Parish newsletter

3rd Sunday of Advent

Dear Parishioners

Whilst it is welcome news that we are able to celebrate a public Mass in those of our churches that are able to reopen, we must still follow the Government and Diocesan guidelines which are in place for your safety and well-being.

For St. Patrick’s Church, this involves adhering to the maximum capacity of 70 people for a parish Mass and the need to provide a team of five volunteer stewards, to welcome you, look after you whilst in the Church and clean the Church afterwards.

I am afraid we are still unable to reopen St. Alban’s Church as we cannot at present provide a Covid safe environment which is deemed essential by the Government and the Diocese before a church can open. The situation will continue to be reviewed.

For the foreseeable future we are able to offer you Mass in St. Patrick’s Church on:

Tuesday mornings at 10.00 (no booking required)

Sunday mornings at 10.30 (booking is required)

Booking for this Sunday, 13th December is now closed, so please do not attend unless you have been assured of a place as we will be unable to welcome you into the Church.

You must reserve a place for Sunday Mass in advance

To ensure your health and safety and to prevent breaching our maximum capacity of 70 parishioners in the Church for a parish Mass, we will follow Government and Diocesan Guidelines and ask parishioners, who wish to attend Mass on a Sunday, to reserve a place in advance. This should prevent anyone having to be turned away, which I am afraid would have to happen if our capacity is reached. This system has been adopted in many parishes in our Diocese and seems to work satisfactorily.

To reserve a place for Mass next Sunday, 20th December, telephone

07526 232124 


  • Tuesday, 15th December between  5.30 pm – 7.00 pm
  • Wednesday, 16th December between 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
  • Thursday, 17th December between 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm
  • Friday, 18th December between 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm

This number will be unavailable outside of the above booking times.

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 and on weekdays at 12.05. These services may be viewed live or anytime later at

Alternatively, you may like to follow daily Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond celebrated live at 10.00 or which may also be viewed any time later.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Tuesday and Sunday, when there is a public Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, I continue to celebrate Mass privately each day. The following Intentions will be remembered this week.

  • Monday – Joan and Eddie McAtominey
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in Church – Hughes, Knock and Kelly Families
  • Wednesday – LDM Brannigan Family
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday – George, Molly & Lindsay Bradley
  • Saturday – Fr. “P’s” Intentions
  • Sunday: 10.30 in Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with me, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers this week

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • Fr. Kevin Daly and Fr. Jim Dunne, both of whom are active priests in parishes, but are currently quite poorly
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Kathleen Hughes and Joan McAtominey and,
  • Peter Morley who has died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May he be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

Should I come to church?

If you have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable the government is advising that you do not need to shield at the moment, but if you are in this category, you should still try to keep your overall social interactions low, as outlined in the Government Guidance.

Some people, including those aged 60 and over, are described as being clinically vulnerable, meaning that they are at a higher risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to minimise contact with others outside their household.

If you fall into either of these categories, or if you feel unsure about returning to Mass, you need to consider the wisdom of doing so. Please remember, you are not obliged to attend Mass. Sunday obligation is suspended.

You must not come to Church if you are feeling unwell or if you suspect that you have Covid-19, (high temperature, new persistent cough, lack of taste or smell) or if you are living with someone who has or is suspected of having Covid-19. You MUST self-isolate in accordance with HM Government guidance and arrange for testing.

Please note, that while we will attempt to take all appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities to ensure our Church is Covid-19 safe, parishioners should understand that they assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 any time they enter a public space, since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection.

Planning for Christmas

We are all aware that Christmas is going to be very different this year, socially and spiritually. The Tier 3 Restrictions which we must follow, to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus, will impact on us all. What is important is that we continue to adhere to them for the sake of the common good – a message which lies at the heart of our Christian faith.

As you are aware no Mass nor Service can take place in any Church without the presence of stewards to ensure all the guidelines for your safety and well-being are in place and being followed. After each service the Church must also be sanitised. A team of six stewards must be present for Mass to take place safely in St. Patrick’s Church.

Having consulted with our volunteer stewards about their willingness and availability to assist us over Christmas, we are able to offer :

Mass on Christmas Eve at 5.30 pm

Mass on Christmas Morning at 9.45 am

As our numbers are restricted to 70 people at each Mass, you will need to book a place to be able to attend Mass on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The facility to book for this period is outlined below. To enable as many people to attend as possible given the restrictions imposed on us, you may only book for either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, not both.

There is a possibility that we will not be able to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If that is the case, the Bishops of England and Wales urge those who cannot be accommodated to attend Mass on Boxing Day (The Feast of St. Stephen) or on Sunday, 27th December.

Once again, thanks to the generosity of our stewards, we will be able to offer Mass on Boxing Day, the Feast of St. Stephen, at 10.00 for which booking will not be necessary—but seating will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Booking will be necessary for Mass on Sunday, 27th December.

Remember too our Christmas Masses will be very different. As for every Mass currently celebrated in our churches, the restrictions mean that there will be no singing of carols or hymns, no offertory procession, no sign of peace, no readers nor servers and no children’s liturgy. The protocols you are asked to follow are in the attached document “Attending St. Patrick’s Church during Tier 3 Restrictions.”

Unfortunately it will not be possible to celebrate a Mass in St. Alban’s Church this Christmas. Fr. Patterson is still unable to reopen St. Alban’s Church as we cannot at present provide a Covid safe environment which is deemed essential by the Government and the Diocese before a church can open. The situation will continue to be reviewed.

You will need to reserve your place at the following Masses over the Christmas period:

  • Sunday, 20th December at 10.30 am
  • Christmas Eve, 24th December at 5.30 pm
  • Christmas Day, 25th December at 9.45 am
  • Sunday, 27th December at 10.30 am

Reserving places for Masses during the Christmas period

To book your place, please call:

07526 232124 

Please note, the booking line is only open for calls at the following times:

  • Tuesday, 15th December between 5.30 pm – 7pm
  • Wednesday, 16th December between 10.00 am – 12.00 noon
  • Thursday, 17th December between 5.30 pm – 7 pm
  • Friday, 18th December between 5.30 pm – 7 pm

This number will be unavailable outside of the above booking times.

Bookings cannot be made via the presbytery telephone number nor by email. Text messages cannot be accepted as a method of booking.

You will be asked to provide your name and telephone number to comply with the NHS Test and Trace system and also the number in your family if you are attending as a household. Under Tier 3 Restrictions you must only sit with members of your own household or bubble—the rule of six being the limit in any one bench. On arrival at the church you will be welcomed by a steward and your name will be checked against the booking list.

The Church doors will open 20 minutes before Mass is due to begin. Please do not come any earlier but do allow yourself sufficient time to complete the necessary health and safety protocols. You may have to form a socially distanced queue outside.

Whilst we would always wish to welcome families back to Church, due to the Covid-19 Health and Safety requirements, we would suggest that children should only be brought to Mass if they are old enough to be able to adhere to the guidelines and can remain seated in their place at all times.

Please enjoy Christmas by Staying Safe and behaving sensibly

As we are aware, from 23rd to 27th December, people are allowed to form a Christmas bubble of three households.

At a recent Downing Street Press Conference, Professor Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer for England, who revealed he would be “on the wards” over Christmas said: “Would I want someone to see their family? Of course, that’s what Christmas is about. But would I encourage someone to hug and kiss their elderly relatives? No, I would not.”

“It’s not against the law – and that’s the whole point. You can do it within the rules that are there, but it does not make sense, because you could be carrying the virus and if you’ve got an elderly relative, that would not be the thing you’d want to do in the period where we are running up to a point where we actually might be able to protect older people. So I think people just have to have sense. The fact that you can do something – this is true across so many other areas of life – doesn’t mean you should.”

Professor Whitty also said it was “not a secret” that Christmas would increase the risk of transmission. “Take it really seriously during Christmas. Don’t do stupid things. Don’t do unnecessary things just because the rules say you can. Think sensibly.”

News from our School

This week, we would like to share a prayer with you written by Jude, aged 8.

Dear God,  I am so happy that Jesus is coming this Christmas.
He will show us how to forgive, care and love each other.
He will bless the sick and teach us to treat others with kindness.
I hope that the poor and homeless, will be fed and have shelter this Christmas.   

Advent Alms 2020

Moira Ashman, the Chief Executive of St Cuthbert’s Care has sent the following note:

This year, due to the very trying ongoing circumstances, St Cuthbert’s Care has been invited to deliver an online Advent Appeal via the Diocesan website. If you would like to support our charity’s work, the diocesan link can be accessed St Cuthberts Care. I am mindful of the financial pressures the pandemic has placed on many, so please, only support us if you feel able to do so. Thank you.

On leaving the Church – Please be responsible and adhere to the law

Under Tier 3 Restrictions, you must not mingle outside the Church after Mass. Parishioners are asked todisperse immediately on leaving the Church. Fr. Patterson urges those of you who come to Mass to follow this advice and in doing so set an example for others to follow and, of course, prevent the possible transmission of the coronavirus.

Northern Catholic Calendar

Copies of our Diocesan Year Book will be available to collect after Mass next Tuesday at a cost of £3.00. Please bring the correct money in an envelope and place it in the box provided.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to contact Father Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.


A church can only reopen or stay open if there are sufficient volunteers to assist as stewards and cleaners at every celebration.

