Parish newsletter

Christ the King

Mass times and intentions

• Saturday (23rd Nov) 6pm Mass in St Alban’s: Frank Smith
• Sunday (24th Nov) 10am Mass in St Patrick’s: people of the Parishes
• Monday (25th Nov) 10am Word and Holy communion St Patrick’s
• Tuesday (26th Nov): No Service
• Wednesday (27th Nov): No Service
• Thursday (28th Nov) 10am Word and Holy communion St Patrick’s
• Friday (29th Nov): No Service
• Saturday (30th Nov) 6pm Mass in St Alban’s: people of the Parishes
• Sunday (1 Dec) 10am Mass in St Patrick’s: Maurice Brown

We keep in your prayers all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital at this time.

We pray for Catherine Taylor who died recently. Her body will be received in to St Patrick’s church on Sun 1st Dec at 5.00pm. A Requiem Mass will be celebrated for her on Monday 2nd Dec, 10.00am at St Patrick’s. May she rest in peace.

Congratulations and Welcome to Sophia Elizabeth Margaret Thompson who was Baptised at St Patrick’s last Sunday.

The Advent Café Its coming back by popular demand – for its 3rd Year – our Advent Café (aka St. Patrick’s Parish Centre) opening Wednesday, 4th Dec 2024 at 6pm offering a chance to explore the themes of Advent -through the Annunciation, the Visitation, and The Birth! – while praying, chatting and drinking coffee and eating cake!!! The aim is to discover ways in which we, as a Christian, Catholic family can actually make Advent ’themes’ reality for someone, somewhere this Christmas. Everyone is welcome and admission is free in a warm environment. C=Catholic, Community, Cake, Conversation and Challenge, A= Action, Advent, F= Faith, E = Everyone.

There will be a Collection as you leave church today to support the work of the Diocesan Youth Ministry Trust.

This Weekend we Celebrate Youth Sunday. Our young people will help in a special way with our celebration on Sunday.

At our Masses this weekend we especially Welcome those children who have been enrolled to prepare for their First Holy Communion. During Mass the children will be presented with their books.

Thank you to those who supported the Afternoon Tea will held in the Parish Centre at St Patrick’s.

New Translation of the Lectionary: From next weekend the Bishop’s of England and Wales require all churches to use a new translation of the Scriptures during Mass. The new translation they have chosen is the English Standard Version. You may notice a few changes, but sadly it does mean that our Sunday Scripture Mass books no longer contain the translation which we will be using.

RCIA: The next RCIA Meeting for the John Ingram Partnership will take place this Tuesday 26th November, 6.30pm in the parish centre at St Patrick’s.

Supporting the Diocesan Justice & Peace Group
The Diocesan Justice and Peace Group are currently supporting 567 clients, most of whom have had their claims for asylum turned down and are, therefore, destitute. Some receive a weekly voucher of £45. Others receive a bag of groceries valued at £7. In October 537 food bags were supplied and 31 vouchers. Please support this project with your donations, as there were 59 new clients in October and there will probably be more this month. Thank you.

St Alban’s School News
Dear Parishioners,

You are welcome to come to Advent services of prayer in St Alban’s Church, led by the school children:

  • Friday 29th November, 2.45pm
  • Friday 6th December, 2.45pm
  • Friday 13th December, 2.45pm
  • Thursday 19th December, 9.30am

Please could Parish Prayer Sponsors pick up the prayer cards I left at either St Alban’s Church or St Patrick’s Church, so that you know who to pray for. Thank you.

Mrs M Robinson

Church Volunteer Census
If you volunteer in any way for the church or parish please don’t forget to complete the volunteer census form and return it to church.

Youth Sunday – A message from YMT
Today, we celebrate Youth Sunday, The Feast of Christ the King and the vital role young people play in our Church. Bishop Stephen has written a letter which highlights the inspiring contributions of our youth and the dedication of the Youth Ministry Trust (YMT). Please see the poster at the back of the church, showcasing the ways youth ministry has flourished this year, from the return of The Source gathering to successful summer festivals and the JPII and Faith in Action Awards. A special collection will
be taken today. Gift Aid envelopes are available for those who wish to contribute. Thank you.

News from Joe’s Place: We regularly need the following items. Potatoes- tinned or dried. Tinned meats or tuna. Dumpling mix. Crumble mix. Tinned fruit & veg. Custard. We are also grateful for used rucksacks or large bags. A volunteer writes: “On a very cold morning, the chicken dinner was much appreciated! The menu was chicken in gravy with stuffing, mashed potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and vegetables (63.served), scrambled eggs on toast (32 served) various toasties (94 served) and Apple crumble
and custard.(54 served). We gave out lots of hats, socks, scarves, gloves and other items of warm clothing and our clients are very grateful for these.