Parish newsletter

The Feast of the Holy Family

The following celebrations will take place during the days ahead:

  • Saturday: (30 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday:  (31 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s: Gerry Toberty & the Toberty Sisters
  • Monday: (1 Jan) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Allan Lavin
  • Thursday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre: Jim Murray and LDM Family
  • Saturday: (6 Jan) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday:  (7 Jan) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s: Rosie Cullen
  • Tuesday: (9 Jan) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre: Lavinia Webber

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time especially Rosie Cullen, Allan Lavin, Jim Murray, Gerry Toberty, Rose Wright and Patrick Wright and,
  • Fr. John Gibbons who has died. May he rest in peace.


Fr. Patterson would like to take this opportunity to wish you and those you love dearly a Happy New Year, rich in God’s blessings.

He is grateful for your cards, gifts, emails, telephone calls and prayers, all of which are very much appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make the Feast of Christmas a most prayerful and uplifting celebration in both of our churches. and thanks to those Volunteers who continue to ensure everyone who visits our churches receives a warm welcome in a safe and friendly setting.

A Prayer for the New Year and beyond

We are a community of memory that looks back; we are a community of Spirit that looks forward. It is important, though not easy, to look back with kindness and to look forward in hope.

This year is coming to a close and a new year beckons. Let us hand over the past to God for his healing blessing. Let us ask the Lord to face the future with us so that we do not face it alone

Let us pray for each other and for all those we love

that we might know the promise of the Lord that brings the Gospel to a close.

(Fr. Denis McBride C.Ss.R)

A New Year Resolution – Why not try it?

Let the message of Christ, in all its richness, find a home with you. Teach each other and advise each other in all wisdom. Bear with one another; forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins. Never say or do anything except in the name of the Lord Jesus. Over all these things, to keep them together and complete them, put on love.

(St. Paul writing to the people of Colossae)

A Prayer for the troubled world

Prince of peace, in a world of conflict and violence

we pray that the peace you came to bring may become a reality in the world of our own time. Amen.

Christmas Raffle – Prize winners

Father Patterson wishes to thank all those who supported our Christmas Raffle this year; those who organised it, sold and bought tickets and gifted prizes. You have helped to raise the most generous total of £851.00 which will be shared between St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s helping to offset the running costs in each of our churches. A list of prize winners may be found on the noticeboards in our churches.

Mass Intentions

Fr. Patterson is very grateful for the generous Mass Offerings you are handing in.  As he is currently only able to celebrate four Masses each week, one of which must be for “the Parishioners Intentions,” he is a little behind in celebrating some of your Mass requests. He tries to give priority to Anniversaries, but it is not always possible. So please be patient and understanding.

Joe’s Place

Joe’s Place is a project supported by the parishes of the John Ingram Partnership. It supports some of the many vulnerable people in the local area. It was founded in 2014 and takes place every Wednesday in the Parish Hall of St Joseph’s Church, Gateshead. Guests are served freshly prepared hot or cold food at their tables. Food is prepared in the kitchen using donated tinned and dried foods, together with fresh and frozen food purchased using donations from local schools, businesses, parishes, and individuals. During the past five years the parishes in the Partnership have made financial contributions to the project, according to their means, to help cover the cost of renting St. Joseph’s Hall and the cost of utilities. This coming year the proceeds of the Charity Box in St. Alban’s Church will go to Joe’s Place and a box at the front of  St. Patrick’s Church marked “Joe’s Place” will be available for donations.

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for our celebrations in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. It is a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who come to join us in worship. Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place. If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Parish newsletter

The following celebrations will take place during the days ahead.

  • Saturday: (23 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Norah Lagan
  • Sunday: (24 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Nellie Armstrong
  • Christmas Eve: 5.30pm First Mass of Christmas with carols in St. Patrick’s Church:   The Parishioners Intentions
  • Christmas Day: 9.30am Christmas Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Andrew Sloan
  • Tuesday, (26th Dec)  10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre : Maurice Brown
  • Thursday: (28th Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre: Desmond Costelloe
  • Saturday: (30 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday:  (31 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s: Gerry Toberty & the Toberty Sisters
  • Monday: (1 Jan) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Allan Lavin

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from  the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time especially Gerry Toberty, Nellie Armstrong, Allan Lavin and Jim Murray

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for the celebration of Christmas in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. It is a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who come to join us in worship. Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place. If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest

Christmas Services

Saturday 23rd December6pm Mass in St Alban’s Church for the 4th Sunday of Advent
Sunday 24th December 10am Mass in St Patrick’s Church for the 4th Sunday of Advent
5.30pm (Christmas Eve) The First Mass of Christmas with carols in St. Patrick’s Church
Monday 25th December9.30am Mass in St Alban’s Church Christmas morning Mass

Fr. Patterson would like to take this opportunity

to wish you and your families a peaceful and joy filled Christmas

nativity scene

“Every year, at this time,
we are asked to escape from the tumult of our hearts,
to put aside our weighty cares and leave our wearisome toil;
to enter for a while into the inner chamber  of our souls,
to listen to God’s Word.
The Word — calling us, through the mist of ignorance and apathy,
to be silent, to listen to the sound of stillness,
and to see in the Child, born of Mary,
The Word who became flesh”

Cardinal Basil Hume (OSB)

Christmas Raffle

Father Patterson wishes to thank all those who supported our Christmas Raffle this year; those who organised it, sold and bought tickets and gifted prizes. You have helped to raise the most generous total of £851.00 which will be shared between St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s helping to offset the running costs in each of our churches.