It is very easy to “sit back and let others do the work” but no church can fulfil the Government and Bishops’ Guidelines without an adequate number of volunteers.

If you would be able to help as a volunteer, and haven’t already done so, please email Fr. Patterson at Ideally you should not be in a vulnerable category to assist as a volunteer and must not be deemed to be clinically extremely vulnerable. The more volunteers we have, the less demanding it will be on your time, as it appears these  restrictions are going to be with us well into next year.

Parish finances and offerings

Fr. Patterson continues to be so grateful to those parishioners who are able to regularly contribute to parish funds, either by bank transfer or by dropping  their  weekly offering envelopes  through the presbytery letterbox. This helps to meet the day to day financial  commitments of our churches.

For security reasons, please do not put any envelopes through St. Alban’s Presbytery door. Envelopes for St. Alban’s parish should be posted through St. Patrick’s Presbytery door only.

If you Gift Aid your offertory contributions and choose to make a bank transfer, the parish can still reclaim the tax on your offering. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

Alternatively, you might wish to put aside your envelopes each week and bring them along to church when you feel able to come.

The details for bank transfers and cheques are as follows:-

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453


Fr. Patterson is very grateful for a Donation of £40.00 recently received for St. Patrick’s parish funds. 

Protect your loved ones

If you have downloaded the NHS App, it may be used to register your track and trace details when coming to Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Simply scan the QR Code which is displayed in the Church and is specific to St. Patrick’s Church only. Please have your phone ready and the App open before entering the Church so that you do not create a “pinch point” by having to search for your phone in your pocket or bag.

Should you choose to “sign in” using the App, you should leave your phone switched on whilst you are in the Church, but please ensure it is in silent mode! You may of course continue to bring your Test and Trace details in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church. The choice is yours to make. Those who choose not to download the App or are unable to, should continue to bring their Test and Trace details in the usual way by means of an envelope.

Diocesan Website

More information and support may be found on our Diocesan website.

Parish newsletter

2nd Sunday of Advent

Dear Parishioners

Now that St. Patrick’s Church has been able to reopen following the end of the National Lockdown and thanks to the generosity of our volunteer stewards, we are  now able to offer Mass on:

Tuesday mornings at 10.00 (no booking required)


Sunday mornings at 10.30 (booking is required)

Booking for this Sunday, 6th December is now closed, So, please do not attend unless you have been assured of a place as we will be unable to welcome you into the Church.

I am afraid we are still unable to reopen St. Alban’s Church as we cannot at present provide a Covid safe environment which is deemed essential by the Government and the Diocese before a church can open. The situation will continue to be reviewed.

You must reserve a place for Sunday Mass in advance

To ensure the safety and well-being of everyone, and  to prevent breaching our maximum capacity of 70 parishioners in the church for a parish Mass, we will follow Government and Diocesan Guidelines and ask parishioners, who wish to attend Mass on a Sunday, to reserve a place in advance. This should prevent anyone having to be turned away, which I am afraid would have to happen if our capacity is reached. This system has been adopted in many parishes in our Diocese and seems to work satisfactorily.

To reserve a place for Mass next Sunday, 13th December, please telephone

07526 232124 

on Wednesday, 9th December between  10.00 – 12.00 or on Friday, 11th December between 5pm – 7pm.

This number will be unavailable outside of the above booking times.

Bookings cannot be made via the presbytery telephone number nor by email and can only be made for the approaching Sunday and not for dates in advance. Text messages cannot be accepted as a method of booking.

You will be asked to provide your name and telephone number to comply with the NHS Test and Trace system and also the number in your family if you are attending as a household. For everyone’s safety, the rule of six still applies in our Church. On arrival at the church you will be welcomed by a steward and your name will be checked against the booking list.

Mass is at 10.30

The Church doors will open 20 minutes before Mass is due to begin. Please allow yourself sufficient time to complete the necessary health and safety protocols. You may have to form a socially distanced queue outside. Please read the Information sheet “Attending St. Patrick’s Church during Tier 3 Restrictions” which is attached to this Newsletter.

Initially we ask those parishioners who are able to attend Mass on a Tuesday, to consider not attending the Sunday Mass in order to provide the opportunity for those who can only attend on a Sunday to do so. This is only a suggestion and will be reviewed on a weekly basis depending on the demand for places on a Sunday. Do remember that Sunday obligation remains suspended. Due to the restrictions, the format of Sunday Mass will be exactly the same as Mass on Tuesdays. You do not need to reserve a place for 10.00 Mass on a Tuesday morning.

Whilst we would always wish to welcome families back to Church, due to the Covid-19 Health and Safety requirements, we would suggest that children should only be brought to Mass if they are old enough to be able to adhere to the guidelines and can remain seated in their place at all times. 

May God bless you and your family 

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 and on weekdays at 12.05. These services may be viewed live or anytime later at

Alternatively, you may like to follow daily Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond celebrated live at 10.00 or which may also be viewed any time later.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Tuesday and Sunday, when there is a public Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, I continue to celebrate Mass privately each day. The following Intentions will be remembered this week:

  • Monday – In Thanksgiving (AGW)
  • Tuesday10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Billy Knowles
  • Wednesday – John Earl
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday – Andrew Sloan
  • Saturday – Fr. “P’s” Intentions
  • Sunday: 10:30 in St Patrick’s Church – For the intentions of all our parishioners (telephone booking required)

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with me, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • Fr. Kevin Daly and Fr. Jim Dunne, both of whom are active priests in parishes, but are currently quite poorly
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Billy Knowles and,
  • Ellen McFarling and Joan Powell who have died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the souls of your servants whom you have called from this life. May they be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united.”

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

Should I come to church?

If you have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable the government is advising that you do not need to shield at the moment, but if you are in this category, you should still try to keep your overall social interactions low, as outlined in the Government Guidance.

Some people, including those aged 60 and over, are described as being clinically vulnerable, meaning that they are at a higher risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to minimise contact with others outside their household.

If you fall into either of these categories, or if you feel unsure about returning to Mass, you need to consider the wisdom of doing so. Please remember, you are not obliged to attend Mass. Sunday obligation is suspended.

You must not come to Church if you are feeling unwell or if you suspect that you have Covid-19, (high temperature, new persistent cough, lack of taste or smell) or if you are living with someone who has or is suspected of having Covid-19. You MUST self-isolate in accordance with HM Government guidance and arrange for testing.

Please note, that while we will attempt to take all appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities to ensure our Church is Covid-19 safe, parishioners should understand that they assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 any time they enter a public space, since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection

Planning for Christmas

We are all aware that Christmas is going to be very different this year, socially and spiritually. The Tier 3 Restrictions which we must follow, to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus, will impact on us all. What is important is that we continue to adhere to them for the sake of the common good – a message which lies at the heart of our Christian faith.

As you are aware no Mass nor Service can take place in any Church without the presence of stewards to ensure all the guidelines for your safety and well-being are in place and being followed. After each service the Church must also be sanitised. A team of six stewards must be present for Mass to take place safely in St. Patrick’s Church.

Having consulted with our volunteer stewards about their willingness and availability to assist us over Christmas, we are able to offer:

Mass on Christmas Eve at 5.30pm and,

Mass on Christmas Morning at 9.45

As our numbers are restricted to 70 people at each Mass, you will need to book a place to be able to attend Mass on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The facility to book for this period is outlined below. To enable as many people to attend as possible given the restrictions imposed on us, you may only book for either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, not both.

There is a possibility that we will not be able to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If that is the case, the Bishops of England and Wales urge those who cannot be accommodated to attend Mass on Boxing Day (The Feast of St. Stephen) or on Sunday, 27th December.

Once again, thanks to the generosity of our stewards, we will be able to offer Mass on Boxing Day, the Feast of St. Stephen, at 10.00 for which booking will not be necessary—but seating will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Booking will be necessary for Mass on Sunday, 27th December.

Remember too our Christmas Masses will be very different. As for every Mass currently celebrated in our churches, the restrictions mean that there will be no singing of carols or hymns, no offertory procession, no sign of peace, no readers nor servers and no children’s liturgy. The protocols you are asked to follow are in the attached document “Attending St. Patrick’s Church during Tier 3 Restrictions.”

Unfortunately it will not be possible to celebrate a Mass in St. Alban’s Church this Christmas. Fr. Patterson is still unable to reopen St. Alban’s Church as we cannot at present provide a Covid safe environment which is deemed essential by the Government and the Diocese before a church can open. The situation will continue to be reviewed.

You will need to reserve your place at the following Masses over the Christmas period:

  • Sunday, 20th December at 10.30 am
  • Christmas Eve, 24th December at 5.30 pm
  • Christmas Day, 25th December at 9.45 am
  • Sunday, 27th December at 10.30 am

Reserving places for Masses during the Christmas period

To book your place, please call:

07526 232124 

Please note, the booking line is only open for calls at the following times:

  • Tuesday, 15th December between 5.30 pm – 7pm
  • Wednesday, 16th December between 10.00am – 12.00noon
  • Thursday, 17th December between 5.30 pm – 7 pm
  • Friday, 18th December between 5.30pm – 7pm

This number will be unavailable outside of the above booking times.

Bookings cannot be made via the presbytery telephone number nor by email. Text messages cannot be accepted as a method of booking.

