness to one another if you would consider taking a lateral flow test before attending Mass on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. The choice, of course, is yours; you are under no obligation to do so. As you will be aware, it is often people who have contracted Covid, but experience no symptoms, who unknowingly infect others.

We have lived through a lot since the pandemic started so let us be kind and respect one another this Christmas. Be aware of personal space and personal choice. Some people might not be ready to hug, kiss, shake hands or reduce social distancing. Don’t assume what people are comfortable with. Instead, ask them and respect their personal choices.

Please do all you can to be cautious in your everyday life choices which not only affect you, but impact on others too, including the NHS on which we all rely at times and pray for one another.

May God bless you and your families this Christmas and may his light guide us throughout the coming year.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral website for times this week.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Face coverings must be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – Brian Quigley
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – Gerry Toberty
  • Wednesday – Sister Francine
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday -Peter Volpe 
  • New Year’s Day (Saturday, 1st January): 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – Allan Lavin
  • Sunday: 10.30am in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time Nellie Armstrong, Allan Lavin and Gerry Toberty and,
  • Fr. Richard Harriott, parish priest of St. John’s, Annitsford who has died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May he be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united”.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 147,720 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure)

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for Christmas and beyond

We are a community of memory that looks back; we are a community of Spirit that looks forward.
It is important, though not easy, to look back with kindness and to look forward in hope.
This year is coming to a close and a new year beckons.
Let us hand over the past to God for his healing blessing.
Let us ask the Lord to face the future with us so that we do not face it alone.
Let us pray for each other and for all those we love that we might know the promise of the Lord that brings the Gospel to a close.

         (Fr. Denis McBride C.Ss.R)

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Dear Parishioners

I hope you are able to look forward to Christmas and to celebrate it with friends and family in a cautious, caring and loving way.

I would like to extend an invitation to you to join us for Mass in St. Patrick’s Church on either Christmas Eve at 5.30pm or on Christmas Day at 9.45am.  Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions, we will not be able to sing the usual carols during Mass.

On both occasions the Church will open 20 minutes before Mass is due to begin. Please do not all arrive in the last five minutes to avoid the need to queue as you wait to be taken to your seats!! Access to the Church is by the entrance off Church Street only – “the Top Door.”

As we are not operating a booking system this year, it would be helpful if some of you who have in the past attended on Christmas Eve would consider coming on Christmas morning to ensure that we can welcome everyone in a safe way at both Masses. It would also prevent us from having to turn people away if our capacity is reached.

We will continue to do all we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid safe as we can make it for you. You will be invited to sanitise your hands when you arrive and will be guided to your places by one of our volunteer stewards. Face coverings are a legal requirement unless you are medically exempt.

You are asked to maintain one metre social distancing from others in your bench, unless you are from the same household or bubble. You are also asked not to move around the Church once seated.

We are encouraged to collect test and trace details – your name and a contact telephone number – so please bring them along in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the church or use the QR code if you have a smartphone.

As we must clean the church after each celebration, the rear of the church is closed to reduce the demands on our stewards who sanitise the benches after you leave. Limited toilet facilities are available in case of necessity. You are welcome to use the main Church car park, accessing the Church via the external stone steps at the side of the Church.

If you have Covid-19 symptoms or feel unwell, if you have a cough or are sneezing, if someone in your household has been poorly recently, please do not take any risks with your health or the health of others at Church and stay at home until you feel better.

Remember too, if you are still hesitant about attending Church, you are under no obligation to do so.

It would be a wonderful act of kindness to one another if you would consider taking a lateral flow test before attending Mass on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. The choice, of course, is yours; you are under no obligation to do so. As you will be aware, it is often people who have contracted Covid-19, but experience no symptoms, who unknowingly infect others.

We have lived through a lot since the pandemic started so let us be kind and respect one another this Christmas. Be aware of personal space and personal choice. Some people might not be ready to hug, kiss, shake hands or reduce social distancing. Don’t assume what people are comfortable with. Instead, ask them and respect their personal choices.