Thank you

Fr. Patterson is grateful for two recent donations made to St. Patrick’s parish funds in the sums of £100.00 (gift aided) and another in the sum of £40.00. Thank you very much indeed.

School News from Mrs Robinson

Wishing you a blessed and peaceful Christmas from all at St Alban’s School. Thank you for your continued and generous support throughout this term and we look forward to meeting up with you again in the new year. We return to school on Tuesday 9th January 2024.

Mobile phones and hot drinks

If you are attending any services in St. Alban’s Church or St. Patrick’s Church, including those hosted by our school, you are asked to ensure that your mobile phones are “turned off” as silent mode is not always silent. It is not our custom to bring hot drinks into our churches – nor is it safe from a Health and Safety point of view, as there is a potential risk of scalding if a cup is accidently knocked over. Please be considerate of each other at all times.

A Prayer for the troubled world

Prince of peace, in a world of conflict and violence we pray that the peace you came to bring may become a reality in the world of our own time. Amen.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Parish newsletter

3rd Sunday of Advent

The following celebrations will take place during the days ahead:

  • Saturday: (16 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Birdie Cooper
  • Sunday:  (17 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Tuesday:  (19th Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre:  Paul Hughes
  • Thursday: (21 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre: Brian Quigley
  • Saturday: (23 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Norah Lagan
  • Sunday:  (24 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Nellie Armstrong
  • Christmas Eve: 5.30pm First Mass of Christmas in St. Patrick’s Church:  The Parishioners Intentions
  • Christmas Day: 9.30am Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Andrew Sloan
  • Tuesday, (26th Dec)  10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre : Maurice Brown
  • Thursday: (28th Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre: Desmond Costelloe

Mass to view online

Mass is live streamed from  the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital and,
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time especially Gerry Toberty, Nellie Armstrong and Jim Murray

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for the celebration of Mass in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. It is a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who come to join us in worship. Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place. If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest.

Christmas Services

Saturday 23rd December6pm Mass in St Alban’s Church for the 4th Sunday of Advent
Sunday 24th December 10am Mass in St Patrick’s Church for the 4th Sunday of Advent
5.30pm (Christmas Eve) The First Mass of Christmas with carols in St. Patrick’s Church
Monday 25th December9.30am Mass in St Alban’s Church Christmas morning Mass

Advent Cafe

Last week, our “Café” callers explored the Advent theme of Joy. A thought provoking time was had by all over a cup of tea and rather nice cakes.

We continue our reflections this coming Wednesday in St. Patrick’s parish centre at 6pm. Do come along as we ponder the Advent theme of “Love” in preparation for the coming of the Lord.

Advent Alms

Advent is the season when we offer our financial support to the work of St. Cuthbert’s Care in our Diocese. If you feel able to make a contribution to “Advent Alms” please place your donation in an envelope marked Advent Alms and place it in one of the boxes at the doors of our churches.

A busy week ahead

Amidst everything you and your families have to do during the next few days, try to spend a minute or two making this prayer your own:

Lord Jesus, help me to prepare for your coming;

to wish for you and to watch for you,

so that at your coming you may find me ready.

Advent Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced an online booklet of Advent reflections, which can be found here: Advent Reflections

Northern Catholic Calendar

The 2024 edition of the Diocesan Year Book is available for sale at the back of St. Alban’s church and on the front table in St. Patrick’s priced at £3.00. There are a limited number of copies available – so first come first served.

School News from Mrs Robinson

Dear Parishioners, there are some Christmas cards for our prayer sponsors to collect from the back of both of our churches. The children, families, staff and governors are all very grateful for your continued prayers.

Year 6 will lead our final Advent service to help us imitate Mary when she said, ‘Let it be to me’. You are welcome to join us on Friday 22nd December 9.15am in St Alban’s Church.

Mobile phones and hot drinks

If you are attending any services in St. Alban’s Church or St. Patrick’s Church, including those hosted by our school, you are asked to ensure that your mobile phones are “turned off” as silent mode is not always silent. It is not our custom to bring hot drinks into our churches – nor is it safe from a Health and Safety point of view, as there is a potential risk of scalding if a cup is accidently knocked over. Please be considerate of each other at all times.

A Prayer for the troubled world

Prince of peace, in a world of conflict and violence

we pray that the peace you came to bring may

become a reality in the world of our own time. Amen.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Covid Autumn Booster Vaccinations and Flu Vaccinations are now available

Everything you need to know may be found here Getting a COVID-19 vaccine

Parish newsletter

2nd Sunday of Advent

The following celebrations will take place during the coming week.