You will be asked to provide your name and telephone number to comply with the NHS Test and Trace system and also the number in your family if you are attending as a household. Under Tier 3 Restrictions you must only sit with members of your own household or bubble—the rule of six being the limit in any one bench. On arrival at the church you will be welcomed by a steward and your name will be checked against the booking list.

The Church doors will open 20 minutes before Mass is due to begin. Please do not come any earlier but do allow yourself sufficient time to complete the necessary health and safety protocols. You may have to form a socially distanced queue outside.

Whilst we would always wish to welcome families back to Church, due to the Covid-19 Health and Safety requirements, we would suggest that children should only be brought to Mass if they are old enough to be able to adhere to the guidelines and can remain seated in their place at all times

News from our School

The children at school continue to share prayer services online during Advent for all the other classes as well as for their parents and families. Year 4 reflected on this Sunday’s Gospel as they gathered around the advent wreath.

As we approach the end of term, our families have shown huge generosity in donating items of food to create hampers for families in our school community. We offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed. As always, we received far more items than we asked for which just reminds us how caring our families are, even in these difficult times.

Advent Alms 2020

Moira Ashman, the Chief Executive of St Cuthbert’s Care has sent the following note:

“This year, due to the very trying ongoing circumstances, St Cuthbert’s Care has been invited to deliver an online Advent Appeal via the Diocesan website. If you would like to support our charity’s work, the diocesan link can be accessed St Cuthberts Care   I am mindful of the financial pressures the pandemic has placed on many, so please, only support us if you feel able to do so. Thank you.”

On leaving the Church – Please be responsible and adhere to the law.

Under Tier 3 Restrictions, you must not mingle outside the Church after Mass. Parishioners are asked todisperse immediately on leaving the Church. Fr. Patterson urges those of you who come to Mass to follow this advice and in doing so set an example for others to follow and, of course, prevent the possible transmission of the coronavirus.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to contact Father Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.


A church can only reopen or stay open if there are sufficient volunteers to assist as stewards and cleaners at every celebration.

It is very easy to “sit back and let others do the work” but no church can fulfil the Government and Bishops’ Guidelines without an adequate number of volunteers.

If you would be able to help as a volunteer, and haven’t already done so, please email Fr. Patterson at Ideally you should not be in a vulnerable category to assist as a volunteer and must not be deemed to be clinically extremely vulnerable. The more volunteers we have, the less demanding it will be on your time, as it appears these  restrictions are going to be with us well into next year.

Parish finances and offerings

Fr. Patterson continues to be so grateful to those parishioners who are able to regularly contribute to parish funds, either by bank transfer or by dropping  their  weekly offering envelopes  through the presbytery letterbox. This helps to meet the day to day financial  commitments of our churches.

For security reasons, please do not put any envelopes through St. Alban’s Presbytery door. Envelopes for St. Alban’s parish should be posted through St. Patrick’s Presbytery door only.

If you Gift Aid your offertory contributions and choose to make a bank transfer, the parish can still reclaim the tax on your offering. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

Alternatively, you might wish to put aside your envelopes each week and bring them along to church when you feel able to come.

The details for bank transfers and cheques are as follows:-

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Protect your loved ones

If you have downloaded the NHS App, it may be used to register your track and trace details when coming to Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Simply scan the QR Code which is displayed in the Church and is specific to St. Patrick’s Church only. Please have your phone ready and the App open before entering the Church so that you do not create a “pinch point” by having to search for your phone in your pocket or bag.

Should you choose to “sign in” using the App, you should leave your phone switched on whilst you are in the Church, but please ensure it is in silent mode! You may of course continue to bring your Test and Trace details in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church. The choice is yours to make.

Those who choose not to download the App or are unable to, should continue to bring their Test and Trace details in the usual way by means of an envelope.

Diocesan Website

More information and support may be found on our Diocesan website.

Parish newsletter

Parish Newsletter; 1st Sunday of Advent

Dear Parishioners

You may remember that just before the current lockdown, with the agreement of our stewards, we decided to discontinue the Thursday evening Mass and replace it with a Mass on Sundays in St. Patrick’s Church at 10.30. I am grateful to our stewards for agreeing to this proposal—for without their support and commitment, we are unable to open the Church for Mass.

Introducing a Sunday Mass alongside the Tuesday morning Mass is still in keeping with the Government guidelines of limiting social contact as much as possible and minimising interactions with other households as we will be offering two Masses each week as we originally planned.

As Places of Worship may reopen for public worship from 2nd December, St. Patrick’s Church will reopen for Mass  at 10.30 on Sunday, 6th December.

I am afraid we are still unable to reopen St. Alban’s Church as we cannot at present provide a Covid safe environment which is deemed essential by the Government and the Diocese before a church can open. The situation will continue to be reviewed.

You must reserve a place for Sunday Mass in advance

To ensure the safety and well-being of everyone, and  to prevent breaching our maximum capacity of 70 parishioners in the church for a parish Mass, we will follow Government and Diocesan Guidelines and ask parishioners, who wish to attend Mass on a Sunday, to reserve a place in advance. This should prevent anyone having to be turned away, which I am afraid would have to happen if our capacity is reached. This system has been adopted in many parishes in our Diocese and seems to work satisfactorily.

To reserve a place for Sunday Mass please telephone

07526 232124 

on Wednesday, 2nd December between  10.00 – 12.00 or on Friday, 4th December between 17.30 – 19.00. 

This number will be unavailable outside of the above booking times.

Bookings cannot be made via the presbytery telephone number and can only be made for the approaching Sunday and not for dates in advance. Text messages cannot be accepted as a method of booking.

You will be asked to provide your name and telephone number to comply with the NHS Test and Trace system and also the number in your family if you are attending as a household. For everyone’s safety, the rule of six still applies in our Church. On arrival at the church you will be welcomed by a steward and your name will be checked against the booking list.

Mass is at 10.30. The Church doors will open 20 minutes before Mass is due to begin. Please allow yourself sufficient time to complete the necessary health and safety protocols. You may have to form a socially distanced queue outside. Please read the Information sheet “Attending St. Patrick’s Church during Tier 3 Restrictions” which is attached to this Newsletter.

Initially we ask those parishioners who are able to attend Mass on a Tuesday, to consider not attending the Sunday Mass in order to provide the opportunity for those who can only attend on a Sunday to do so. This is only a suggestion and will be reviewed on a weekly basis depending on the demand for places on a Sunday. Do remember that Sunday obligation remains suspended. Due to the restrictions, the format of Sunday Mass will be exactly the same as Mass on Tuesdays. You do not need to reserve a place for 10.00 Mass on a Tuesday morning.

Whilst we would always wish to welcome families back to Church, due to the Covid-19 Health and Safety requirements, we would suggest that children should only be brought to Mass if they are old enough to be able to adhere to the guidelines and can remain seated in their place at all times.       

May God bless you and your family 

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 and on weekdays at 12.05. These services may be viewed live or anytime later.

Alternatively, you may like to follow daily Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond celebrated live at 10.00 or which may also be viewed any time later.

Mass Intentions

During the lockdown I will continue to celebrate Mass privately every day. The following Intentions will be remembered this week

  • Monday – Hughes, Knock and Kelly Families
  • Tuesday – Brian Grace Snr and Brian Grace Jnr
  • Wednesday – Brian Quigley
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday – Private Intention (NF)
  • Saturday – Fr. “P’s” Intentions
  • Sunday – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with me, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • Fr. Kevin Daly and Fr. Jim Dunne, both of whom are active priests in parishes, but are currently quite poorly and,
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Maurice Brown, Peter Hughes and John Knock.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

Should I come to church?

If you have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable the government is advising that you do not need to shield at the moment, but if you are in this category, you should still try to keep your overall social interactions low, as outlined in the Government Guidance.

Some people, including those aged 60 and over, are described as being clinically vulnerable, meaning that they are at a higher risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to minimise contact with others outside their household.

If you fall into either of these categories, or if you feel unsure about returning to Mass, you need to consider the wisdom of doing so. Please remember, you are not obliged to attend Mass. Sunday obligation is suspended.

You must not come to Church if you are feeling unwell or if you suspect that you have Covid-19, (high temperature, new persistent cough, lack of taste or smell) or if you are living with someone who has or is suspected of having Covid-19. You MUST self-isolate in accordance with HM Government guidance and arrange for testing.

Please note, that while we will attempt to take all appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities to ensure our Church is Covid-19 safe, parishioners should understand that they assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 any time they enter a public space, since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection.

Planning for Christmas

Christmas is going to be very different this year, socially and spiritually. The restrictions we must follow, to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus, will impact on us all. What is important is that we continue to adhere to them for the sake of the common good – a message which lies at the heart of our Christian faith.

It is hoped to have a Mass on Christmas Eve and one on Christmas Day in St. Patrick’s Church this year. However we are only able to do so with the help of our Volunteer stewards. As you are aware no service can take place without the presence of stewards and the church must be sanitised after each celebration.

Until such time as Fr. Patterson is able to determine the availability of our stewards, it is still uncertain as to what Masses will take place and at what time they will be celebrated. As our numbers will be restricted to 70 you will need to book a place to be able to attend Mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Further details will hopefully be available next weekend.

