Parish newsletter

31st Sunday of the Year

Dear Parishioners

On Wednesday, we celebrate the Feast of All Souls,

It is a day when we are called to remember those who have died and to pray for their joyful reunion with their loving creator.

As well as remembering our own family members, friends and parishioners, we might also pray for names we will never know, voices we have never heard in lands we may never visit, yet they are all our brothers and sisters.

And so we pray to the Lord:

  • For victims of war, caught in conflicts we could not quell;
  • For those migrants who died seeking a haven where they hoped to find safety;
  • For victims of hunger, denied their share in the bounty you have given us;
  • For victims of Covid, AIDS, Malaria, Ebola and other infectious diseases who died before adequate care could reach them;
  • For refugees seeking asylum, who died in a land that was not their home;
  • For victims of emergencies and calamities, who died amid chaos and confusion,

Lord, you raised your Son from the dead that all may share in his joyful resurrection. In Jesus’ name grant to them eternal rest and perpetual light in your presence

May God bless us all. 

Fr Patterson

All are welcome

Everyone is welcome to join us for the celebration of Mass in St. Patrick’s and St. Alban’s churches. In recent times, it has been a joy to welcome people of other faiths or none who have come to join us in worship.

Currently, only baptised Catholic people are able to receive Holy Communion and we ask that when you approach the altar you extend your hands towards the minister who will place the sacred host in your hand which you should then consume immediately before returning to your place.

If you are not a Catholic or are indisposed to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come forward at the appropriate time and receive a blessing, indicating your desire by folding an arm across your chest.

 St Alban’s Anniversary

Wednesday, 9th November marks the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the current church of St Alban at Pelaw by Bishop Lindsay. 

In what are still uncertain times for us, Fr Patterson will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving in St Alban’s Church on Wednesday, 9th November at 6pm. You would be most welcome to be part of this act of Thanksgiving.

Mass Intentions

Fr Patterson will celebrate Mass for the following Intentions during the coming week. With the exception of Thursday and Friday all Masses and Services are open to everyone. Tuesday is the Feast of All Saints and Wednesday is the Feast of All Souls.

  • Monday:  11am in St. Patrick’s Church – Funeral Service for John Southern
  • Tuesday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church: The Feast of All Saints – Vin Dolan
  • Wednesday: 10 am in St. Patrick’s Church: The Feast of All Souls – All our deceased loved ones
  • Thursday:  NoMass         
  • Friday: (Private Mass) Elizabeth Curry
  • Saturday: 6pm in St. Alban’s Church – Andrew Sloan
  • Sunday: 10am in St. Patrick’s Church – For the Intentions of all our parishioners

Mass to view on line

Mass is live streamed from our Cathedral on a Sunday. Visit the Cathedral website.

Alternatively, you may like to follow Mass from the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.

When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act of spiritual communion:-

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

Please keep in your prayers:

  • all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital.
  • all those near and dear to us whose memories we cherish at this time especially Vin Dolan and,
  • John Southern who has died. “Receive Lord into tranquillity and peace the soul of your servant whom you have called from this life. May he be taken up into glory with your Son in whose great mystery of love we are all united. Amen

A Prayer for our nation

Almighty God, ruler of all the peoples of the earth, forgive our shortcomings as a nation, purify our hearts to see and love the truth, give wisdom to our leaders, steadfastness to our people and bring us at last
to your kingdom of peace whose foundations are mercy, justice, and goodwill; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for those who are ill or have Covid

Merciful God, we entrust to your tender care those who are ill or in pain, knowing that your everlasting arms are here to hold them safe. Comfort and heal them, and restore them to health and strength; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for those who care for the sick

Gracious God, give skill, sympathy and resilience to all who are caring for the sick, and your wisdom to those searching for cures to the world’s illnesses. Strengthen them with your Spirit, that through their work many will be restored to health; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

A Prayer for Ukraine

Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine and for the whole world. Amen

A Prayer for People facing uncertainty

God of the present moment who, in Jesus, stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart, bring hope and courage to all who wait or work in uncertainty, for your will is health and wholeness for all who believe in you. Amen

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermons

Each week Bishop Barron offers a Sunday sermon.

Clergy Training Fund

This weekend 29th/30th October there will be an opportunity for those of you who wish to make a contribution towards our Diocesan Clergy Training Fund . You may place your offering in a envelope in one of the collection boxes at the church doors. Please mark your envelope “Clergy Training Fund.” Alternatively, those of you with boxes of envelopes should find an envelope in your box.

Refreshments after Mass

Refreshments will be served this Sunday in St Patrick’s parish centre after Mass.

Mass in St. Alban’s Room in our school

After consulting with Mrs Robinson, Fr. Patterson will be celebrating Mass on Wednesday, 16th November in St. Alban’s Room in our school when parishioners will be able to join in prayer with some of our children. Details of how to gain access to the school for Mass will be announced shortly, as those attending must comply with the school’s safeguarding policy.