Please do all you can to be cautious in your everyday life choices which not only affect you, but impact on others too, including the NHS on which we all rely at times and pray for one another.

May God bless you and your families this Christmas.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30am and may be viewed on the Cathedral YouTube channel.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Sunday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Face coverings must be worn when attending Church, unless you are medically exempt.

  • Monday – William, Eileen, Bernadette & Liam Brannigan
  • Tuesday – Funeral Mass for Mary Smith – by invitation – Covid restrictions apply
  • Wednesday – Mary Robinson 
  • Thursday – Jim Murray
  • Christmas Eve: 5.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers  and all who have died from Covid-19 
  • Christmas Day:  09.45am in St. Patrick’s Church – Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30am in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time Nellie Armstrong and Jim Murray and,
  • Mary Smith who has died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May she be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united”.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 147,048 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure).

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A prayer for those who are afraid

God of all hope we call on you today.
We pray for those who are living in fear:
Fear of Covid-19, fear for loved ones, fear of what the future holds.
May your Spirit give us a sense of calmness and peace. Amen

A prayer for Refugees

Father, your Son had no place to call his own;
protect those who today are fleeing from danger.
Bless those who work to bring them relief;
inspire generosity and compassion in all our hearts;
and guide the nations of the world towards that day
when we will  all rejoice in your Kingdom. Amen.

Resources to help you make the most of Advent

In this last week of Advent you may find the following reflection of value:

Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord?  (Luke 1: 39-45)

Mary set out and went as quickly as she could to a town in the hill country of Judah. She went into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth. Now as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leapt in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. She gave a loud cry and said, ‘Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord? For the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy. Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled.’

What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?

Mary set out and went as quickly as she could to a town in the hill country of Judah. When have I approached God in haste? When do I come in haste to the aid of my brothers and sisters?

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leapt in her womb. How have I heard God speaking to me? How have I responded to God’s voice?

Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. For what blessings am I most thankful? How have God’s blessings borne fruit in my life?

We journey on in hope……with thanks and gratitude

One of the aspects that the pandemic has brought to the fore in the life of the church in our Diocese is the vulnerability of many of our priests either through age, with underlying health conditions or with a combination of both. This has resulted in many priests having to self isolate and has very much limited what they can do by way of their ministry.

None of us find it easy, and Fr. Patterson wishes to thank you all for your understanding of his personal situation in these times and for your reassurance, support and especially for your prayers. He is particularly grateful for the support and encouragement he receives from our volunteer stewards, who have helped him to make some difficult decisions during this time of pandemic. He takes this opportunity to wish you all a most peaceful, happy and holy Christmas and hopes that you will keep safe and well in the months ahead.

Covid update from Bishop Robert

The Bishop writes:- “The emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 presents a very significant risk to our clergy and congregations.  Whilst the UK Government has kick started an accelerated vaccination programme, the devolved administrations and many experts believe that this alone is insufficient to counteract the very rapid increase in Covid-19  cases which is being driven by the much more transmissible Omicron variant.

Church services take place in a well-controlled environment if our guidelines are followed and I would like to remind you that it is vitally important that we all do everything we can to keep everyone safe. I set out the most pertinent Covid guidelines on 10th December but in addition I would ask that you are sensitive to the duration of church services and encourage the congregation to disperse quickly at the end.  Whist we are still able to safely gather in our churches the same is not true for our church halls and meeting spaces. … I recommend that we close our church halls and meeting spaces, that are currently open, to all groups and activities at the end of Friday 17th December. They should remain closed until further notice.”

Honouring Sundays

In a Statement issued on Thursday, 18th November, 2021, the Bishops of England and Wales issued a statement to the effect that while the obligation to attend Mass on a Sunday would remain suspended, we should think about how we honour Sunday as a special day in our week. It reminds us that attending Mass is a personal response to the selfless offering of Christ’s love.