Remember too that Mass will be very different. As for every Mass currently celebrated in our churches, the restrictions mean that there will be no singing of carols or hymns, no offertory processions, no sign of peace, no readers nor servers and no children’s’ liturgy. The details are in the attached document “Attending St. Patrick’s Church during tier 3 restrictions.”

There is a possibility that we will not be able to accommodate everyone on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If that is the case, Bishop Robert urges those who cannot be accommodated to attend Mass on Boxing Day (The Feast of St. Stephen) or on Sunday, 27th December for which booking would be necessary.

Unfortunately it will not be possible to celebrate a Mass in St. Alban’s Church this Christmas. Fr. Patterson is still unable to reopen St. Alban’s Church as we cannot at present provide a Covid safe environment which is deemed essential by the Government and the Diocese before a church can open. The situation will continue to be reviewed.

News from our School

Year 3 led our first Advent prayer service and shared it online with all classes and all our parents too. It was lovely to be together to begin our Advent journey.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to contact Father Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.


A church can only reopen or stay open if there are sufficient volunteers to assist as stewards and cleaners at every celebration.

It is very easy to “sit back and let others do the work” but no church can fulfil the Government and Bishops’ Guidelines without an adequate number of volunteers.

If you would be able to help as a volunteer, and haven’t already done so, please email Fr. Patterson at Ideally you should not be in a vulnerable category to assist as a volunteer and must not be deemed to be clinically extremely vulnerable. The more volunteers we have, the less demanding it will be on your time, as it appears these  restrictions are going to be with us well into next year.

Parish finances and offerings

Fr. Patterson continues to be so grateful to those parishioners who are able to regularly contribute to parish funds, either by bank transfer or by dropping  their  weekly offering envelopes  through the presbytery letterbox. This helps to meet the day to day financial  commitments of our churches.

For security reasons, please do not put any envelopes through St. Alban’s Presbytery door. Envelopes for St. Alban’s parish should be posted through St. Patrick’s Presbytery door only.

If you Gift Aid your offertory contributions and choose to make a bank transfer, the parish can still reclaim the tax on your offering. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

Alternatively, you might wish to put aside your envelopes each week and bring them along to church when you feel able to come.

The details for bank transfers and cheques are as follows:-

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Protect your loved ones

If you have downloaded the NHS App, it may be used to register your track and trace details when coming to Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Simply scan the QR Code which is displayed in the Church and is specific to St. Patrick’s Church only. Please have your phone ready and the App open before entering the Church so that you do not create a “pinch point” by having to search for your phone in your pocket or bag.

Should you choose to “sign in” using the App, you should leave your phone switched on whilst you are in the Church, but please ensure it is in silent mode! You may of course continue to bring your Test and Trace details in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church. The choice is yours to make.

Those who choose not to download the App or are unable to, should continue to bring their Test and Trace details in the usual way by means of an envelope.

Diocesan Website

More information and support may be found on our Diocesan website.

Parish newsletter

33rd Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

I do hope you are all coping with the restrictions of the current lockdown in an attempt to play our part in helping to reduce the spread of the coronavirus in our community. We should know in another couple of weeks if the current restrictions are being adhered to and thereby working.

Within the boundaries of St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s parishes there have been 155 positive cases of Covid-19 recorded during the period 7th – 13th November. The figure for the entire Borough of Gateshead in the same period is 922 cases. All above the national average.

So we still have work to do as a community by staying at home, washing our hands regularly, wearing face coverings in enclosed spaces and reducing our contact with other people keeping 2 metres social distancing.

The development of vaccines has been headline news this week so maybe there is a glimmer of light in the tunnel, although Professor Jonathan Van-Tam’s comments should be heeded, so that we have a realistic approach to the months ahead.

When asked if the vaccines would provide a “get out clause” to the current wave of the virus he replied “absolutely not.” He went on to say, “We are going to have to push the second wave down by non-pharmaceutical interventions, social distancing, staying-at-home – all the things that we’re doing right now. There’s no short cut to the future that you and I both aspire to.”

He refused to estimate how soon a successful vaccine could result in a return to normal life, saying: “I’m very hopeful that over time, vaccines will make a very important difference to how we have to live with Covid-19 in the long run.”

So we need to remain patient but hopeful, continuing to look after one another by staying at home, protecting the NHS and in doing so, helping to save lives.

Pray for one another and  please pray for me. 

May God bless you and keep you safe

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 and on weekdays at 12.05. These services may be viewed live or anytime later.

Alternatively, you may like to follow daily Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond celebrated live at 10.00 or which may also be viewed any time later.

Mass Intentions

During the lockdown I will continue to celebrate Mass privately every day. The following Intentions will be remembered this week

  • Monday – Rose Brady
  • Tuesday – John and Annie Donald
  • Wednesday – David and Paul Clay
  • Thursday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Friday – John Clark
  • Saturday – Fr. “P’s” Intentions
  • Sunday – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with me, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • Fr. Kevin Daly and Fr. Jim Dunne, both of whom are active priests in parishes, but are currently quite poorly
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially David and Paul Clay and,
  • Father Stephen Johnson, one of our retired priests, who has died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May he be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united. Amen

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch. In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

Mass for those who have died from Coronavirus

Bishop Robert will celebrate Mass in the Cathedral on Friday, 20th November at 12.05 for all who have died as a result of Covid-19. As we are in national lockdown, no one is able to attend in person, but Mass will be live-streamed.

Message from the Bishops

The Regulations passed into law by Parliament during the week prohibit the gathering of people for communal worship in churches and other religious buildings.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference, urge us, as responsible citizens, to observe these Regulations, which have the force of law.

The Bishops go on to say: “We do this in solidarity with so many others on whom are being imposed restrictions which impact severely on their lives and livelihoods. It is also important to recognise that these Regulations are not an attack on religious belief.

At this difficult moment, we must sustain each other in our patterns of prayer……… observing the Vigil of Christ the King (21st November) as a day of prayer for the ending of this pandemic. And we encourage you all in your practical service and support of each other and those around you in need.”

In the words of St. Paul to Titus 3:1: ‘Remind them to be obedient to the officials in authority; to be ready to do good at every opportunity’.

Remember our Hindu brothers and Sisters

I suspect some of us may have half an eye on Christmas and be wondering how it may be celebrated. I think it is fairly safe to say it will not be what we are used to.

The Vatican sends heartfelt greetings to Hindu communities throughout the world for whom today, Saturday 14th November, marks the annual celebration of Dwali, the Hindu Festival of light, when families and friends would normally gather together for great festivities.

This year, due to Covid-19, it will be celebrated more intimately amongst households in an attempt to prevent the transmission of the coronavirus.

This may be a pointer to us as we ponder our own celebration of Christmas.

Third World Group

Thanks to those who continue to support our Third World Group who have sent £150.00 to Cafod this week for the Covid-19 Appeal.

Parish finances and offerings

Fr. Patterson continues to be grateful to those parishioners who, in these financially challenging times, regularly contribute to parish funds, which helps to meet the day to day financial  commitments of our churches.

During the lockdown, parishioners may choose to make their offering by bank transfer directly into the parish accounts or by cheque; the details of the accounts are below.

If you are taking your daily exercise, in keeping with the National Restrictions, you may choose to drop your envelope through St. Patrick’s Presbytery letterbox. For security reasons, please do not put any envelopes through St. Alban’s Presbytery door. Envelopes for St. Alban’s parish should be posted through St. Patrick’s Presbytery door only.

If you Gift Aid your offertory contributions, the parish can reclaim the tax on your offering should you wish to make a bank transfer.

Alternatively, you might wish to put aside your envelopes each week and bring them along to church when we are able to reopen.

The details for bank transfers and cheques are as follows:-

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Protect your loved ones

The NHS COVID-19 app is now available to download for free in England and Wales. It is the fastest way to see if you are at risk from coronavirus. The faster you know, the quicker you can alert and protect your loved ones and community.

Diocesan Website

More information and support may be found on our Diocesan website.

National Restrictions from 5th November, 2020

Dear Parishioners

Many of you will have heard the Prime Minister’s statement last night outlining National Restrictions which come into force on Thursday, 5th November, 2020. These Restrictions involve the closure of our churches.

As a result, St. Patrick’s Church will close after Mass on Tuesday, 3rd November until the Restrictions are lifted.

Might I encourage you all to follow the new restrictions in the hope, that by doing so, we will be playing our part in reducing the spread of Covid-19 in our locality.

May God bless you and keep you all safe from harm.

Fr. Patterson

stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives

Parish newsletter

The Feast of All Saint

Dear Parishioners

Introducing Mass on a Sunday Morning

The onset of the dark winter evenings and the gradual decline in the number of parishioners attending the Thursday evening Mass, would suggest that this Mass be discontinued. I have consulted our stewards and we propose to end Mass on a Thursday evening and replace it with Mass on a Sunday in St. Patrick’s Church at 10.30. I am grateful to our volunteer stewards for agreeing to this proposal—for without their support and commitment, we are unable to open the Church for Mass.

Introducing Sunday Mass would still be in keeping with the Government guidelines of limiting social contact as much as possible and minimising interactions with other households as we would be offering the same number of Masses each week.