  • Saturday: (9 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday:  (10 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Joyce McTaff
  • Tuesday: 10am Funeral Service in St. Patrick’s Church for Joan Palmer
  • Thursday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre: Francis Tepace
  • Saturday: (16 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Birdie Cooper
  • Sunday:  (17 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for the celebration of Mass in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. It is a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who come to join us in worship. Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place. If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest.

Christmas Services

Saturday 23rd December6pm Mass in St Alban’s Church for the 4th Sunday of Advent
Sunday 24th December 10am Mass in St Patrick’s Church for the 4th Sunday of Advent
5.30pm (Christmas Eve) The First Mass of Christmas with carols in St. Patrick’s Church
Monday 25th December9.30am Mass in St Alban’s Church Christmas morning Mass

Advent Cafe

Our “Café” last week explored the Advent theme of Peace. An enjoyable and thought provoking time was had by all  over a cup of tea and rather nice cakes.

We continue our reflections this coming Wednesday in St. Patrick’s parish centre at 18.00. Do come along as we ponder the Advent theme of Joy in these troubled times and in preparation for the coming of the Lord.

Advent Alms

Advent is the season when we offer our financial support to the work of St. Cuthbert’s Care in our Diocese. If you feel able to make a contribution to “Advent Alms” please place your donation in an envelope marked Advent Alms and place it in one of the boxes at the doors of our churches.

Walk with Me – reduced to 50p

The Advent Prayer Booklet “Walk with Me” which gives scripture readings and a reflection for each day of Advent is available at the back of St. Alban’s church and on the front table in St. Patrick’s, at the reduced price of 50p.

Advent Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced an online booklet of Advent reflections, which can be found here: Advent Reflections

Northern Catholic Calendar

The 2024 edition of the Diocesan Year Book is available for sale at the back of St. Alban’s church and on the front table in St. Patrick’s priced at £3.00. There are a limited number of copies available – so first come first served.

School News from Mrs Robinson

Dear Parishioners, here is a reminder of our upcoming events:

Friday 15th December 3pm in St Alban’s Church: Y5 lead our third Advent service to help us ‘Rejoice’.

Friday 22nd December 9.15am in St Alban’s Church: Y6 lead our final Advent service to help us imitate Mary when she said, ‘Let it be to me’.

We are also looking to employ a Level 3 SEN 1:1 Teaching Assistant.

Mobile phones and hot drinks

If you are attending any services in St. Alban’s Church or St. Patrick’s Church, including those hosted by our school, you are asked to ensure that your mobile phones are “turned off” as silent mode is not always silent. It is not our custom to bring hot drinks into our churches – nor is it safe from a Health and Safety point of view, as there is a potential risk of scalding if a cup is accidently knocked over. Please be considerate of each other at all times.

Christmas Raffle

Have you bought your ticket for the Christmas Raffle. It is a chance to raise much needed funds for both St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s. 1st Prize: £100.00, 2nd Prize £50.00, 3rd Prize 6 bottles of wine and various other prizes. The draw will be made on 3rd Sunday of Advent, 17th December after 10.00 Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre. Tickets are available after Mass in both of our churches and in St. Patrick’s parish centre. £1.00 each.

A Prayer for the Israeli and Palestinian People

Heavenly Father, we come to you as the source of all comfort asking that you send your Spirit to surround and uphold all those who are grieving, all those who are suffering, all those living in fear, and all those held in captivity. May the arms of comfort and compassion, overwhelm the arms of war. Amen.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Covid Autumn Booster Vaccinations and Flu Vaccinations are now available

Everything you need to know may be found here Getting a COVID-19 vaccine

Parish newsletter

1st Sunday of Advent

The following celebrations will take place during the coming week.

  • Saturday: (2 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Margaret and Brian Pankhurst
  • Sunday:  (3 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Tuesday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre: Patricia Lagan
  • Friday: The Feast of the Immaculate Conception 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre for George Owens
  • Saturday: (9 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday:  (10 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Joyce McTaff

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from  the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time especially Norah Lagan and,
  • Joan Palmer who has died. May she rest in peace

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for the celebration of Mass in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. It is a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who come to join us in worship. Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place. If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest.

Christmas Services

Saturday 23rd December6pm Mass in St Alban’s Church for the 4th Sunday of Advent
Sunday 24th December 10am Mass in St Patrick’s Church for the 4th Sunday of Advent
5.30pm (Christmas Eve) The First Mass of Christmas with carols in St. Patrick’s Church
Monday 25th December9.30am Mass in St Alban’s Church Christmas morning Mass

Advent Cafe

Our “Café” opened last Wednesday when we spent time together reflecting on the Advent theme of Hope over a cup of tea and rather nice cakes. We continue our reflections this coming Wednesday in St. Patrick’s parish centre at 6pm. Do come along and ”Prepare a Way for the Lord” in your life.