A Christmas Appeal from our Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project

When doing your own shopping for Christmas, please spare a thought for the above project. It supports on average 300 clients each week, who all receive a bag of food. 102 of them are destitute and also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of rice, sugar, biscuits and toiletries as well as tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the Church. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

A message from Cafod

We know that you are preparing for Christmas amid uncertainty and challenge. As we prepare for Christmas in the UK, Afghanistan’s harsh winter is setting in. 23 million people are now unable to feed themselves daily. Whole regions of the country are on the brink of famine. Millions have fled their homes, the overwhelming majority are women and children. The Disaster Emergency Committee, of which Cafod is a member, are launching an Afghanistan Crisis Appeal which you may have seen on UK broadcast media.

Cafod has worked with local partners in Afghanistan for many years. They and our sister agencies are assessing need and responding. We know the Catholic community will want to express their compassion for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan who have suffered so much. Gifts will provide food, clean water, and winter fuel to vulnerable families.

If you wish to make a donation to this appeal you can do that via the Cafod website. If you do not have access to the internet, you may place a donation in an envelope marked Afghanistan Appeal and place it in the box at the from of St. Patrick’s Church.

Get vaccinated. Get boosted!

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has echoed the call encouraging people to take up Covid vaccinations and boosters when offered by the NHS. “The call ‘Get vaccinated! Get boosted!’ is more and more pressing.”

“I add my voice to many others… To the voice of Pope Francis, who says to be vaccinated is ‘an act of love’. To the voice of my favourite football manager, Jurgen Klopp: ‘The whole vaccination process is a question of solidarity, loyalty and togetherness’. He adds: ‘There is only one answer: “You do it.” “Yes, please act quickly. Here is real protection, for yourself and for others.”

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Thank you

Fr. Patterson wishes to express his gratitude for the a bequest from the estate of the late Mary Rogerson in the sum of £1,000.00 for St. Alban’s parish funds. May she rest in the peace of Christ.

ZOE Covid weekly update  and some useful tips as to how to stay safe this Christmas

In his weekly update, Professor Tim Spector speaks of how cases of Omicron are spreading in our country. 

In a separate blog, Tim shares some suggestions as to how we can all stay safe for Christmas.

He continues to remind us, that as well as the “classic symptoms” of Covid, (a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell), there are more symptoms emerging, namely a headache accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing and a cough. It may just be a cold, but check it out by taking a Lateral Flow Test.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Parish newsletter

Third Sunday of Advent

Dear Parishioners

Joy is the underlying theme of the Third Sunday of Advent as we continue to prepare to celebrate our Saviour’s birth.

Despite the introduction of further safety measures by the Government last week to protect our health and well-being, our joy need not be tempered if it is rooted in the simplicity of the manger where hope for the world dawned.

A life rooted in Jesus’ message to love one another can be lived out, in this present moment in human history, by the way we care for each other. Often all the razzmatazz surrounding Christmas can be a positive distraction to the joy that lies at the heart of the Christmas message.

We are not being told what do for the sake of it, the restrictions are to keep us safe and have perhaps become necessary as a result of us not responding positively to the freedom we were given in July, when mandated restrictions gave way to an invitation “to keep an eye out for each other.”

We have lived through a lot since the pandemic started so let us be kind and respect one another in these days leading up to Christmas. 

Be aware of personal space and personal choice. Some people might not be ready to hug, kiss, shake hands or reduce social distancing. Don’t assume what people are comfortable with. Instead, ask them and respect their personal choices.

There is much to celebrate. Let us do it responsibly, so that we may all be safe and well.


“Christmas isn’t Christmas until it happens in your heart.
It is somewhere deep inside you where Christmas really starts.”