This change will take effect as from Sunday, 15th November, Government restrictions permitting

Initially we ask parishioners who are able to attend Mass on a Tuesday to consider not attending the Sunday Mass in order to provide the opportunity for those who can only attend on a Sunday to do so. This suggestion will be reviewed on a weekly basis and do remember that Sunday obligation remains suspended. Due to the restrictions, the format of Sunday Mass will be the same as Mass on Tuesdays.

Telephone Booking System

To ensure the safety and well-being of everyone, and  to ensure we do not breach our maximum capacity of 70 parishioners in the church at any one time for a parish Mass, we will follow Government and Diocesan Guidelines and ask that parishioners who wish to attend Mass on a Sunday reserve a place in advance. This should prevent anyone having to be tuned away, which would have to happen if our capacity is reached.

To reserve a place for Sunday Mass a dedicated telephone number will be provided and published in next week’s Newsletter. This system has been adopted in most parishes in our Diocese that have been reopened and seems to work quite well.

Mass will not be the same

Sunday Mass will be considerably shorter than you were accustomed to before the lockdown in March, with several changes which we have had to adopt. Please read the Information sheet “Attending St. Patrick’s Church during Tier 2 Restrictions” which is available to download on this website.

Should you be coming to Church?

This is a question we should be asking ourselves if we fall into any of the vulnerable categories. Please read the item “Should I come to Church?” found later in this Newsletter.

Whilst we would always wish to welcome families back to Church, due to the Covid-19 Health and Safety requirements, we would suggest that children should only be brought to Mass if they are old enough to be able to adhere to the guidelines and can remain seated in their place at all times.

Please note, that while we will attempt to take all appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities to ensure our Church is Covid-19 safe, parishioners should understand that they assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 any time they enter a public space, since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection

For the safety of everyone

Please continue to look after each other, keep washing your hands regularly, wear a face covering in enclosed spaces and do try to keep at least 2 metres away from people you do not live with and help reduce the spread of the virus.

Pray for one another and please pray for me. 

May God bless you and keep you safe from harm

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 and on weekdays at 12.05. These services may be viewed live or anytime later. Alternatively, you may like to follow daily Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond celebrated live at 10.00 or which may also be viewed any time later.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Tuesday and Thursday, when there is a public Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, I will continue to celebrate Mass privately each day. These Intentions will be remembered this week.

  • Monday – Albert Lagan
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Jack Durham
  • Wednesday – Vincent Dolan
  • Thursday: 18.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – For all who have died.
  • Friday – Fr. “P’s” Intentions
  • Saturday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Sunday – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with me, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • Fr. Kevin Daly and Fr. Jim Dunne, both of whom are active priests in parishes, but are currently quite poorly and,
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Vincent Dolan and Albert Lagan

All Souls Day – 2nd November

Archbishop Bernard Longley will celebrate a live streamed Mass, on Monday 2 November at 19.00, from St. Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham to acknowledge and remember those who have died this year. He says, “This year we remember, above all, the bonds of faith and affection that hold us in communion with those who have died. Their prayers will console and strengthen us as we seek to support one another under the burdens of the coronavirus pandemic. May the Holy Souls pray for us.”

Our Departed Loved Ones

Mass this Thursday evening (5th November) in St. Patrick’s Church at 18.30 will be celebrated for all our deceased loved ones especially for those members of our parish families who have died during the past twelve months. 

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch.

In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

Should I come to church?

If you have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable the government is advising that you do not need to shield at the moment, but if you are in this category, you should still try to keep your overall social interactions low, as outlined in the Government Guidance.

Some people, including those aged 70 and over, are described as being clinically vulnerable, meaning that they are at a higher risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to minimise contact with others outside their household.

If you fall into either of these categories, or if you feel unsure about returning to Mass, you need to consider the wisdom of doing so.

Please remember, you are not obliged to attend Mass. Sunday obligation is suspended.

You must not come to Church if you are feeling unwell or if you suspect that you have Covid-19, (high temperature, new persistent cough, lack of taste or smell) or if you are living with someone who has or is suspected of having Covid-19. You MUST self-isolate in accordance with HM Government guidance and arrange for testing.

Please note, that while we will attempt to take all appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities to ensure our Church is Covid-19 safe, parishioners should understand that they assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 any time they enter a public space, since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection

What to expect when returning to Church

The Archdiocese of Liverpool have put together a video which gives us an idea of what to expect when you can return to Church.

On leaving the Church – Please be responsible and adhere to the law

Under Tier 2 Restrictions, it is against the law to mingle outside the Church after Mass. Parishioners are asked todisperse immediately on leaving the Church. Fr. Patterson urges those of you who come to Mass to follow this advice and in doing so set an example for others to follow and, of course, prevent the possible transmission of the coronavirus.

Parish finances and offerings

Fr. Patterson renews his thanks to those parishioners who, in these financially challenging times, regularly contribute to parish funds, which helps to meet the day to day financial  commitments of our churches.

He is appreciative of those parishioners who are bringing their  weekly offering envelopes to Mass or choose to drop them through the presbytery letterbox.  Parishioners are also able to make their offering by bank transfer directly into the parish accounts or by cheque; the details of the accounts are below.

For security reasons, please do not put any envelopes through St. Alban’s Presbytery door. Envelopes for St. Alban’s parish should be posted through St. Patrick’s Presbytery door only.

If you Gift Aid your offertory contributions, the parish can reclaim the tax on your offering should you wish to make a bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

Alternatively, you might wish to put aside your envelopes each week and bring them along to church when you feel able to come.

The details for bank transfers and cheques are as follows:-

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Grateful Thanks

Fr. Patterson is very grateful for a further donation of £387.87 from the Women’s’ Guild for St. Patrick’s parish funds.

Weekly offering envelopes

Several parishioners did not collect their new weekly offering envelopes before the lockdown in March. These are available for you to collect from Church after Mass on Tuesday or Thursday evening this coming week.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Printed copies of the Parish Newsletter are available at 10.00 Mass on Tuesday mornings.


A church can only reopen or stay open if there are sufficient volunteers to assist as stewards and cleaners at every celebration.

It is very easy to “sit back and let others do the work” but no church can fulfil the Government and Bishops’ Guidelines without an adequate number of volunteers.

If you would be able to help as a volunteer, and haven’t already done so, please email Fr. Patterson at Ideally you should not be in a vulnerable category to assist as a volunteer. The more volunteers we have, the less demanding it will be on your time, as it appears these  restrictions are going to be with us well into next year.

Protect your loved ones – download the NHS Covid-19 App

If you have downloaded the NHS App, it may be used to register your track and trace details when coming to Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Simply scan the QR Code which is displayed in the Church and is specific to St. Patrick’s Church only. Please have your phone ready and the App open before entering the Church so that you do not create a “pinch point” by having to search for your phone in your pocket or bag.

Should you choose to “sign in” using the App, you should leave your phone switched on whilst you are in the Church, but please ensure it is in silent mode!

You may of course continue to bring your Test and Trace details in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church. The choice is yours to make.

Those who choose not to download the App or are unable to, should continue to bring their Test and Trace details in the usual way by means of an envelope.

Diocesan Website

More information and support may be found on our Diocesan website.

Parish newsletter

30th Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

During the course of the week, the minister for crime and policing, Kit Malthouse, said England’s three alert categories involve some “complexity” and recommended people go online to look up the measures.

He said everyone has an “individual duty towards collective public health.”

Mr Malthouse told BBC Breakfast that most people were complying with the rules.

“There’s plenty of information out there on the internet where people can go and inform themselves about what the regulations are in their area and that fundamentally is what we would recommend everybody has to do,” he said.

At the same time, we should be passing on the news to those who have no access to the internet.

“We all need to recognise we have an individual duty towards our collective health and that means informing ourselves about what the regulations are in our area and complying with the rules.”

Please continue to look after each other, keep washing your hands regularly, wear a face covering in enclosed spaces and do try to keep at least 2 metres away from people you do not live with and help reduce the spread of the virus.

Pray for one another and please pray for me.

May God bless you and keep you safe from harm

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 and on weekdays at 12.05. These services may be viewed live or anytime later at

Alternatively, you may like to follow daily Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond celebrated live at 10.00 or which may also be viewed any time later.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Tuesday and Thursday, when there is a public Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, I will continue to celebrate Mass privately each day. These Intentions will be remembered this week.

  • Monday – Joan Makepeace
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Father White
  • Wednesday – Sheila Robinson
  • Thursday: 18.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – George and Mary Hodgson
  • Friday: Fr. “P’s” Intentions
  • Saturday: The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Sunday: For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with me, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital  
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially George Hodgson and Fr. White and,
  • Kathleen Dolan who has died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May she be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united. Amen.”
    Due to the current restrictions a private family Funeral Mass was celebrated for Kathleen in St. Patrick’s Church last Friday.

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch.

In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

Should I come to church?

If you have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable the government is advising that you do not need to shield at the moment, but if you are in this category, you should still try to keep your overall social interactions low, as outlined in the Government Guidance.

Some people, including those aged 70 and over, are described as being clinically vulnerable, meaning that they are at a higher risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to stay at home as much as possible and if they do go out, to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside their household.

If you fall into either of these categories, or if you feel unsure about returning to Mass, you need to consider the wisdom of doing so. Please remember, you are not obliged to attend Mass. Sunday obligation is suspended.