Advent Alms

Advent is the season when we offer our financial support to the work of St. Cuthbert’s Care in our Diocese. If you feel able to make a contribution to “Advent Alms” please place your donation in an envelope marked Advent Alms and place it in one of the boxes at the doors of our churches.

Walk with Me

The Advent Prayer Booklet “Walk with Me” which gives scripture readings and a reflection for each day of Advent is available at the back of St. Alban’s church and on the front table in St. Patrick’s, priced £1.00. First come first served.

Advent Reflections

The Diocesan Vicariate for Faith and Mission has produced an online booklet of Advent reflections, which can be found here: Advent Reflections

Mass Intentions

Fr. Patterson is very grateful for the generous Mass Offerings you are handing in.  As he is currently only able to celebrate four Masses each week, one of which must be for “the Parishioners Intentions,” he is a little behind in celebrating some of your Mass requests. He tries to give priority to Anniversaries, but it is not always possible. So please be patient and understanding.

School News from Mrs Robinson

Dear Parishioners, here is a reminder of our upcoming events to which you are all invited:

  • Monday 4th December 3pm in St Alban’s Church: Y3 lead our first Advent service of prayer to help us ‘Stay Awake’.
  • Thursday 7th December 3.40pm The Friends of St Alban’s invite you all to a Christmas Fair in our school hall.
  • Friday 8th December 3pm in St Alban’s Church: Y4 lead our second Advent service of prayer to help us ‘Prepare the way’.
  • Friday 15th December 3pm in St Alban’s Church: Y5 lead our third Advent service to help us ‘Rejoice’.
  • Friday 22nd December 9.15am in St Alban’s Church: Y6 lead our final Advent service to help us imitate Mary when she said ‘Let it be to me’.

Children’s’ Liturgy of the Word

We hope to offer an opportunity for a Children’s Liturgy of the Word to be held in St. Patrick’s parish centre this Sunday, 3rd December. It will initially be for children in Years 1, 2 and 3. Following the advice of our Diocesan Safeguarding Office, parents will be unable to accompany their children to the liturgy. However they will be well cared for by our catechists who all have enhanced DBS clearance.

Christmas Raffle

Have you bought your ticket for the Christmas Raffle. It is a chance to raise much needed funds for both St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s. 1st Prize: £100.00, 2nd Prize £50.00, 3rd Prize 6 bottles of wine and various other prizes. The draw will be made on 3rd Sunday of Advent, 17th December after 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre. Tickets are available after Mass in both of our churches and in St. Patrick’s parish centre. £1.00 each.


Our prayerful good wishes are extended to Jemma who was received and confirmed into the fullness of the Catholic faith last weekend.

A Prayer for the Israeli and Palestinian People

Heavenly Father, we come to you as the source of all comfort asking that you send your Spirit to surround and uphold all those who are grieving, all those who are suffering, all those living in fear, and all those held in captivity. May the arms of comfort and compassion, overwhelm the arms of war. Amen.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Covid Autumn Booster Vaccinations and Flu Vaccinations are now available Everything you need to know may be found here Getting a COVID-19 vaccine

Parish newsletter

The Feast of Christ the King

The following celebrations will take place during the coming week.

  • Saturday: (25 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday:  (26 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Richie Charlton
  • Monday: 10am Funeral Mass in St. Patrick’s Church for Desmond Costelloe
  • Wednesday: 10am Funeral Mass in St. Alban’s Church for Frank Smith
  • Friday: 10am Funeral Service in St. Patrick’s Church for Barbara Groves
  • Saturday: (2 Dec) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Margaret and Brian Pankhurst
  • Sunday:  (3 Dec) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from  the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time especially Maurice Brown, David Clay, Dominic Sloan and Norah Lagan and,
  • Desmond Costelloe, Frank Smith and Barbara Groves who have died. May they rest in peace.

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for the celebration of Mass in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. It is a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who come to join us in worship. Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place. If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest.

The Sacrament of Confirmation – Congratulations

Thank you to everyone who came and supported our young people from St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s who were Confirmed by Bishop Stephen during Mass last Sunday. Please keep them in your prayers in the weeks and months ahead.

Youth Sunday

This weekend we celebrate World Youth Sunday when the Church across the globe reflects on the gift of young people and offers our prayers and support as we accompany them on their faith journey. There will be an opportunity for those of you who wish to contribute towards the work of the Youth Ministry Team in our Diocese. Simply place your donation in an envelope marked “YMT” and place it in one of the boxes at the doors of our churches. Those of you with boxes of envelopes should have an envelope in your box.

Memory Books

Our “Memory Books” for St. Patrick’s, containing the names of our deceased parishioners since 1995 (the centenary of the church), were rededicated last Sunday and will remain on the sanctuary throughout November. Please feel free to read them and to pray for all our deceased loved ones.

OPENING SOON – ADVENT CAFE (aka St. Patrick’s Parish Centre)

Opening Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 at 6pm


Bakers, Baristas, Talkers, Listeners, Carers, Servers, Prayers,

All those interested please contact our Parish Master Chef at

All positions are on a totally voluntary basis!