St. Patrick’s Parent Toddler Group

Fr. Patterson has been approached by the Trustees of St Patrick’s Parent Toddler Group and after discussion with them, it was agreed that it would not be possible for the group to reopen.

Prior to the lockdown, the group was struggling to provide the necessary level of volunteers to ensure the safe operation of the group and the number of children attending had also declined.

Fr. Patterson is grateful to those who established the group in 1996 and to those who have helped to run the group since then, providing a wonderful resource, not only for the parish, but for the local community too. Many of the toys amassed over the years have been gifted to local charities and to neighbouring groups.

Women’s Guild

Fr Patterson wishes to express his heartfelt thanks to Mary Laurie who has asked to step down as the organiser of the Women’s Guild after 66 years.

In recent times, the ageing process and health issues have meant that the membership of the group has declined considerably and after discussion with Mary, Fr Patterson has agreed that the Women’s Guild will be disbanded. The Guild and its members have, over the years, contributed so generously to the parish both socially and financially and Fr Patterson acknowledges his gratitude for all they have contributed to the parish and local community.

We hope, in the months ahead, to be able to explore opportunities for parishioners from both of our churches to gather together in St Patrick’s parish centre from time to time for a cup of tea and a chat—but we will need volunteers to facilitate this. If you would be interested to help us move forward in this regard, please email the parish office at

Supporting St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s with your offerings

These are difficult times for everyone as the cost of living and energy costs are starting to impact on us, our parishes included. Fr. Patterson wishes to express his gratitude for your generous weekly contributions to parish funds enabling us to pay our bills.

There are ways you can help at no further cost to yourself. If you are a UK taxpayer, our parishes can recover, through the UK government’s Gift Aid scheme, an extra 25p for every £1.00 you donate.  If you wish to support our parishes in this way, please email John, the parish gift aid organiser for both of our parishes at for the appropriate form.

Whether you are a tax payer or not, you can help to relieve the pressure on our “Counting Teams” and those who have to bank the monies, by making your weekly contribution by Standing order. The details below will enable you to do so.

St Alban’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 92010984

St Patrick’s HSBC bank account name: DHN Felling St Patrick, Sort code: 40-34-18, Account No: 52010453

Thank you

Fr Patterson wishes to express his thanks for a recent donation of £50.00 for St. Patrick’s parish funds.

Mass for our deceased clergy

Bishop Robert will celebrate a Mass for the deceased clergy of our Diocese on Thursday, 3rd November at 12.05 at St Mary’s Cathedral. You would be welcome to attend.

 Flame Congress 4th March, 2023

Flame 2023 will be the fifth Flame Congress and the first since the pandemic. The theme ‘Rise Up!’ reflects this hope – a time to stand up again, to find fresh strength, to help others to rise up, and to use the energy and gifts of young people in new ways.

Flame is for young people in Year 9 and above. Typically, there are large numbers of Year 10, Year 11, Sixth Form and University students.

Young people and responsible adult leaders who are DBS checked will be travelling in private carriages on 2 or possibly 3 consecutive scheduled trains stopping at Newcastle, Durham and Darlington. The cost is £40.00  per person whichincludes return rail travel, Wembley ticket and London travel card.

If you wish to know more, please contact Mary Hughes at

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, 2023

Are you interested in helping the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes next year? The organisers need nurses, healthcare assistants, doctors and volunteers to provide care for assisted pilgrims who travel on the pilgrimage. Previous helpers have found the pilgrimage to be a rewarding and spiritually uplifting week.

The pilgrimage plans to travel on Friday, 28th July, 2023. If you wish to find out more information, please email or visit

 Are you able to support the Diocesan Refugee Project?

 The organisers of this project express their renewed thanks for your ongoing support of their work.  The project supports over 400 asylum seekers and tries to provide them all with a bag of food. Those who are destitute also receive a supermarket voucher. Donations of sugar, biscuits, tinned fish in oil, tins of tomatoes and chick peas may be left on the table to your right as you enter the front of St Patrick’s Church or on any table if you enter by the rear door. A basket is also available in the porch at St Alban’s. They are particularly in need of toiletries and shampoo. Please note: baked beans and tinned meat are not required.

The Lindisfarne Gospels

The Gospels are currently on display at the Laing Art Gallery until 3rd December, 2022, on loan from the British Library. The Lindisfarne Gospels has long been acclaimed as the most spectacular manuscript to survive from Anglo-Saxon England. Created on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, the book represents the golden age of design and craftsmanship in Northumbria and has survived in almost perfect condition for over one thousand years.  The exhibition includes an immersive digital experience and includes a selection of early medieval treasures brought together from across the UK.  You can find out more by visiting  the Laing Art Gallery Website.

Cost of Living 

Connected voice offer information and support from a range of organisations for anyone who needs help with cost of living issue.

Safeguarding Administrator

The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle has a vacancy for a Safeguarding Administrator in the Department for Safeguarding based in the Diocesan Offices in Newcastle.  For more information visit the Diocesan website

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