If you are feeling unwell or if you suspect that you have Covid-19, (high temperature, new persistent cough, lack of taste or smell) or if you are living with someone who has or is suspected of having Covid-19, you MUST self-isolate in accordance with HM Government guidance and arrange for testing. You must not come to Church.

Please note, that while we will attempt to take all appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities to ensure our Church is Covid-19 safe, parishioners should understand that they assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 any time they enter a public space, since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection.

What to expect when returning to Church

The Archdiocese of Liverpool have put together a video which gives us an idea of what to expect when you can return to Church.

Mass in St. Patrick’s Church amidst the local Restrictions

Given the number of coronavirus cases in our locality and the local restrictions imposed upon us, Father Patterson, after seeking advice from the Diocese and others, does not think it prudent to introduce an additional (Sunday) Mass in St. Patrick’s until the local situation improves. Sunday obligation is still suspended.

With the continuing support of our volunteer stewards, whom Fr. Patterson wishes to thank, we will continue to celebrate Mass on Tuesdays at 10.00 and Thursdays at 18.30, unless additional measures are imposed which may prevent us from doing so.

On leaving the Church

Local Restrictions emphasise that we should not socialise outside of the Church after Mass but disperse immediately. I urge those of you who come to Mass to follow this advice and in doing so set an example for others to follow.

Parish finances and offerings

Fr. Patterson renews his thanks to those parishioners who, in these financially challenging times, regularly contribute to parish funds, which helps to meet the day to day financial  commitments of our churches.

He is appreciative of those parishioners who are bringing their  weekly offering envelopes to Mass or choose to drop them through the presbytery letterbox.  Parishioners are also able to make their offering by bank transfer directly into the parish accounts or by cheque; the details of the accounts are below.

For security reasons, please do not put any envelopes through St. Alban’s Presbytery door. Envelopes for St. Alban’s parish should be posted through St. Patrick’s Presbytery door only.

If you Gift Aid your offertory contributions, the parish can reclaim the tax on your offering should you wish to make a bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

Alternatively, you might wish to put aside your envelopes each week and bring them along to church when you feel able to come.

The details for bank transfers and cheques are as follows:-

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

News from our School

We are sending you all our best wishes as we break up for a half term holiday this week. The children and staff have worked really hard since the start of term, even during these unusual and socially distanced times. We hope you are all keeping safe and staying well and we’ll keep you updated with any school news during next half term. God bless

Weekly offering envelopes

Several parishioners did not collect their new weekly offering envelopes before the lockdown in March. These are available for you to collect from Church after Mass on Tuesday or Thursday evening this coming week.

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Printed copies of the Parish Newsletter are available at 10.00 Mass on Tuesday mornings.

Mass Offerings

If you would like to have Mass offered for any particular intention, Fr. Patterson would be happy to celebrate it for you privately.

You may bring your intention along to Mass and leave it in the box at the front of the Church or drop your intention and offering through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s Presbytery. Alternatively, you may place it in the post with a cheque, or you may email your intention to Fr. Patterson and send your offering by bank transfer.

For security reasons, please do not put any intentions or offerings through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

Rosary Rally

On Saturday, 31st October, 2020, the Diocese will be taking part in a National Rosary Rally, with different dioceses from across the country. Our Diocese will host the Rally from 16.00 – 17.00, when Bishop Robert will lead the rosary which will be live streamed from the Cathedral.

Are you interested in becoming a Catholic?

Because of the restrictions surrounding coronavirus, we are unable to offer our own “in house” information evenings for people who would like to know more about what Catholics believe, possibly with a view to becoming a member of the Catholic Church.

The Diocese is offering a series of hour long online sessions for enquirers. To register, or to find out more please email:

The Great Adventure: Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible

Many people want to read the Bible because they know it is God’s Word, but they give up because it seems so complicated. Unlocking the “Mystery of the Bible” helps you to get the ‘big picture’ of the Bible by showing how fourteen narrative books of the Bible tell the complete story from Adam and Eve to Christ and the Church. 

A new, free, online course is starting in the Autumn and will run across 8 sessions during November 2020 and February 2021. To register or for more information, please email

Protect your loved ones. Download the NHS Covid-19 App

If you have downloaded the NHS App, it may be used to register your track and trace details when coming to Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Simply scan the QR Code which is displayed in the Church and is specific to St. Patrick’s Church only. Please have your phone ready and the App open before entering the Church so that you do not create a “pinch point” by having to search for your phone in your pocket or bag.

Should you choose to “sign in” using the App, you should leave your phone switched on whilst you are in the Church, but please ensure it is in silent mode!

You may of course continue to bring your Test and Trace details in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church. The choice is yours to make.

Those who choose not to download the App or are unable to, should continue to bring their Test and Trace details in the usual way by means of an envelope.

Diocesan Website

More information and support may be found on our Diocesan website.

Parish newsletter

29th Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

The country is struggling at the moment to determine the best way forward to try and slow down the rapid transmission of the coronavirus, to save lives and protect the NHS.

I suspect many of us are struggling too, with the prospect of further measures which may need to be taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Measures which may impinge on our ability to socialise with others especially with those we love.

Perhaps the fundamental question to ask is how much do we value the gift of life – not just our own  life but the lives of others too?

You may like to step aside from the news coverage and reflect on these words attributed to an unknown confederate soldier:-

I asked for strength that I might achieve.
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for health that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy.
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for, but everything that I had hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am, among all people, most richly blessed.

Please continue to look after each other and do try to keep at least 2 metres away from people you do not live with and help reduce the spread of the virus.

Pray for one another and please pray for me.

May God bless you and keep you safe from harm.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 and on weekdays at 12.05. These services may be viewed live or anytime later.

Alternatively, you may like to follow daily Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond celebrated live at 10.00 or which may also be viewed any time later.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Tuesday and Thursday, when there is a public Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, I will continue to celebrate Mass privately each day. These Intentions will be remembered this week.

  • Monday – In Thanksgiving (GL)
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Susan Barrett
  • Wednesday – LDM Clough and Lilley Families
  • Thursday: 18.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – Private Intention (MH)
  • Friday – Private Intention
  • Saturday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Sunday – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with me, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch.

In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

Should I come to church?

If you have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable the government is advising that you do not need to shield at the moment, but if you are in this category, you should still try to keep your overall social interactions low, as outlined in the Government Guidance.

Some people, including those aged 70 and over, are described as being clinically vulnerable, meaning that they are at a higher risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to stay at home as much as possible and if they do go out, to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside their household.

If you fall into either of these categories, or if you feel unsure about returning to Mass, you need to consider the wisdom of doing so. Please remember, you are not obliged to attend Mass. Sunday obligation is suspended.

If you are feeling unwell or if you suspect that you have Covid-19, (high temperature, new persistent cough, lack of taste or smell) or if you are living with someone who has or is suspected of having Covid-19, you MUST self-isolate in accordance with HM Government guidance and arrange for testing. You must not come to Church.

Please note, that while we will attempt to take all appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities to ensure our Church is Covid-19 safe, parishioners should understand that they assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 any time they enter a public space, since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection.

What to expect when returning to Church

The Archdiocese of Liverpool have put together a video which gives us an idea of what to expect when you can return to Church.

Mass in St. Patrick’s Church amidst the local Restrictions

It had been hoped that we might have been able to offer a Mass in St. Patrick’s Church on a Sunday. However, in the light of the substantial rise in the number of coronavirus cases in our locality and the local restrictions imposed upon us, Father Patterson, after seeking advice from the Diocese and others, does not think it prudent to introduce an additional (Sunday) Mass in St. Patrick’s until the local situation improves. Sunday obligation is still suspended.

With the continuing support of our volunteer stewards, whom Fr. Patterson wishes to thank, we will continue to celebrate Mass on Tuesdays at 10.00 and Thursdays at 18.30, unless additional measures are imposed which may prevent us from doing so.

On leaving the Church

Local Restrictions emphasise that we should not socialise outside of the Church after Mass but disperse immediately. I urge those of you who come to Mass to follow this advice and in doing so set an example for others to follow.

A challenging month for our reduced parish finances

Fr. Patterson continues to be so grateful to those parishioners who, in these financially challenging times, are able to make their weekly offering by bank transfer directly into the parish accounts and to those who have sent cheques.

He is also appreciative of those parishioners who are bringing their  weekly offering envelopes to Mass or choose to drop them through the presbytery letterbox.  This all helps to meet our day to day financial commitments.

Insurance premiums

Your offerings are particularly welcomed this month when the parish insurance policies are due for renewal: St. Patrick’s renewal is £4,743.62 and St. Alban’s £2079.98.


Fr. Patterson is very grateful for a donation of £70.00 received from members of the Women’s’ Guild for St. Patrick’s parish funds.

For security reasons, please do not put any envelopes through St. Alban’s Presbytery door. Envelopes for St. Alban’s parish should be posted through St. Patrick’s Presbytery door only.

If you Gift Aid your offertory contributions, the parish can reclaim the tax on your offering should you wish to make a bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

If you choose to send a cheque please make it payable to the appropriate Account name below or you might wish to continue to put aside your envelopes each week and bring them along to church when you feel able to come.