Our Advent Café provides an opportunity to explore the themes of Advent – Hope, Love, Joy and Peace while praying, chatting and drinking coffee and eating cake!!!

The aim is to discover ways in which we, as a Christian, Catholic family can actually make these Advent ’themes’ a reality for someone, somewhere this Christmas. Everyone is welcome and admission is free in a warm environment.

Thank you

Kathleen Costelloe and her family wish to thank everyone for their support in so many different ways, not least in their promise of prayers and Masses, following the death of Desmond. May he rest in peace.

St. Alban’s Church Cleaning

Volunteers would be welcome to help clean St. Alban’s Church in preparation for Christmas on Friday, 1st December at 10am.

Walk with Me

The Advent Prayer Booklet “Walk with Me” which gives scripture readings and a reflection for each day of Advent is available at the back of St. Alban’s church and on the front table in St. Patrick’s, priced £1.00. First come first served.

Mass Intentions

Fr. Patterson is very grateful for the generous Mass Offerings you are handing in.  As he is currently only able to celebrate four Masses each week, one of which must be for “the Parishioners Intentions,” he is a little behind in celebrating some of your Mass requests. He tries to give priority to Anniversaries, but it is not always possible. So please be patient and understanding.

School News from Mrs Robinson

Dear Parishioners, you are invited to join us as we journey through Advent towards Christmas. Our first Advent Service of Prayer will be on Monday 4th December at 3pm in St Alban’s Church. You are all most welcome.

Miss Laura Colligan has been appointed the new Deputy Headteacher and will join our school community in the New Year.

Children’s’ Liturgy of the Word

We hope to offer an opportunity for a Children’s Liturgy of the Word to be held in St. Patrick’s parish centre next Sunday, 3rd December. It will initially be for children in Years 1, 2 and 3 which we hope to be able to extend in due course. Following the advice of our Diocesan Safeguarding Office, parents will be unable to accompany their children to the liturgy. However they will be well cared for by our catechists who all have enhanced DBS clearance. Tricia, Emily, Angela and Terry will be in the parish centre this Sunday should you wish to know more.

Christmas Raffle

Have you bought your ticket for the Christmas Raffle. It is a chance to raise much needed funds for both St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s. 1st Prize: £100.00, 2nd Prize £50.00, 3rd Prize 6 bottles of wine and various other prizes. The draw will be made on 3rd Sunday of Advent, 17th December after 10.00 Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre. Tickets are available after Mass in both of our churches and in St. Patrick’s parish centre. £1.00 each.

Parish Newsletter

In an attempt to reduce the cost of printing “hard copies” of the Parish Newsletter and to be more environmentally friendly, please consider allowing us to send you your copy by email. Simply email the parish office at and you will be added to the mailing list. For those who do not have this facility, a small number of printed copies will be available at the doors of both of our churches.

A Prayer for the Israeli and Palestinian People

Heavenly Father, we come to you as the source of all comfort asking that you send your Spirit to surround and uphold all those who are grieving, all those who are suffering, all those living in fear, and all those held in captivity. May the arms of comfort and compassion, overwhelm the arms of war. Amen.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Covid Autumn Booster Vaccinations and Flu Vaccinations are now available

Everything you need to know may be found here Getting a COVID-19 vaccine

Parish newsletter

33rd Sunday of the Year

The following celebrations will take place during the coming week:

  • Saturday: (18 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Susan Harland
  • Sunday:  (19 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Tuesday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Joan Makepeace
  • Thursday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Dec members of the Legion of Mary
  • Saturday: (18 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday:  (19 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Richie Charlton

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from  the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time especially David Clay, Susan Harland, Dominic Sloan and Norah Lagan and,
  • Frank Smith and Desmond Costelloe who have died. May they rest in peace.

    A Funeral Mass for Desmond Costelloe will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church on Monday, 27th November at 10am and the Funeral Mass for Frank Smith will be celebrated in St. Alban’s Church on Wednesday, 29th November at 10am.

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for the celebration of Mass in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. It is a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who come to join us in worship. Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place. If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest.

The Sacrament of Confirmation – Sunday, 19th November

Please come and support our young people from St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Stephen during Mass this Sunday, 19th November at 10am in St. Patrick’s Church.

Memory Books

Our “Memory Books” for St. Patrick’s, containing the names of our deceased parishioners since 1995 (the centenary of the church), were rededicated last Sunday and will remain on the sanctuary throughout November. Please feel free to read them and to pray for all our deceased loved ones.

OPENING SOON – ADVENT CAFE (aka St. Patrick’s Parish Centre)

everyone is welcome sign

Opening Wednesday 29th November at 6pm


Bakers, Baristas, Talkers, Listeners, Carers, Servers, Prayers,

All those interested please contact our Parish Master Chef at All positions are on a totally voluntary basis!

Our Advent Café provides an opportunity to explore the themes of Advent – Hope, Love, Joy and Peace while praying, chatting and drinking coffee and eating cake!!!