Bishop Robert recently reviewed the Covid protection measures for the churches in our Diocese and has asked us to keep them in place due to the high rate of transmission of the coronavirus in our region. He will review the situation in February. It is important to realise that he has not taken this decision lightly, but out of consideration for all the people who attend our churches and for the clergy, many of whom are still deemed to be clinically vulnerable despite the vaccination programme.

We will continue to do all we can to ensure St. Patrick’s Church is both welcoming and as Covid safe as we can make it for you. Sanitising your hands, social distancing, the wearing of face coverings and cleaning the church after each celebration are still in place. As we must continue to clean the church after each celebration, the rear of the church will remain closed to reduce the demands on our stewards who sanitise the benches after you leave. Limited toilet facilities are available in case of necessity. The steward at the rear of the church will assist you. If you have Covid-19 symptoms or feel unwell, if you have a cough or are sneezing, if someone in your household has been poorly recently, please do not take any risks with your health or the health of others at Church and stay at home until you feel better.

I renew my thanks to our volunteer stewards who are prepared to continue in their roles enabling us to celebrate Mass on Tuesdays at 10am and on Sundays at 10.30am. There is no longer a need for you to book a place in advance. We are encouraged by the Government to collect test and trace details – your name and a contact telephone number – so please bring them along in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the church or use the QR code if you have a smartphone.

Please do all you can to be cautious in your everyday life choices which not only affect you, but impact on others too, including the NHS on which we all rely at times and pray for one another. May God bless you and your families in this season of Advent.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view online

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 am.  

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond celebrated live at 10am on Sunday and most weekdays and Saturday at 4pm. These Masses may also be viewed later.

Mass Intentions for the coming week

With the exception of Sunday and Tuesday, Fr. Patterson will celebrate Mass privately during the week remembering the following Intentions. Bishop Robert asks that Face coverings should still be worn in our churches.

  • Monday – Joan and Eddie McAtominey
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – Dennis Rogan
  • Wednesday – Hughes. Knock and Kelly Families
  • Thursday -The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday – Funeral Service for Celia Anderson – by invitation – Covid restrictions apply            
  • Saturday –  Fr. Patterson’s intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30am in St. Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with us in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

In case you are not aware, a parish priest is obliged to celebrate Mass for the “Intentions of the Parishioners” every Sunday or Holydaywhich prevents him from fulfilling personal intentions on those occasions.

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Ellen Farrell, Kathleen Hughes, Joan McAtominey, and Dennis Rogan and,
  • and Fr. Kevin Daly and Celia Anderson who have died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the souls of your servants whom you have called from this life. May they be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united.”

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

A time to pray

Please join together in prayer for the 146,255 people who have died in our country from the coronavirus. (Friday’s figure).

Gracious God, as we remember before you the thousands who have died from the coronavirus, surround us and all who mourn with your compassion. Be gentle with us in our grief, protect us from despair and give us grace to persevere and face the future with hope. We make this prayer in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.

A prayer for those who are afraid

God of all hope we call on you today.
We pray for those who are living in fear:
Fear of Covid-19, fear for loved ones, fear of what the future holds.
May your Spirit give us a sense of calmness and peace. Amen

Resources to help you make the most of Advent

Diocesan Resources – The Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced a set of Seasonal reflections, one for each week of Advent.

For those who do not have internet access you may find the following reflection of value:

“What should we do?” (Luke 3: 10-18)

The crowds asked John the Baptist, “What should we do?” He said to them in reply, “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.”  “Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages. Now the people were filled with expectation, and all were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Christ. John answered them all, saying, “I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” Exhorting them in many other ways, he preached good news to the people.

What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?

“Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages.” How can I be kinder and more honest in my speech? How do envy and greed disrupt my relationship with material goods?

Now the people were filled with expectation. For what do I hope? How does my faith in God fulfill my longings?

His winnowing fan is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn. What sinful parts of my life need to be winnowed away? What spiritual gifts do I treasure the most?

The celebration of Christmas

Sadly it is still not possible to celebrate Mass in St. Alban’s Church at present as we are unable to make it Covid secure and we do not have the necessary level of help required.

Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church, in keeping with Bishop Robert’s protection guidelines and the latest Government restrictions, to which everyone is invited. There is no need to book a place in advance.

  • Christmas Eve Mass 5.30pm
  • Christmas morning at 9.45am

On both occasions the Church will open 20 minutes before Mass is due to begin. Access is by the entrance off Church Street only. You are welcome to use the main Church car park, accessing the Church via the external stone steps at the side of the Church.

You will be invited to sanitise your hands as you enter and leave the Church and to wear a face covering. To prevent you having to book a place, social distancing will be one metre between households and bubbles, in keeping with Bishop Robert’s update and you will be guided to your place by one of our stewards. We are encouraged to collect track and trace details – your name and a contact telephone number – so please bring them along in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the church or use the QR code if you have a smartphone.

Honouring Sundays

In a Statement issued on Thursday, 18th November, 2021, the Bishops of England and Wales issued a statement to the effect that while the obligation to attend Mass on a Sunday would remain suspended, we should think about how we honour Sunday as a special day in our week. It reminds us that attending Mass is a personal response to the selfless offering of Christ’s love.

A Christmas Appeal from our Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project

When doing your own shopping for Christmas, please spare a thought for the above project. It supports on average 300 clients each week, who all receive a bag of food. 102 of them are destitute and also receive a supermarket voucher.

If you are able to bring donations of rice, sugar, biscuits and toiletries as well as tinned fish in oil and tins of tomatoes and chick peas to St. Patrick’s Church before Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays, they may be left on the table to your right as you enter the Church. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

Respect for one another – Be aware of personal space and personal choice.

Please respect the Government’s mandated guidelines which have come into effect in the past few days especially in regard to wearing a face covering on public transport and in a variety of other settings including churches. It is not a lot to ask to help keep each other safe so that we might all have a peaceful and happy Christmas.

The Government also urges us to be vaccinated, so it is important for us to respond in a positive way and to do all we can to encourage people we know to consider being vaccinated if they haven’t already done so. Pope Francis urges us to do so.  Please accept your invitation for a “Booster jab” when you receive it and do consider having a flu jab too.

Your ongoing financial support is welcomed and needed

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful for your offerings during these difficult times and is especially grateful to those parishioners who regularly contribute to parish funds by standing order helping us meet the regular financial  commitments of our churches.

You may bring your envelopes to Mass on Tuesdays or Sundays or drop them through the presbytery letterbox. For security reason, envelopes should not be put through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The parish is still able to reclaim the tax from Gift Aided offertory contributions made by bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

The details for bank transfers/standing orders and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Thank you

Fr. Patterson wishes to express his thanks for the following acts of generosity by way of donations to St. Patrick’s parish funds:

A bequest from the estate of the late Connie Stout in the sum of £500.00. May she rest in the peace of Christ.

A most generous donation from the Women’s’ Guild, who despite the constraints of Covid-19, raised £600.00.

A generous donation of £40.00 towards the cost of the boundary wall.

ZOE Covid weekly update  and some interesting information on Omicron

This week, in his weekly update, Professor Tim Spector speaks of how cases could soar if Omicron “takes over” as the dominant virus strain in our country. He illustrates this by citing an example of a 60th birthday party with 18 guests, all of whom had taken lateral flow tests prior to the gathering. A few days later, one guest tested positive after which a further 15 also tested positive with Omicron, all were double or triple vaccinated. It illustrates how easily one person can effect many others in a close situation. 

In a separate blog, Tim shares some information on why it is important to get your booster jab.

He continues to remind us, in the blog, “Do I have Covid or a cold?” that as well as the “classic symptoms” of Covid, (a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell), there are more symptoms emerging, namely a headache accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing and a cough. It may just be a summer cold, but check it out by taking a Lateral Flow Test are available from the local chemist, are free of charge and simple to use.

Parish News by Email If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.