The details for bank transfers and cheques are as follows:-

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Rosary Rally

On the 31st October, 2020, the Diocese will be taking part in a Rosary Rally, with different dioceses from across the country having a designated time slot to ensure the rosary is prayed continuously throughout the day from 9.00 to 21.00. For more information register at

 The Great Adventure: Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible

Many people want to read the Bible because they know it is God’s Word, but they give up because it seems so complicated. Unlocking the “Mystery of the Bible” helps you to get the ‘big picture’ of the Bible by showing how fourteen narrative books of the Bible tell the complete story from Adam and Eve to Christ and the Church. 

A new, free, online course is starting in the Autumn and will run across 8 sessions during November 2020 and February 2021. To register or for more information, please email

Are you interested in becoming a Catholic?

Because of the restrictions surrounding coronavirus, we are unable to offer our own “in house” information evenings for people who would like to know more about what Catholics believe, possibly with a view to becoming a member of the Catholic Church.

The Diocese is offering a series of hour long online sessions for enquirers. To register, or to find out more please email:

Parish News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Printed copies of the Parish Newsletter are available at 10.00 Mass on Tuesday mornings.

Mass Offerings

If you would like to have Mass offered for any particular intention, Fr. Patterson would be happy to celebrate it for you privately.

You may bring your intention along to Mass and leave it in the box at the front of the Church or drop your intention and offering through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s Presbytery. Alternatively, you may place it in the post with a cheque, or you may email your intention to Fr. Patterson and send your offering by bank transfer.

For security reasons, please do not put any intentions or offerings through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

The Northern Cross needs your help

For more than 60 years, Northern Cross has played its part ensuring that news and views of the life of the Church are spread the length and breadth of our diocese.

The lockdown and church closures have caused its sales at Mass to cease.  A new approach is needed – as is a price increase – if the newspaper is to survive. For further information please visit the Northern cross website.

An ear to hear

As part of the pastoral care the Diocese offers during this COVID-19 lockdown, a number of qualified counsellors and listeners have made themselves available to anyone who may be troubled by the negative effects of the pandemic.

These can be contacted through St Mary’s Cathedral Listening Service on 0191 232 6953 and the Northumberland Listening Service on 07732 980740.

Protect your loved ones. Download the NHS Covid-19 App

If you have downloaded the NHS App, it may be used to register your track and trace details when coming to Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Simply scan the QR Code which is displayed in the Church and is specific to St. Patrick’s Church only. Please have your phone ready and the App open before entering the Church so that you do not create a “pinch point” by having to search for your phone in your pocket or bag.

Should you choose to “sign in” using the App, you should leave your phone switched on whilst you are in the Church, but please ensure it is in silent mode!

You may of course continue to bring your Test and Trace details in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church. The choice is yours to make.

Those who choose not to download the App or are unable to, should continue to bring their Test and Trace details in the usual way by means of an envelope.

Diocesan Website

More information and support may be found on our Diocesan website.

Parish newsletter

27th Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

There are two stories that come to mind amidst the melee of news we have been faced with during the past week.

I share them with you so that you might draw your own conclusions.

In July, an office worker booked a trip to Majorca with a friend. Days before they were due to fly out, the Government imposed quarantine restrictions on people returning from Spain. The couple decided to go anyway.

In Majorca the hotel was largely empty and reassuringly clean. The couple believed that the virus transmission rate was very low when in fact, the infection rate in Majorca had been climbing rapidly during their stay, which meant the risk of catching Covid-19 had been growing day by day.

So what happened when the couple returned home?

The office worker isolated for a couple of days before deciding she was fine. In the fortnight that followed, which is the critical period of potential transmission, she visited family, although not elderly relatives, went on shopping trips and met up with friends in their homes, or a local park.

“It probably was really selfish of me, and I probably won’t do it again,” she says, “but at the time, I guess you just think of yourself and you want a holiday – but then you don’t want to quarantine. And I don’t regret it.”

An interesting fact in her account, is that on her return from holiday, whilst visiting friends, she chose not to visit elderly relatives. What does that tell us? The full story is available on the BBC website. visit

The second story are the words of Jesus from St. John’s Gospel (21: 18).

“I tell you solemnly, when you were young you put on your own belt and walked where you liked; but when you grow old you will stretch out your hands, and somebody else will put a belt round you and take you where you would rather not go.”

Please look after each other by observing social distancing and local restrictions.

Pray for one another and please pray for me.

May God bless you all.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 and on weekdays at 12.05. These services may be viewed live or anytime later at

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond this Sunday at 10.00. There is no livestreamed Mass from 5th – 10th October.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Tuesday and Thursday, when there is a public Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, I will continue to celebrate Mass privately each day. These Intentions will be remembered this week.

  • Monday – John Clark
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church –  Vincent McCormack
  • Wednesday – LDM Hollyman and Cooper Families
  • Thursday: 18.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – Brian Quigley
  • Friday – Fr. “P’s” Intentions
  • Saturday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Sunday – For the intentions of all our parishioners.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with me, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time and,
  • Jack Durham who has died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May he be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united. Amen.”

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch.

In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

Should I come to church?

If you have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable the government is advising that you do not need to shield at the moment, but if you are in this category, you should still try to keep your overall social interactions low, as outlined in the Government Guidance.

Some people, including those aged 70 and over, are described as being clinically vulnerable, meaning that they are at a higher risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to stay at home as much as possible and if they do go out, to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside their household.

If you fall into either of these categories, or if you feel unsure about returning to Mass, you need to consider the wisdom of doing so. Please remember, you are not obliged to attend Mass. Sunday obligation is suspended.

If you are feeling unwell or if you suspect that you have Covid-19, (high temperature, new persistent cough, lack of taste or smell) or if you are living with someone who has or is suspected of having Covid-19, you MUST self-isolate in accordance with HM Government guidance and arrange for testing. You must not come to Church.

Please note, that while we will attempt to take all appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities to ensure our Church is Covid-19 safe, parishioners should understand that they assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 any time they enter a public space, since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection.

What to expect when returning to Church

The Archdiocese of Liverpool have put together a video which gives us an idea of what to expect when you can return to Church.

Mass in St. Patrick’s Church amidst the new local Restrictions

It had been hoped that we might have been able to offer a Mass in St. Patrick’s Church on a Sunday. However, in the light of the substantial rise in the number of coronavirus cases in our locality and the local restrictions imposed upon us, Father Patterson, after seeking advice from the Diocese and others, does not think it prudent to introduce an additional (Sunday) Mass in St. Patrick’s until the local situation improves. Sunday obligation is still suspended.

We will continue to celebrate Mass on Tuesdays at 10.00 and Thursdays at 18.30, unless additional measures are imposed which may prevent us from doing so.

A challenging month for our reduced parish finances

Fr. Patterson continues to be so grateful to those parishioners who, in these financially challenging times, are able to make their weekly offering by bank transfer directly into the parish accounts and to those who have sent cheques.

He is also appreciative of those parishioners who are bringing their  weekly offering envelopes to Mass or choose to drop them through the presbytery letterbox.  This all helps to meet our day to day financial commitments.

Insurance premiums

Your offerings are particularly welcomed this month when the parish insurance policies are due for renewal: St. Patrick’s renewal is £4,743.62 and St. Alban’s £2079.98.

Gift Aided Donation

Fr. Patterson is very grateful for a Gift Aided donation of £250.00 received during the course of the week for St. Patrick’s parish funds.

For security reasons, please do not put any envelopes through St. Alban’s Presbytery door. Envelopes for St. Alban’s parish should be posted through St. Patrick’s Presbytery door only.

If you Gift Aid your offertory contributions, the parish can reclaim the tax on your offering should you wish to make a bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

If you choose to send a cheque please make it payable to the appropriate Account name below or you might wish to continue to put aside your envelopes each week and bring them along to church when you feel able to come.

The details for bank transfers and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

News from our School

Even though the children remain in their own class bubbles, they are invited to pray the Rosary during the month of October. They will also wear their colourful clothes to brighten up the harvest and support CAFOD in their work. Please keep us in your prayers as we remember you in ours

CAFOD Family Fast Day

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day is to be marked on the 9th October. If you feel able to make a donation towards this Fast Day Appeal you can go online to make an online donation via their website.

Protect your loved ones. Download the NHS Covid-19 App

If you have downloaded the NHS App, it may be used to register your track and trace details when coming to Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Simply scan the QR Code which is displayed in the Church and is specific to St. Patrick’s Church only. Please have your phone ready and the App open before entering the Church so that you do not create a “pinch point” by having to search for your phone in your pocket or bag.

Should you choose to “sign in” using the App, you should leave your phone switched on whilst you are in the Church, but please ensure it is in silent mode!

You may of course continue to bring your Test and Trace details in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church. The choice is yours to make.

Those who choose not to download the App or are unable to, should continue to bring their Test and Trace details in the usual way by means of an envelope.

Discerning a Vocation

The Diocesan Priestly Vocations Team invite men thinking about becoming a Priest to a six week online Vocations Discernment course, beginning Monday 12 October at 19.00. For further information and to register an interest please email

The Northern Cross needs your help

For more than 60 years, Northern Cross has played its part ensuring that news and views of the life of the Church are spread the length and breadth of our diocese.

The lockdown and church closures have caused its sales at Mass to cease.  A new approach is needed – as is a price increase – if the newspaper is to survive. For further information please visit the Northern Cross website.