The aim is to discover ways in which we, as a Christian, Catholic family can actually make these Advent ’themes’ a reality for someone, somewhere this Christmas. Everyone is welcome and admission is free in a warm environment.

Congratulations and welcome

We offer our prayerful good wishes to Myah, Brandon, Billy, Freddie, Amber and Anna who in recent weeks have received the Gift of Faith “through water and the Holy Spirit.” We continue to keep their parents and godparents in prayer that they may remain faithful to the commitment they have made on behalf of their children.

Mass Intentions

Fr. Patterson is very grateful for the generous Mass Offerings you are handing in.  As he is currently only able to celebrate four Masses each week, one of which must be for “the Parishioners Intentions,” he is a little behind in celebrating some of your Mass requests. He tries to give priority to Anniversaries, but it is not always possible. So please be patient and understanding.

School News from Mrs Robinson

Next Friday we celebrate Youth Friday ahead of Youth Sunday on the feast of Christ the King. Pope Francis invites the global Church to celebrate and pray for young people. He recently told young people that “Jesus’ door is always open: Come and See!” We will be celebrating the day in school and ask for your continued prayers for the young people in our school and parish.

Children’s’ Liturgy of the Word

We hope to offer an opportunity for a Children’s Liturgy of the Word on The First Sunday of Advent, 3rd December, in St. Patrick’s parish centre for children currently in Years 1, 2 and 3. More details next week.

Christmas Raffle

We are launching our Christmas Raffle this weekend. It is a chance to raise much needed funds for both St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s. 1st Prize: £100, 2nd Prize £50, 3rd Prize 6 bottles of wine and various other prizes. The draw will be made on 3rd Sunday of Advent, 17th December after 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s parish centre. Tickets will be available after Mass in both of our churches and in St. Patrick’s parish centre. £1.00 each.

Youth Sunday

Next Sunday, 26th November we celebrate World Youth Sunday when the Church across the globe reflects on the gift of young people and offers our prayers and support as we accompany them on their faith journey. There will be an opportunity for those of you who wish to contribute towards the work of the Youth Ministry Team in our Diocese. Simply place your donation in an envelope marked “YMT” and place it in one of the boxes at the doors of our churches. Those of you with boxes of envelopes should have an envelope in your box.

A Prayer for the Israeli and Palestinian People

Heavenly Father, we come to you as the source of all comfort asking that you send your Spirit to surround and uphold all those who are grieving, all those who are suffering, all those living in fear, and all those held in captivity. May the arms of comfort and compassion, overwhelm the arms of war. Amen.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Covid Autumn Booster Vaccinations and Flu Vaccinations are now available

Everything you need to know may be found here Getting a COVID-19 vaccine

Parish newsletter

32nd Sunday of the year

The following celebrations will take place during the coming week.

  • Saturday: (11 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday: (12 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Paul and David Clay
  • Tuesday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Hughes, Knock and Kelly Families
  • Thursday: 10am Funeral Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Jim Nicholson
  • Saturday: (18 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Susan Harland
  • Sunday: (19 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from  the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act
of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time especially Albert & Norah Lagan and,
  • Frank Smith and Desmond Costelloe who have died. May they rest in peace.

The Sacrament of Confirmation – Sunday, 19th November please come and support our young people from St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Stephen during Mass next Sunday, 19th November at 10am in St. Patrick’s Church.

Remembrance Sunday
This weekend we celebrate Remembrance Day an opportunity to remember and pray for all those who have died in conflict and in the cause of peace.

Memory Books
In St. Patrick’s Church this Sunday we will rededicate our “Memory Books” containing the names of our deceased parishioners since 1995 (the centenary of the church), which were removed during the pandemic.

A Light in the Darkness
A Diocesan Service of Remembrance for those who mourn the loss of a child, will take place on Sunday, 19th November, 2023 at 3pm in St Joseph’s Church, Gateshead.

Annual Service of Light
You are invited to a Prayer Service at St Mary’s RC Church, Whickham, on Sunday 19th November at 3pm. This candlelit Service is to remember all our loved ones who have died in the Gateshead area and will be led by Revd Paul Nichol from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Chaplaincy Team and staff from St Bede’s Hospice Unit. Light refreshments will be available in the Church Hall afterwards.

Our prayerful good wishes go to Martha who, supported by her family, friends and parish family, celebrated the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for the first time last weekend. We assure her and her family of our ongoing prayers.

The Advent Cafe
Its coming back by popular demand – our Advent Café (aka St. Patrick’s Parish Centre) opening Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 at 6pm offering a chance to explore the themes of Advent – Hope, Love, Joy and Peace while praying, chatting and drinking coffee and eating cake!!!

The aim is to discover ways in which we, as a Christian, Catholic family can actually make these Advent ’themes’ a reality for someone, somewhere this Christmas. Everyone is welcome and admission is free in a warm environment.

“All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship’ (Acts 2:42)

C = Catholic, Community, Cake, Conversation, Cake, Coffee, Cake and Challenge
A= Action, Advent
F= Faith
E = Everyone

School News from Mrs Robinson
Everyone is invited to a Christmas Market on Thursday 16th November from 5-7pm in St Alban’s school hall. It is £2 per adult entry and there are many stalls to do some early Christmas shopping. Refreshments will also be available.

Please see further information on the posters on the church noticeboards

Children’s’ Liturgy of the Word
We hope to offer an opportunity for a Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Youth Sunday, 26th November, in St. Patrick’s Church. More details later.

Christmas Raffle
We are officially launching our Christmas Raffle next weekend (although some may have tickets already!). It is a chance to raise much needed funds for both of our churches. There will be some good prizes! More details next week! But bring some cash to buy tickets as we haven’t gone “contactless” yet!

A Prayer for the Israeli and Palestinian People
Heavenly Father, we come to you as the source of all comfort asking that you send your Spirit to surround and uphold all those who are grieving, all those who are suffering, all those living in fear, and all those held in captivity. May the arms of comfort and compassion, overwhelm the arms of war. Amen

Christmas shopping!!

World Gifts are Cafod’s range of virtual charity gifts that will delight the people you give them to and help transform the lives of families and communities living in poverty. To find out more pick up a leaflet from church this weekend or visit the Cafod website.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Covid Autumn Booster Vaccinations and Flu Vaccinations are now available

Everything you need to know may be found here Getting a COVID-19 vaccine

Parish newsletter

31st Sunday of the Year

The following celebrations will take place during the coming week.

  • Saturday: (4 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Iris Richards
  • Sunday:  (5 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Tuesday: 10am Funeral Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Joan Hopkins
  • Thursday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Brenda and David Gibbon
  • Saturday: (11 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday:  (12 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Paul and David Clay

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from  the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time, especially Paul Clay and,
  • Jim Nicholson who has died

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for the celebration of Mass in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. It is a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who come to join us in worship. Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place. If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest.

The Sacrament of Confirmation  – Final Session

The final preparation meeting for our young people from St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Monday, 6th November in St. Patrick’s parish centre at 18.30. Parents and sponsors are also welcome. In order to proceed to Confirmation, it is necessary for prospective candidates to attend this session. Bishop Stephen will come to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation during Mass on Sunday, 19th November at 10am in St. Patrick’s Church.

Remembrance Sunday

Next weekend we celebrate Remembrance Day an opportunity to remember and pray for all those who have died in conflict and in the cause of peace.

Memory Books

In St. Patrick’s Church next Sunday we will rededicate our “Memory Books” containing the names of our deceased parishioners since 1995 (the centenary of the church), which were removed during the pandemic.

A Light in the Darkness

A Diocesan Service of Remembrance for those who mourn the loss of a child, will take place on Sunday, 19th November, 2023 at 3pm in St Joseph’s Church, Gateshead.

Dying for Beginners by Dr Kathryn Mannix 

In modern British society, death is out of sight and behind closed doors. Many of us lack direct exposure to the dying process – with all sorts of potential emotional and spiritual consequences for how we grieve our loved ones, as well as how we prepare for our own deaths. What does the dying process actually look like? You may wish to view a short animation by Emily Downe, and voiced by Dr Kathryn Mannix which guides you gently on a step by step journey through the process of dying.

Annual Service of Light

You are invited to a Prayer Service at St Mary’s RC Church, Whickham, on Sunday 19th November at 3pm. This candle-lit Service is to remember all our loved ones who have died in the Gateshead area and will be led by Revd Paul Nichol from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Chaplaincy Team and staff from St Bede’s Hospice Unit. Light refreshments will be available in the Church Hall afterwards.


Our prayerful good wishes go to Adam who, supported by his family, friends and parish family, celebrated the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for the first time last weekend. We assure him and his family of our ongoing prayers.

Bishop Stephen

The Bishop wishes to thank everyone for their warm welcome last Tuesday, when he came to celebrate the Vigil Mass of the Feast of All Saints with us and for us in St. Alban’s Church.

School News from Mrs Robinson

It was lovely to join with St Alban’s parish for the Vigil Mass for All Saints. Bishop Stephen was so kind to the children and we look forward to inviting him into school at some point in the future. Next week, children will begin creating a remembrance tree, adding the names of loved ones who have died so that they can be included in our prayers during November.

Children’s’ Liturgy of the Word

We hope to offer an opportunity for a Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Youth Sunday, 26th November, in St. Patrick’s Church. More details later.

A Prayer for the Israeli and Palestinian People

Heavenly Father, we come to you as the source of all comfort asking that you send your Spirit to surround and uphold all those who are grieving, all those who are suffering, all those living in fear, and all those held in captivity. May the arms of comfort and compassion, overwhelm the arms of war. Amen.

Christmas shopping!!

World Gifts are Cafod’s range of virtual charity gifts that will delight the people you give them to and help transform the lives of families and communities living in poverty. To find out more pick up a leaflet from church this weekend or visit the Cafod website.

St. Patrick’s Church Heating

The heating engineers have made a successful repair to the heating system in St. Patrick’s Church at the cost of £1,350.00. It is now pleasantly warm!