News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Printed copies of the Parish Newsletter are available at 10.00 Mass on Tuesday mornings.

An ear to hear

As part of the pastoral care the Diocese offers during this COVID-19 lockdown, a number of qualified counsellors and listeners have generously made themselves available to anyone who may be troubled by the negative effects of the situation.

These can be contacted through St Mary’s Cathedral Listening Service on 0191 232 6953 and the Northumberland Listening Service on 07732 980740.

Mass Offerings

If you would like to have Mass offered for any particular intention, Fr. Patterson would be happy to celebrate it for you privately.

You may bring your intention along to Mass and leave it in the box at the front of the Church or drop your intention and offering through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s Presbytery. Alternatively, you may place it in the post with a cheque, or you may email your intention to Fr. Patterson and send your offering by bank transfer.

For security reasons, please do not put any intentions or offerings through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

Diocesan Website

More information and support may be found on our Diocesan website.

Parish newsletter

26th Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

There has been a great deal to take in this week when it comes to the continuing spread of the coronavirus and the effect it is having on all of us, socially, spiritually and economically.

From the very beginning of the pandemic, we have been asked to adopt a 2 metre rule of social distancing which, we are told, is the most effective way of helping prevent the spread of the virus.

Another way some of us may be able to help is by considering using the NHS Covid 19 App which is now available to download for free in England and Wales and is the fastest way to see if you’re at risk from coronavirus. The faster you know, the quicker you can alert and protect your loved ones and community.

The App lets you know the level of coronavirus risk in your postcode district. It enables you to check into any venue that is required to record track and trace details of people visiting that venue. It alerts you if you have been near other App users who have tested positive to coronavirus. It enables you to check if you have coronavirus symptoms to enable you to see if you need a free test. It helps you to book a test and to receive your results. It will keep track of your self isolation countdown and provides further relevant advice.

If you have downloaded the App, it may be used to register your track and trace details when coming to Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Simply scan the QR Code which is displayed in the Church. Please have your phone ready and the App open before entering the Church so that you do not create a “pinch point” by having to search for your phone in your pocket or bag. You may of course continue to bring your Track and Trace details in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church. The choice is yours to make.

Those who choose not to download the App or are unable to, should continue to bring their Track and Trace details in the usual way by means of an envelope.

Whatever we choose, let us respond in a positive way to do all we can to try to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus in our own locality.

Please look after each other by observing social distancing and local restrictions.

Pray for one another and please pray for me.

May God bless you all.

Fr. Patterson

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on Sunday at 11.30 and on weekdays at 12.05. These services may be viewed live or anytime later.

Alternatively, you may like to follow daily Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond celebrated live at 10.00 or which may also be viewed any time later.

Mass Intentions

With the exception of Tuesday and Thursday, when there is a public Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, I will continue to celebrate Mass privately each day. These Intentions will be remembered this week.

  • Monday – In Thanksgiving (NF)
  • Tuesday: 10.00 in St. Patrick’s Church – Chris Whitehead
  • Wednesday – Sheila Richards (McCormack)
  • Thursday: 18.30 in St. Patrick’s Church – Michael and Iris Hollywood
  • Friday – Fr. “P’s” Intentions
  • Saturday – The sick, their families, NHS staff & Care Workers
  • Sunday – For the intentions of all our parishioners

When you are unable to celebrate Mass with me, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers this week:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time

A Prayer for Carers, Nurses and Doctors

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life, be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as agents of your healing touch.

In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving; and when their work is done, be with them in their weariness and in their tears. Amen.

Should I come to church?

If you have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable the government is advising that you do not need to shield at the moment, but if you are in this category, you should still try to keep your overall social interactions low, as outlined in the Government Guidance.

Some people, including those aged 70 and over, are described as being clinically vulnerable, meaning that they are at a higher risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to stay at home as much as possible and if they do go out, to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside their household.

If you fall into either of these categories, or if you feel unsure about returning to Mass, you need to consider the wisdom of doing so. Please remember, you are not obliged to attend Mass. Sunday obligation is suspended.

If you are feeling unwell or if you suspect that you have Covid-19, (high temperature, new persistent cough, lack of taste or smell) or if you are living with someone who has or is suspected of having Covid-19, you MUST self-isolate in accordance with HM Government guidance and arrange for testing. You must not come to Church.

Please note, that while we will attempt to take all appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities to ensure our Church is Covid-19 safe, parishioners should understand that they assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 any time they enter a public space, since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection

What to expect when returning to Church

The Archdiocese of Liverpool have put together a video which gives us an idea of what to expect when you can return to Church.

Mass in St. Patrick’s Church and the new local Restrictions

It had been hoped that we might have been able to offer a Mass in St. Patrick’s Church on a Sunday. However, in the light of the substantial rise in the number of coronavirus cases in our locality and the local restrictions imposed upon us, Father Patterson, after seeking advice from the Diocese and others, does not think it prudent to introduce an additional (Sunday) Mass in St. Patrick’s until the local situation improves. Sunday obligation is still suspended.

We will continue to celebrate Mass on Tuesdays at 10.00 and Thursdays at 18.30, unless additional measures are imposed which may prevent us from doing so.

As you are aware,  St. Patrick’s Church has been risked assessed and is deemed to be Covid-19 secure. Strict protocols are in place for your health and safety.

However, the local Restrictions do affect us to the extent that they emphasise that we should not socialise outside of the Church after Mass but disperse immediately. I urge those of you who come to Mass to follow this advice and in doing so set an example for others to follow.

Your generous Offerings are greatly appreciated

Fr. Patterson continues to be so grateful to those parishioners who, in these financially challenging times, are able to make their weekly offering by bank transfer directly into the parish accounts and to those who have sent cheques.

He is also appreciative of those parishioners who are bringing their  weekly offering envelopes to Mass or choose to drop them through the presbytery letterbox.  This all helps to meet our day to day financial commitments.

For security reasons, please do not put any envelopes through St. Alban’s Presbytery door. Envelopes for St. Alban’s parish should be posted through St. Patrick’s Presbytery door only.

If you Gift Aid your offertory contributions, the parish can reclaim the tax on your offering should you wish to make a bank transfer. It would be helpful to enter your name and Gift Aid envelope number as the reference when making the transfer.

If you choose to send a cheque please make it payable to the appropriate Account name below or you might wish to continue to put aside your envelopes each week and bring them along to church when you feel able to come.

The details for bank transfers and cheques are as follows:

St. Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St. Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

It is against the law

Did you know that according to the local restrictions, it is now against the law to host people you do not live with in your home or garden, unless they’re in your support bubble or to meet people you do not live with in their home or garden, whether inside or outside of the affected areas, unless they’re in your support bubble. For more information on our local restrictions visit the government website.

Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic?

If you are and would like to know more, we invite you to join a weekly Diocesan online RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) programme, beginning on Tuesday 29th September at 18.30.

The hour long online meetings will allow you to meet with others who are beginning the RCIA programme.

To register for this online programme, please contact

CAFOD Family Fast Day

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day is to be marked on the 9th October. If you feel able to make a donation towards this Fast Day Appeal you can make an online donation via the CAFOD website.

News by Email

If you are aware of parishioners who would like to receive the Newsletter and other news from the parish by email, please ask them to email Fr. Patterson at and they will be added to our contact list.

Discerning a Vocation

The Diocesan Priestly Vocations Team invite men thinking about becoming a Priest to a six week online Vocations Discernment course, beginning Monday 12 October at 19.00.

For further information and to register an interest please email

An ear to hear

As part of the pastoral care the Diocese offers during this COVID-19 lockdown, a number of qualified counsellors and listeners have generously made themselves available to anyone who may be troubled by the negative effects of the situation.

These can be contacted through St Mary’s Cathedral Listening Service on 0191 232 6953 and the Northumberland Listening Service on 07732 980740.

Mass Offerings

If you would like to have Mass offered for any particular intention, Fr. Patterson would be happy to celebrate it for you privately.

You may bring your intention along to Mass and leave it in the box at the front of the Church or drop your intention and offering through the letterbox of St. Patrick’s Presbytery. Alternatively, you may place it in the post with a cheque, or you may email your intention to Fr. Patterson and send your offering by bank transfer.

For security reasons, please do not put any intentions or offerings through the letterbox of St. Alban’s Presbytery.

News from our School

Mrs Jackie Telfer, who has worked at our School for 25 years, will be retiring in October. To help celebrate her time at the school, we invite you to share your memories of her as she has worked with such dedication and enthusiasm with so many children and families over the years. If you would like to share a story or send a message please contact the school office (0191 4693251).

Protect your loved ones. Download the NHS Covid-19 App

If you have downloaded the NHS Covid-19 App, it may be used to register your track and trace details when coming to Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Simply scan the QR Code which is displayed in the Church and is specific to St. Patrick’s Church only. Please have your phone ready and the App open before entering the Church so that you do not create a “pinch point” by having to search for your phone in your pocket or bag. You may of course continue to bring your Track and Trace details in an envelope and place it in the box at the front of the Church. The choice is yours to make.

Those who choose not to download the App or are unable to, should continue to bring their Track and Trace details in the usual way by means of an envelope.

Diocesan Website

More information and support may be found on our Diocesan website.