Thank you.

Fr. Patterson is grateful for a donation of £40.00 recently received for St. Patrick’s parish funds . Thank you.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Covid Autumn Booster Vaccinations and Flu Vaccinations are now available

Everything you need to know may be found here Getting a COVID-19 vaccine

Parish newsletter

30th Sunday of the Year

The following celebrations will take place during the coming week.

  • Saturday: (28 Oct) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Sunday:  (29 Oct) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Father White
  • Tuesday: 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
  • Wednesday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Special Intention (P&R)
  • Thursday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: All our deceased loved ones
  • Saturday: (4 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Iris Richards
  • Sunday:  (5 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from  the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
  • all those whose memories we cherish at this time, especially Brian Quigley and Father White and
  • Joan Hopkins who has died

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for the celebration of Mass in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. It is a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who come to join us in worship. Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place. If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest.

The Feast of All Saints

Wednesday, 1st November is the Feast of All Saints. It is a Holyday on which we are all encouraged to come together to celebrate this great Feast of the Church. Bishop Stephen will celebrate a Vigil Mass in St. Alban’s Church on Tuesday at 6pm on Tuesday 31 October. Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church on Wednesday 1 November at 10am.

Clergy Training Fund (formerly the Priests’ Training Fund)

This weekend 28th/29th October there will be an opportunity, for those of you who wish, to contribute towards this fund.  Simply place your donation in an envelope marked “Clergy Training” and place it in one of the boxes at the doors of our churches. Those of you with boxes of envelopes should have an envelope in your box.

Vicariate Meeting

Bishop Stephen has invited the clergy of our Vicariate (South Tyneside, Gateshead and North West Durham), to meet with him this week  to  reflect on what life and ministry is like in our parishes, partnerships, deaneries and across each Episcopal area. It is an opportunity to begin to reflect on what this ministry may look like in the years to come. Please keep us all in your prayers.

A Prayer for the Israeli and Palestinian People

Heavenly Father, we come to you as the source of all comfort asking that you send your Spirit to surround and uphold all those who are grieving, all those who are suffering, all those living in fear, and all those held in captivity. May the arms of comfort and compassion, overwhelm the arms of war. Amen

The Sacrament of Confirmation

The final preparation meeting for our young people from St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Monday, 6th November in St. Patrick’s parish centre at 18.30. Parents and sponsors are also welcome. In order to proceed to Confirmation, it is necessary for prospective candidates to attend this session

Bishop Stephen will come to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation during Mass on Sunday, 19th November at 10am in St. Patrick’s Church.

Children’s’ Liturgy of the Word

We hope to offer an opportunity for a Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Youth Sunday, 26th November, in St. Patrick’s Church. More details later.

 The Douai Martyrs 

During the centuries when it was illegal to be Catholic in this country, priests were trained at the college in Douai in France. Many of them came back to England to serve the Catholic population and were martyred for the Catholic faith. Ushaw is the successor to the college at Douai, and despite the fact it is no longer a seminary, an annual Mass to commemorate the Douai Martyrs continues to be an important event in Ushaw’s calendar. The annual Mass to honour the Douai Martyrs will be celebrated on Friday 3rd November at 12.30 at Ushaw. All are welcome. Admission is free.

The Diocesan Justice and Peace Refugee Project…….

…….which supports people who are seeking asylum in our area, appeal for donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil, tins of tomatoes, chick peas, toiletries and shampoo. If you feel able to support this project, donations may be left on the tables at the entrance to our churches and at our school.

Joe’s Place

Joe’s Place is a project supported by the parishes of the John Ingram Partnership. It supports some of the many vulnerable people in the local area. It was founded in 2014 and takes place every Wednesday in the Parish Hall of St Joseph’s Church, Gateshead. Guests are served freshly prepared hot or cold food at their tables. Food is prepared in the kitchen using donated tinned and dried foods, together with fresh and frozen food purchased using donations from local schools, businesses, parishes, and individuals. If you wish to make a donation, please place it in the Charity Box in St. Alban’s Church – the proceeds of which for the next twelve months will go to Joe’s Place and a similar box will be found in St. Patricks Church.

Fr. Patterson is grateful for a generous donation recently received via St. Alban’s Church for Joe’s Place.

Returning your call

If you telephone the presbytery and there is no-one available to take your call, you may choose to leave a message. We will do all we can to return your call. However we are only able to do so if you leave your telephone number!!

For safeguarding reasons, we are unable to return anonymous calls, so please leave both your name and number for your call to be returned. For security reasons, the presbytery number is sometimes withheld for outgoing calls, so please bear this in mind if you are expecting us to return your call.

Thank you.

Fr. Patterson is grateful for a most generous donation recently received for St. Alban’s parish funds. Thank you.

Your offerings are our sole source of income

Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches.  Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.

For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984

For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453

Covid Autumn Booster Vaccinations and Flu Vaccinations are now available

Everything you need to know may be found here Getting a COVID-19 vaccine